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25.   Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Goal: Promote responsible sexual behaviors, strengthen community capacity, and increase access to quality services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their complications.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Bacterial STD Illness and Disability
25-3Primary and secondary syphilis
Viral STD Illness and Disability
25-4Genital herpes
25-5*Human papillomavirus infection
STD Complications Affecting Females
25-6Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
25-7Fertility problems
25-8*Heterosexually transmitted HIV infection in women
STD Complications Affecting the Fetus and Newborn
25-9Congenital syphilis
25-10*Neonatal STDs
Personal Behaviors
25-11*Responsible adolescent sexual behavior
25-12*Responsible sexual behavior messages on television
Community Protection Infrastructure
25-13Hepatitis B vaccine services in STD clinics
25-14*Screening in youth detention facilities and jails
25-15*Contracts to treat nonplan partners of STD patients
Personal Health Services
25-16*Annual screening for genital chlamydia
25-17*Screening of pregnant women
25-18*Compliance with recognized STD treatment standards
25-19*Provider referral services for sex partners

Display all objectives in Focus Area 25.

Read Healthy People focus area 25 Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Healthy People 2010.

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