Metrics have been established to help agencies accomplish the standard for the three systems that implement strategic human capital plans and programs (i.e., Leadership and Knowledge Management, Results-Oriented Performance Culture, and Talent Management). These three systems have both required and suggested metrics.
The metrics were developed through rigorous criteria. To be incorporated in the HCAAF, a metric had to meet specific criteria. The metrics described in this guidance were carefully chosen to maintain their usefulness over time. In addition, many other human capital metrics exist that agencies may find they want to implement. Consequently, agencies are encouraged to augment these governmentwide metrics with other activity and outcome metrics relevant to their human capital objectives. Select this link to view the required metrics for the Leadership and Knowledge Management System. [28 KB] Select this link to view the required metrics for the Results-Oriented Performance Culture System. [24 KB] Select this link to view the required metrics for the Talent Management System. Select this link to view the Federal Human Capital Survey indices. Refer to each specific system's section for the suggested metrics.