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Protecting Children's Environmental Health in New England

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children"
- Native American proverb
Our Children

At EPA, protecting children, our youngest and most sensitive citizens, from environmental health risks is fundamental to our vision of making the world a better place for future generations. Today there are more than three million children living in the New England region, and the numbers are increasing.

Children grow best in healthy environments!

Pediatric Environmental Healthy Specialty Units

The Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) form a respected network of experts in children's environmental health. The PEHSU were created to ensure that children and communities have access to, usually at no cost, special medical knowledge and resources for children faced with a health risk due to a natural or human-made environmental hazard. Read more about the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units. Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

New England Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Service area: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
Academic Affiliation: Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health
Hospital Affiliation: Children’s Hospital Boston and Cambridge Hospital
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
(617) 355-8177
Toll Free: (888) CHILD14 or (888) 244-5314


Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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