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May 14, 2009   
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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 702  

Administration and Procedure




Subpart C  

Adjudication Procedures

20 CFR 702.346 - Formal hearings; waiver of right to appear.

  • Section Number: 702.346
  • Section Name: Formal hearings; waiver of right to appear.

    If all parties waive their right to appear before the administrative 
law judge or to present evidence or argument personally or by 
representative, it shall not be necessary for the administrative law 
judge to give notice of and conduct an oral hearing. A waiver of the 
right to appear and present evidence and allegations as to facts and law 
shall be made in writing and filed with the Chief Administrative Law 
Judge or the administrative law judge. Where such a waiver has been 
filed by all parties, and they do not appear before the administrative 
law judge personally or by representative, the administrative law judge 
shall make a record of the relevant written evidence submitted by the 
parties, together with any pleadings they may submit with respect to the 
issues in the case. Such documents shall be considered as all of the 
evidence in the case and the decision shall be based on them.
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