Comment Number: 529477-00008
Received: 5/17/2007 10:35:58 PM
Commenter: Jenny Young Seidemann
State: OR
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Food Industry Marketing Practices to Children and Adolescents
No Attachments


May 17, 2007 Federal Trade Commission Office of the Secretary Room H-135 (Annex J) 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20580 Office of Management and Budget Re: Food Industry Marketing to Children Report: Paperwork Comment; FTC File No. P064504 Dear FTC Commissioners: I write as a mother of two small children and a health-care professional to support and encourage the Federal Trade Commission to move forward with its request for information from 44 major food and beverage companies and quick service restaurants about their marketing practices and expenditures directed to children and adolescents. The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) extensive study, Food Marketing to Children and Adolescents: Threat or Opportunity?, found that marketing of foods and beverages has an impact on children’s food preferences, requests and consumption habits. While these conclusions are strong, there is still much we don’t know about how companies are targeting children and adolescents with food and beverage marketing. Because of the impact food marketing has on children’s health we need to know the full nature and extent of the means and mechanisms being used to target our children. Thank you for taking this action. In Wellness, Jenny Young Seidemann Roseburg, OR 97470