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16-20. Newborn bloodspot screening

Breastfeeding, Newborn Screening, and Service Systems

16-20. (Developmental) Ensure appropriate newborn bloodspot screening, followup testing, and referral to services.
16-20a. Ensure that all newborns are screened at birth for conditions mandated by their State-sponsored newborn screening programs, for example, phenylketonuria and hemoglobinopathies.

16-20b. Ensure that followup diagnostic testing for screening positives is performed within an appropriate time period.

16-20c. Ensure that infants with diagnosed disorders are enrolled in appropriate service interventions within an appropriate time period.

Potential data source: Title V Performance Measures, HRSA, MCHB, National Newborn Screening and Genetic Resource Center.
OBJECTIVE WITH REVISIONS (Including Subobjective Proposed for Deletion)
16-20. (Developmental) Ensure appropriate newborn bloodspot screening, and followup testing, and referral to services.
16-20a. Ensure that all newborns are screened at birth for conditions mandated by their State-sponsored newborn screening programs, for example, phenylketonuria and hemoglobinopathies by matching the number screened by the State to birth certificate information.

16-20b. Ensure that followup diagnostic testing for screened positives is performed within an appropriate time period by monitoring the period from time of birth to initial diagnosiswithin an appropriate time period.

16-20c. (Subobjective proposed for deletion due to lack of data source) Ensure that infants with diagnosed disorders are enrolled in appropriate service interventions within an appropriate time period. 

Read information regarding the deletion of an objective due to lack of data source.

Potential data source: Title V Performance Measures, HRSA, MCHB, NNSGRC.
16-20. (Developmental) Ensure appropriate newborn bloodspot screening and followup testing.
16-20a. Ensure that all newborns are screened at birth for conditions mandated by their State-sponsored newborn screening programs by matching the number screened by the State to birth certificate information.

16-20b. Ensure the followup testing for screened positives is performed within an appropriate time period by monitoring the period from time of birth to initial diagnosis.

Potential data source: Title V Performance Measures, HRSA, MCHB, NNSGRC.

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