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April 2008 Print E-mail
Energy Program

April brings renewed focus on green environmental issues to many agencies and individuals around the country. Earth Day will be celebrated on April 22nd this year, so it is a good time to think about how we can use our resources efficiently around our offices, and think about social and environmental responsibility. All this on top of doing our jobs and thinking about economic sustainability? You bet! Even if you don 't have the 'pull ' around your office to make organizational changes, you can take steps on your own that will have impact and you may serve as a model to others.

For example, reduce paper waste by using e-mail and electronic copies more effectively. Don 't print out copies of documents or e-mails unless you must, and then try to use double sided copying. Tracking editing changes electronically makes it easier to capture multiple reviewers ' comments and compare versions. Use print-preview and spell-check to review documents before you print them. Re-use old forms or non-confidential printouts as scrap paper note pads. How about using regular, washable dishes instead of paper plates and plastic utensils? You may not be able to install more efficient lighting in your office, but you can turn off the lights when you are away from your desk for more than a few minutes, and put your computer in sleep mode. Tiny steps like these can help trigger a cultural change that multiplies your efforts! Finally, become an educated consumer: not every 'green ' technology or practice is appropriate for every case--especially in Alaskan communities. Many news articles and manufacturers focus on only a small slice of the overall picture. Try to find out about all sides of the story before you buy into it.

Alternative energy ideas continue to be of high interest across the state. We have been fielding a lot of phone calls from people looking for funding opportunities for projects, and there have been several news stories about successful and potential alternative energy projects (note the last paragraph above)! At the same time, we watch the state and federal budget proposals, legislation and conferences coming nearby so we know what is on the horizon. Check the Calendar of Upcoming Events in our monthly e-news section to keep abreast of some meeting dates and funding opportunities. Note, you have to actually open a monthly e-news letter from this link to access the calendar. You 'll find information this month on the DOE Tribal Energy Workshop and DOE Wind-Diesel conference at the end of April. The calendar lists some energy funding application deadlines coming up in May and June too. Finally, save the date for the next Rural Energy Conference, planned for September 16th through 18th in Girdwood this year. Think Spring!