Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF412.1 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF412.2 Basis of payment.
TEXT PDF412.4 Discharges and transfers.
TEXT PDF412.6 Cost reporting periods subject to the prospective payment systems.
TEXT PDF412.8 Publication of schedules for determining prospective payment rates.
TEXT PDF412.10 Changes in the DRG classification system.
TEXT PDF412.20 Hospital services subject to the prospective payment systems.
TEXT PDF412.22 Excluded hospitals and hospital units: General rules.
TEXT PDF412.23 Excluded hospitals: Classifications.
TEXT PDF412.25 Excluded hospital units: Common requirements.
TEXT PDF412.27 Excluded psychiatric units: Additional requirements.
TEXT PDF412.29 Excluded rehabilitation units: Additional requirements.
TEXT PDF412.30 Exclusion of new rehabilitation units and expansion of units already excluded.
TEXT PDF412.40 General requirements.
TEXT PDF412.42 Limitations on charges to beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF412.44 Medical review requirements: Admissions and quality review.
TEXT PDF412.46 Medical review requirements: Physician acknowledgement.
TEXT PDF412.48 Denial of payment as a result of admissions and quality review.
TEXT PDF412.50 Furnishing of inpatient hospital services directly or under arrangements.
TEXT PDF412.52 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF412.60 DRG classification and weighting factors.
TEXT PDF412.62 Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for fiscal year 1984.
TEXT PDF412.63 Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for Federal fiscal years 1984 through 2004.
TEXT PDF412.64 Federal rates for inpatient operating costs for Federal fiscal year 2005 and subsequent fiscal years.
TEXT PDF412.70 General description.
TEXT PDF412.71 Determination of base-year inpatient operating costs.
TEXT PDF412.72 Modification of base-year costs.
TEXT PDF412.73 Determination of the hospital-specific rate based on a Federal fiscal year 1982 base period.
TEXT PDF412.75 Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs based on a Federal fiscal year 1987 base period.
TEXT PDF412.77 Determination of the hospital-specific rate for inpatient operating costs for sole community hospitals based on a Federal fiscal year 1996 base period.
TEXT PDF412.78 Recovery of excess transition period payment amounts resulting from unlawful claims.
TEXT PDF412.80 Outlier cases: General provisions.
TEXT PDF412.82 Payment for extended length-of-stay cases (day outliers).
TEXT PDF412.84 Payment for extraordinarily high-cost cases (cost outliers).
TEXT PDF412.86 Payment for extraordinarily high-cost day outliers.
TEXT PDF412.87 Additional payment for new medical services and technologies: General provisions.
TEXT PDF412.88 Additional payment for new medical service or technology.
TEXT PDF412.90 General rules.
TEXT PDF412.92 Special treatment: Sole community hospitals.
TEXT PDF412.96 Special treatment: Referral centers.
TEXT PDF412.100 Special treatment: Renal transplantation centers.
TEXT PDF412.101 Special treatment: Inpatient hospital payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals.
TEXT PDF412.102 Special treatment: Hospitals located in areas that are reclassified from urban to rural as a result of a geographic redesignation.
TEXT PDF412.103 Special treatment: Hospitals located in urban areas and that apply for reclassification as rural.
TEXT PDF412.104 Special treatment: Hospitals with high percentage of ESRD discharges.
TEXT PDF412.105 Special treatment: Hospitals that incur indirect costs for graduate medical education programs.
TEXT PDF412.106 Special treatment: Hospitals that serve a disproportionate share of low-income patients.
TEXT PDF412.107 Special treatment: Hospitals that receive an additional update for FYs 1998 and 1999.
TEXT PDF412.108 Special treatment: Medicare-dependent, small rural hospitals.
TEXT PDF412.109 Special treatment: Essential access community hospitals (EACHs).
TEXT PDF412.110 Total Medicare payment.
TEXT PDF412.112 Payments determined on a per case basis.
TEXT PDF412.113 Other payments.
TEXT PDF412.115 Additional payments.
TEXT PDF412.116 Method of payment.
TEXT PDF412.120 Reductions to total payments.
TEXT PDF412.125 Effect of change of ownership on payments under the prospective payment systems.
TEXT PDF412.130 Retroactive adjustments for incorrectly excluded hospitals and units.
TEXT PDF412.200 General provisions.
TEXT PDF412.204 Payment to hospitals located in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF412.208 Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal year 1988.
TEXT PDF412.210 Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal years 1989 through 2003.
TEXT PDF412.211 Puerto Rico rates for Federal fiscal year 2004 and subsequent fiscal years.
TEXT PDF412.212 National rate.
TEXT PDF412.220 Special treatment of certain hospitals located in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF412.230 Criteria for an individual hospital seeking redesignation to another rural area or an urban area.
TEXT PDF412.232 Criteria for all hospitals in a rural county seeking urban redesignation.
TEXT PDF412.234 Criteria for all hospitals in an urban county seeking redesignation to another urban area.
TEXT PDF412.235 Criteria for all hospitals in a State seeking a statewide wage index redesignation.
TEXT PDF412.246 MGCRB members.
TEXT PDF412.248 Number of members needed for a decision or a hearing.
TEXT PDF412.250 Sources of MGCRB's authority.
TEXT PDF412.252 Applications.
TEXT PDF412.254 Proceedings before MGCRB.
TEXT PDF412.256 Application requirements.
TEXT PDF412.258 Parties to MGCRB proceeding.
TEXT PDF412.260 Time and place of the oral hearing.
TEXT PDF412.262 Disqualification of an MGCRB member.
TEXT PDF412.264 Evidence and comments in MGCRB proceeding.
TEXT PDF412.266 Availability of wage data.
TEXT PDF412.268 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF412.270 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF412.272 Record of proceedings before the MGCRB.
TEXT PDF412.273 Withdrawing an application, terminating an approved 3-year reclassification, or canceling a previous withdrawal or termination.
TEXT PDF412.274 Scope and effect of an MGCRB decision.
TEXT PDF412.276 Timing of MGCRB decision and its appeal.
TEXT PDF412.278 Administrator's review.
TEXT PDF412.280 Representation.
TEXT PDF412.300 Scope of subpart and definition.
TEXT PDF412.302 Introduction to capital costs.
TEXT PDF412.304 Implementation of the capital prospective payment system.
TEXT PDF412.308 Determining and updating the Federal rate.
TEXT PDF412.312 Payment based on the Federal rate.
TEXT PDF412.316 Geographic adjustment factors.
TEXT PDF412.320 Disproportionate share adjustment factor.
TEXT PDF412.322 Indirect medical education adjustment factor.
TEXT PDF412.324 General description.
TEXT PDF412.328 Determining and updating the hospital-specific rate.
TEXT PDF412.331 Determining hospital-specific rates in cases of hospital merger, consolidation, or dissolution.
TEXT PDF412.332 Payment based on the hospital-specific rate.
TEXT PDF412.336 Transition period payment methodologies.
TEXT PDF412.340 Fully prospective payment methodology.
TEXT PDF412.344 Hold-harmless payment methodology.
TEXT PDF412.348 Exception payments.
TEXT PDF412.352 Budget neutrality adjustment.
TEXT PDF412.370 General provisions for hospitals located in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF412.374 Payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico.
TEXT PDF412.400 Basis and scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF412.402 Definitions.
TEXT PDF412.404 Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for inpatient hospital services of psychiatric facilities.
TEXT PDF412.422 Basis of payment.
TEXT PDF412.424 Methodology for calculating the Federal per diem payment amount.
TEXT PDF412.426 Transition period.
TEXT PDF412.428 Publication of Updates to the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system.
TEXT PDF412.432 Method of payment under the inpatient psychiatric facility prospective payment system.
TEXT PDF412.500 Basis and scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF412.503 Definitions.
TEXT PDF412.505 Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for long-term care hospitals.
TEXT PDF412.507 Limitation on charges to beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF412.508 Medical review requirements.
TEXT PDF412.509 Furnishing of inpatient hospital services directly or under arrangement.
TEXT PDF412.511 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF412.513 Patient classification system.
TEXT PDF412.515 LTC-DRG weighting factors.
TEXT PDF412.517 Revision of LTC-DRG group classifications and weighting factors.
TEXT PDF412.521 Basis of payment.
TEXT PDF412.523 Methodology for calculating the Federal prospective payment rates.
TEXT PDF412.525 Adjustments to the Federal prospective payment.
TEXT PDF412.529 Special payment provision for short-stay outliers.
TEXT PDF412.531 Special payment provisions when an interruption of a stay occurs in a long-term care hospital.
TEXT PDF412.532 Special payment provisions for patients who are transferred to onsite providers and readmitted to a long-term care hospital.
TEXT PDF412.533 Transition payments.
TEXT PDF412.534 Special payment provisions for long-term care hospitals within hospitals and satellites of long-term care hospitals.
TEXT PDF412.535 Publication of the Federal prospective payment rates.
TEXT PDF412.541 Method of payment under the long-term care hospital prospective payment system.
TEXT PDF412.600 Basis and scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF412.602 Definitions.
TEXT PDF412.604 Conditions for payment under the prospective payment system for inpatient rehabilitation facilities.
TEXT PDF412.606 Patient assessments.
TEXT PDF412.608 Patients' rights regarding the collection of patient assessment data.
TEXT PDF412.610 Assessment schedule.
TEXT PDF412.612 Coordination of the collection of patient assessment data.
TEXT PDF412.614 Transmission of patient assessment data.
TEXT PDF412.616 Release of information collected using the patient assessment instrument.
TEXT PDF412.618 Assessment process for interrupted stays.
TEXT PDF412.620 Patient classification system.
TEXT PDF412.622 Basis of payment.
TEXT PDF412.624 Methodology for calculating the Federal prospective payment rates.
TEXT PDF412.626 Transition period.
TEXT PDF412.628 Publication of the Federal prospective payment rates.
TEXT PDF412.630 Limitation on review.
TEXT PDF412.632 Method of payment under the inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system.
