NARCU Logo National Associations of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Lines
NARUC is an association representing the State public service commissioners who regulate essential utility services, such as electricity, gas, telecommunications, water, and transportation, throughout the country. As regulators, our members are charged with protecting the public and ensuring that rates charged by regulated utilities are fair, just, and reasonable.

Summer Committee Meetings

NARUC's Summer Meetings are always a place where important regulatory policy is set, and 2009 will be no exception. Make plans to attend, and make sure you don’t miss out! For more information! click here

Request for Papers for the 2009 NARUC/NCEP Climate Conference

Utilities of the Future: Implications of a Carbon Constrained World
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) and the National Council on Electricity Policy (NCEP) are soliciting papers for presentation at a conference entitled "Utilities of the Future: Implications of a Carbon Constrained World."

Learn more, click here

The Smart Grid: An Annotated Bibliography of Essential Resources for State Commissions

For those with a greater depth of interest in Smart Grid, NARUC developed an annotated bibliography of essential resources on smart grid that can lead you toward greater detail on specific topics like smart grid design, cost recovery, the relationship to rate design, cybersecurity, and opportunities for integrating supply- and end-user-side applications.    Click here for the Bibliography

The Smart Grid: Frequently Asked Questions for State Commissions

Smart grid's have become a pretty hot topic lately, and a concept that everyone seems able to endorse as long as the definition is broad enough. Given the large amount of interest that the stimulus funding will put on regulatory approval of smart grid investments, NARUC developed a quick 5-page "frequently asked questions" (FAQ) on smart grid that looks at what it is, what it does, how Commissions can begin to evaluate the costs and benefits, and what opportunities and concerns exist.    Click here for the FAQ


from the 2009 Winter Meetings

Resolutions, here
Presentations, here
More Information, here

from the 2008 Annual Convention

Resolutions, here
Presentations, here
More Information, here


NARUC's own research institute

The Latest From Us

» NARUC Applauds Improvements to Senate Transmission Legislation and Urges Committee Leadership to Further Consider Additional Improvements during Tomorrow's Mark-Up   read more...

» Latest Transmission Draft a 'Positive' Development: NARUC  

» State Regulators Commend Clyburn Nomination to FCC  

» Morgan: PUCs Can Ensure Consumers Benefit from Free Allowances   read more...

» States Seek Partnership with NTIA, RUS over Stimulus Funds   read more...

» State, Federal Regulators Offer Criteria for DOE Smart Grid Stimulus Funding   read more...

Upcoming Events

» Practical Skills for the Changing Electric, Natural Gas, Telecommunication, and Water industries: The BASICS   read more...

» 30th Annual Western Utility Rate School  

» Advanced Methods in Regulatory Pricing and Industry Analysis   read more...

» 32nd Annual National Conference of Regulatory Attorneys (NCRA)   read more...

» Western Conference  

» 26th PURC/World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy   read more...