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Alaska Project Database

Click on the State of Alaska icon to view an interactive map of all Denali Commission projects by funding year, location, and program area.


Recognizing the critical role energy plays in the quality of life and economic development of Alaska’s communities, the Denali Commission has made energy its primary infrastructure theme since 1999. The Commission has made great strides developing safe and reliable energy infrastructure in Alaska.

The Energy Program primarily funds design and construction of replacement bulk fuel storage facilities, upgrades to community power generation and distribution systems, alternative-renewable energy projects, and some energy cost reduction projects. The Commission works with the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC), Alaska Power and Telephone and other partners to meet rural communities’ fuel storage and power generation needs.

Types of Projects Funded:

  • Bulk-Fuel Storage
  • Community Power Generation
  • Distribution Systems Upgrades
  • Energy Cost Reduction Projects
  • Renewable and Alternative Energy
  • Power Line Interties
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