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EPA Region 9 - The Pacific Southwest

Mailing Address:

U.S. EPA, Region 9
Mail Code (Air-6)
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

AZ | CA | HI | NV

Regional Contacts:

Radon, Indoor Air and IAQ Tools for Schools: Shelly Rosenblum  rosenblum.shelly@epa.gov  (415) 947-4193
Indoor Air: 
Barbara Spark  spark.barbara@epa.gov (415) 947-4189
Backup for all above:  Monique Nivolon  nivolon.monique@epa.gov  (415) 947-4195 Fax: (415) 947-3583
Tribal Coordinator:  Clancy Tenley  tenley.clancy@epa.gov  (415) 972-3785

Featured Link

Note: Please direct any questions regarding the information on this page to the IED Webmaster.

www.az.gov/webapp/portal/ exiting epa

Arizona Dept. of Health Services
www.azdhs.gov/ exiting epa
[see full list of Health and Human Services - Family, Health, Safety exiting epa]
150 N. 18th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ  85007
Phone: (602) 542-1001
Fax: (602) 542-0883

TOPICS:  Radon  |  Indoor Air Quality  |  Schools  |  Asthma  |  Smoke-free Homes/Environmental Tobacco Smoke  |  Mold  |  Related Links

Radon Program: 

Radiation Regulatory Agency
www.arra.state.az.us/ exiting epa
4814 S. 40th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Phone: (602) 255-4845 x244
Fax: (602) 437-0705 (fax)
E-Mail Address for questions - radon@arra.state.az.us

Radon Contacts: John Stewart/Gary Freeland
Radon Information Page: www.arra.state.az.us/RadonWeb/ exiting epa
State Indoor Radon Grant Program - www.arra.state.az.us/Radon.htm exiting epa

EPA's National Radon Action Month Events for Arizona
EPA's Map of Radon Zones for Arizona

Indoor Air Quality Program:

Office of Environmental Health
www.azdhs.gov/phs/oeh/index.htm exiting epa
Indoor Air Quality Program
www.azdhs.gov/phs/oeh/invsurv/air_qual/ exiting epa
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 430
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 364-3118
(602) 364-3146 Fax
E-Mail for Questions:  herrind@azdhs.gov

IAQ Contact: Don Herrington (602) 364-3142

Schools/Children's Environmental Health:

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 771-2300 or, toll free, at (800) 234-5677

Children's Environmental Health:  www.azdeq.gov/function/about/ceh.html exiting epa
Environmental Risks to Children's Health - www.azdeq.gov/function/about/risks.html exiting epa

EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools Awards Program page for Arizona

Asthma Control Program:

Office of Chronic Disease Prevention and Nutrition Services
Asthma Control Program - www.azdhs.gov/phs/oncdps/asthma/ exiting epa
150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-1886
(602) 542-1890 (Fax)
Program Contact: ophpwebmaster@hs.state.az.us

Arizona Asthma Coalition - www.azasthma.org/ exiting epa
American Lung Association of Arizona - www.lungarizona.org/ exiting epa

EPA's Asthma Awareness Month Events for Arizona

Secondhand Smoke/Smoke-free Homes:

Secondhand Smoke - Tobacco Use Prevention Program: Maricopa County - www.maricopa.gov/Public_Health/Community/Tobacco/secondhand/default.aspx exiting epa


Mold in My Home: What Do I Do? - www.azdhs.gov/phs/oeh/invsurv/air_qual/mold_contents.htm exiting epa

Related Links:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Indoor Air Quality Information by state - www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/indoor_air.htm

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