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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3

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About SAMHSA News

SAMHSA News is the national newsletter of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Published six times a year (bimonthly) by SAMHSA's Office of Communications, SAMHSA News keeps you informed about the latest substance abuse and mental health treatment and prevention practices, recent statistics on mental health and addictive disorders, related Federal policies, and available resources.

We appreciate your suggestions, comments, and feedback! Please send your suggestions to:

Editor, SAMHSA News
Deborah Goodman
Phone: (240) 276-2130
Fax: (240) 276-2135

SAMHSA News Team at IQ Solutions, Inc., Rockville, MD:
Managing Editor, Meredith Hogan Pond
Associate Editor, Leslie Quander Wooldridge
Senior Publication Designer, A. Martín Castillo
Publications Manager, Mike Huddleston
Web Designer, Catherine A. Godfrey

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Reprints: All articles are free of copyright and may be reprinted. We ask that you give proper credit to SAMHSA News, including the newsletter's volume and number. Please send a copy of the reprint to: Editor, SAMHSA News, Room 8-1037, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857.

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More information about the Agency is available at

Biographies of SAMHSA Administrator Terry L. Cline, Ph.D., and SAMHSA Directors are available at

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Inside This Issue
Expanding HIV Assistance:
Outreach, Testing for
At-Risk Individuals
Part 1
Part 2
Resources on HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS Consumer Guide

From the Administrator: On Capitol Hill

Grants: Manual Clarifies Application Process

Children's Mental Health

Virginia Tech Tragedy: Coping with Trauma

Psychological First Aid

Veterans, Families: New Resources

Around the World Treatnet: Improving Treatment Around the Globe

Expanding Treatment in Central America

Treating Alcohol Dependence: Advisory

Recovery Month: Toolkit, PSAs Help Planning Efforts

PRISM Awards in Spotlight

Depression: Reports Offer Statistics

Mental Health Report Available

TAP 21A: Competencies for Clinical Supervisors

HBCU Conference Highlights Workforce

Homelessness Web Site Launched

STD Rates: Alcohol, Drug Use Linked

Staff in the News:
Dr. Kenneth S. Thompson


About SAMHSA News

Subscribe to SAMHSA News

SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3