USGS - science for a changing world

Biology - Contaminant Biology Program

Western Ecological Research Center (WERC)

3020 State University Drive East 
Modoc Hall, Room 3006
Sacramento, CA 95819
Phone: 916-278-9485
Fax: 916-278-9475

Samples of contaminant-related research at WERC:

Contaminated Habitats: Hazardous Waste Sites

Contaminated Habitats: Mining, Metals, Mercury, and Energy Development

Integration of Ecological Stressors: Multistressor Research

Integration of Ecological Stressors: Monitoring

  • Baseline emergent contaminant monitoring of Crissy Field Tidal Marsh prior to use of treated wastewater for irrigation. Visit Crissy Field project page on the National Park Service Web site to learn about interdisciplinary multi-agency restoration and monitoring efforts in the area of former waste dump. Biologists from WERC collaborate with colleagues from Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)on determining the presence and potential estrogenic activity of chemicals sequestered by POCI.

For Resource Managers

Go to the WERC Web site

WERC home page

In the Spotlight


Mercury concentrations in the blood of breeding waterbirds approached and surpassed toxic threshold levels in the South San Francisco Bay, especially for fish-eating terns. Bird samples were analyzed for mercury at the USGS Davis Field Station Mercury Lab. Dr. Josh Ackerman of WERC's Davis Field Station and Dr. Collin Eagles-Smith of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service present their research on mercury contamination in waterbirds breeding in San Francisco Bay in an article, published in Tideline, a newsletter of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Download the article. (799.12 KB, PDF)





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