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May 14, 2009   
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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 702  

Administration and Procedure




Subpart C  

Adjudication Procedures

20 CFR 702.319 - Obtaining documents from the administrative file for reintroduction at formal hearings.

  • Section Number: 702.319
  • Section Name: Obtaining documents from the administrative file for reintroduction at formal hearings.

    Whenever any party considers any document in the administrative file 
essential to any further proceedings under the Act, it is the 
responsibility of such party to obtain such document from the district 
director and reintroduce it for the record before the administrative law 
judge. The type of document that may be obtained shall be limited to 
documents previously submitted to the district director, including 
documents or forms with respect to notices, claims, controversions, 
contests, progress reports, medical services or supplies, etc. The work 
products of the district director or his staff shall not be subject to 
retrieval. The procedure for obtaining documents shall be for the 
requesting party to inform the district director in writing of the 
documents he wishes to obtain, specifying them with particularity. Upon 
receipt, the district director shall cause copies of the requested 
documents to be made and then:
    (a) Place the copies in the file together with the letter of 
request, and (b) promptly forward the originals to the requesting party. 
The handling of multiple requests for the same document shall be within 
the discretion of the district director and with the cooperation of the 
requesting parties.
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