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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3

Veterans, Families: New Resources

SAMHSA recently introduced a new Web page to highlight available resources for veterans and their families.

The new page——provides needed information on prevention, treatment, and recovery support for mental and substance use disorders.

photo of vet holding his infant sonVeterans and their families face many challenges both before and after service members are deployed. Post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse, and suicide are just a few of them. Veterans also may carry memories of trauma, injury, and mental health issues.

“Establishing mental health and substance abuse resources for veterans is a priority for SAMHSA,” said SAMHSA Administrator Terry L. Cline, Ph.D. “We have a moral obligation to marshal resources to address the challenges that our service members and their families are facing. This new Web page will help us in our continued efforts to reach out and provide them with support.”

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Special Features

The new Web page features links to related brochures that describe mental health and substance abuse issues and offer guidance on finding help. It also provides links to relevant agencies, SAMHSA Web cast and conference materials, and statistical reports on veterans’ issues.

Features include a self-help guide for dealing with the effects of trauma, advice for parents who are helping their children cope with fear and anxiety, and information on SAMHSA’s National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 (800) 273-TALK.

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Continued Outreach

The Agency recently convened a meeting with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Defense, and various national veterans service organizations.

The points raised during this meeting will help SAMHSA to develop guidance materials for states, local communities, and providers to ensure a coordinated, national approach to providing mental health and substance use services.

To access the new SAMHSA Web page, Resources for Returning Veterans and Their Families, visit For more on veterans' mental health and substance abuse issues, read a series of articles featured in SAMHSA News, May/June 2006End of Article

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Inside This Issue
Expanding HIV Assistance:
Outreach, Testing for
At-Risk Individuals
Part 1
Part 2
Resources on HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS Consumer Guide

From the Administrator: On Capitol Hill

Grants: Manual Clarifies Application Process

Children's Mental Health

Virginia Tech Tragedy: Coping with Trauma

Psychological First Aid

Veterans, Families: New Resources

Around the World Treatnet: Improving Treatment Around the Globe

Expanding Treatment in Central America

Treating Alcohol Dependence: Advisory

Recovery Month: Toolkit, PSAs Help Planning Efforts

PRISM Awards in Spotlight

Depression: Reports Offer Statistics

Mental Health Report Available

TAP 21A: Competencies for Clinical Supervisors

HBCU Conference Highlights Workforce

Homelessness Web Site Launched

STD Rates: Alcohol, Drug Use Linked

Staff in the News:
Dr. Kenneth S. Thompson


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SAMHSA News - May/June 2007, Volume 15, Number 3