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Mark Allred - Economic Development Prog. Mgr (Detail from ANCSA Regional Assoc.) Print E-mail
Mark Allred

Direct:  907-271-1542 - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mark enjoys Alaskan outdoor activities such as fishing, camping, and mountain biking. Mr. Allred is of Inupiat descent and is originally from Nome, Alaska. Mark is on detail from the ANCSA Regional Association and serves the Commission in the capacity of program manager of the economic development program. The ANCSA Regional Association is made up of the CEOs of the 13 regional for profit Alaskan Native Corporations that were set up by Congess in 1972.

Mark obtained his bachelors degree from Alaska Pacific University in Organizational Management. After attaining his degree he has worked for the Dept. of the Interiors Minerals Management Service and also for Wells Fargo Alaska.  Mark believes in a strong and vibrant rural Alaskan future, efforts must be made to ensure that this way of life is preserved.