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MOU number: 225-78-1002

Memorandum of Understanding

The United States Department of Agriculture
Science and Education Administration


The United States Department of Health, Education & Welfare
Food and Drug Administration


I. Purpose:

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to establish policies and administrative procedures to facilitate a continuing working relationship between the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA), Department of Health, Education & Welfare ( HEW), and the Science and Education Administration ( SEA), Department of Agriculture ( USDA), to develop and implement education programs that will assist livestock and poultry producers to apply technical information pertaining to the proper use of animal drugs in their management practices.

II. Background and Authorities:

FDA is charged with the enforcement of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended (2) U.S.C. 301 et seg.). In fulfilling its responsibilities under the Act, FDA, among other things, directs its activities toward the protection of the public health by ensuring that food for humans derived from animals is safe and wholesome and by enforcing regulations governing the use of drugs in animals and by assuring that animal feed is in compliance with the act.

SEA engages in extension work pursuant to the Smith-Lever Act, as amended ( 7.U.S.C. 341-349), to aid in diffusing among the people of the United State useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture and home economics.

SEA serves as the education are on USDA and is responsible for carrying out education programs in cooperation with State Cooperative Extension Services and the 1890- Land-Grant Colleges, including Tuskegee Institute, which conducted these programs in all rural and many urban communities throughout the United States. In these programs, emphasis is placed on work with farmers and ranchers, as well as with other clientele groups.

Many programs conducted by FDA and SEA include the dissemination of useful and practical information of mutual interest to both agencies. Accordingly cooperation and coordinated efforts in conduct of such programs will be mutually beneficial and will duplicative efforts.

III. Responsibilities of Agencies:
A. FDA will:

1. Provide SEA with the opportunity to participate in the design, development, and conduct of selected education programs and materials of mutual interest relative to safe and effective use of animal drugs and medicated animal feeds;

2. Provide, upon request, disclosable, technical information on animal drugs and related SEA matters;

3. Provide SEA available information on animal drugs and related materials to SEA for use in USDA and with the State cooperative Extension Services and the 1890 Land-Grant Colleges, including the Tuskegee Institute; and

4. Keep SEA informed of the status of FDA programs related to animal drug use regulation.

B. SEA will:

1. Cooperate and coordinate with the FDA in the design, development, and conduct of selected educational programs and materials aimed at encouraging the safe and effective use of animal drugs in food-animal agriculture.

2. Provide channels of communication and distribution to the State Cooperative Extension Services and the 1890 Land-Grant Colleges, including Tuskegee Institute, for information relating to such education programs that may be used on a national, regional, state, or local basis;

3. Encourage effective coordination between state agriculture agencies and SEA and FDA programs; and

4. Provide information fromand-Grant Colleges, including Tuskegee Institute, to FDA on anima State Cooperative Extension Services and the 1890 Ll drug use problems, and assist FDA in evaluating the cooperative education programs or in developing new educational programs of mutual interest.

C. It is mutually agreed that:

1. This MOU, when accepted by both parties, shall continue indefinitely and may be modified by mutual consent of both parties in writing or terminated by either party with 90-days advance written notice.

2. This MOU is not financial document and does not obligate or require the obligation of funds.

Approved and Accepted
for the Science and Education Administration

Signed by: James Nelson
Acting Director
Science and Education Administration

Date: May 11, 1978

Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration

Signed by: Joseph Hile
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs
Food and Drug Administration

Date: May 25, 1978

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