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14.   Immunization and Infectious Diseases

Goal: Prevent disease, disability, and death from infectious diseases, including vaccine-preventable diseases.

Objective numbers in bold with an asterisk (*) indicate the objectives with proposed change(s).

Objective Number Objective Short Title
Diseases Preventable Through Universal Vaccination
14-1Vaccine-preventable diseases
14-2Hepatitis B in infants and young children
14-3Hepatitis B in adults and high-risk groups
14-4Bacterial meningitis in young children
14-5Invasive pneumococcal infections
Diseases Preventable Through Targeted Vaccination
14-6Hepatitis A
14-7Meningococcal disease
14-8Lyme disease
Infectious Diseases and Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance
14-9Hepatitis C
14-10*Identification of persons with chronic hepatitis C
14-12Curative therapy for tuberculosis
14-13*Treatment for high-risk persons with latent tuberculosis infection
14-14Timely laboratory confirmation of tuberculosis cases
14-15*Prevention services for international travelers
14-16Invasive early onset group B streptococcal disease
14-17Peptic ulcer hospitalizations
14-18Antibiotics prescribed for ear infections
14-19Antibiotics prescribed for common cold
14-20*Hospital-acquired infections
14-21*Antimicrobial use in intensive care units
Vaccination Coverage and Strategies
14-22*Universally recommended vaccination of children aged 19 to 35 months
14-23*Vaccination coverage for children in day care, kindergarten, and first grade
14-24Fully immunized young children and adolescents
14-25*Providers who measure childhood vaccination coverage levels
14-26Children participating in population-based immunization registries
14-27Vaccination coverage among adolescents
14-28Hepatitis B vaccination among high-risk groups
14-29*Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination of high-risk adults
Vaccine Safety
14-30Adverse events from vaccinations
14-31*Active surveillance for vaccine safety

Display all objectives in Focus Area 14.

Read Healthy People focus area 14 Immunization and Infectious Diseases in Healthy People 2010.

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