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Building Assessment Survey and Evaluation (BASE) Study

How to Obtain the BASE Data on CD-ROM


What is the BASE Raw Dataset?

Data collected in the field as part of the BASE study are coded for confidentiality and stored as a collection of data files or spreadsheets, available in both SAS® (registered trademark of SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) and dBASE® database files (DBF).  The BASE dataset is available on CD-ROM and consists of three distinct modules, folders, and data files. One folder contains the environmental monitoring data; another contains the occupant questionnaire responses; and the third contains the building characteristics, and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) characterization and measurement data. The dataset is graphically represented in the table below.

BASE Dataset Modules
Environmental Monitoring (MTR) Occupant Questionnaire (QSN) Building Survey (SVY)
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Sound and light levels
  • Particles
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Aldehydes
  • Biological contaminants
  • Radon
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Smoking status
  • Job characteristics and stressors
  • Indoor work environment
  • Occupant symptoms
  • Occupant comfort
  • Building physical characteristics
  • Ambient and indoor pollutant sources
  • Air handlers serving test space
  • Exhaust fans serving test space
  • Building operations and maintenance

Who Are the Most Likely Users of the BASE Raw Dataset?

The BASE raw dataset will be most useful for researchers, scientists, building professionals, public health officials and policy makers working on indoor environments. Using it will require familiarity in working with a complex dataset characterizing public and commercial office buildings in the U.S. with respect to IAQ and occupant perceptions. The dataset allows examination of possible relationships among building and HVAC features, pollutant concentrations, and occupant symptoms and perceptions. In addition, the data allow for hypotheses development regarding these relationships.

How Can I Obtain the BASE Raw Data?

To obtain the BASE data on CD-ROM, please read and sign the Notification Prior to Use Data Form (PDF, 2 pp, 19KB About PDF).  You can fax or mail the completed form to:

Indoor Environments Division
BASE Workgroup
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW MC (MC 6609J)
Washington, DC 20460
Phone:  (202) 343-9370
FAX: (202) 343-2393

Please review your form before you submit it as incomplete forms will delay processing.  Please forward all comments and questions concerning the BASE study to the BASE Workgroup BASEworkgroup@epa.gov

The data have undergone documented quality assurance procedures and all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the validity of the data.  However, it is expected that anomalies may be discovered as further analysis is made.   Therefore, EPA plans to maintain a list of all requesters of these data in order to track how data are being used and to be able to provide updates and information on any major anomalies identified.

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