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EPA Region 8 - Mountains and Plains


Mailing Address:
Mail Code (8P-AR)
1595 Wynkoop St.
Denver, CO 80202-1129
Toll Free: 800-227-8917/(303) 312-6312

CO | MT | ND | SD | UT | WY

Regional Contacts:
Indoor Air:

Ron Schiller Schiller.Ron@epa.gov 
(303) 312-6017
Cornelia Maes Maes.Cornelia@epa.gov
(303) 312-6031

Note: Please direct any questions regarding the information on this page to the IED Webmaster.

http://wyoming.gov exiting epa

Wyoming Department of Health
www.health.wyo.gov/ exiting epa
401 Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-7656 or (866) 571-0944
Fax: (307) 777-7439

TOPICS:  Radon  |  Indoor Air Quality  |  Schools  |  Asthma  |  Smoke-free Homes/Environmental Tobacco Smoke  |  Mold  |  Related Links

Radon Program: 

Wyoming Radon Project
http://wdh.state.wy.us/PHSD/radon/index.html exiting epa
6101 Yellowstone Road
Qwest Building, Room 510
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002-0710
Phone: 1-800-458-5847/(307) 777-6015
Fax: (307) 777-5402

Radon/Lead Contact: Steven M. Melia; MSPH, steve.melia@health.wyo.gov

EPA's National Radon Action Events for Wyoming
EPA's Map of Radon Zones for Wyoming

Indoor Air Quality Program:

IAQ Contact: Gerald Blackwell  (307) 777-7394

Schools/Children's Environmental Health:

EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools Awards Program page for Wyoming

Asthma Control Program:

WY Dept. of Health asthma resources page:  http://wdhfs.state.wy.us/familyhealth/asthma/index.html exiting epa

EPA's Asthma Awareness Month Events for Wyoming

Secondhand Smoke/Smoke-free Homes:


Related Links:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Indoor Air Quality Information by state - www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/indoor_air.htm

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