Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) of the United States

Odonata of California

Black Petaltail (Tanypteryx hageni)

Black Petaltail (Tanypteryx hageni (Selys))

Behavior: Nymphs construct small burrows in water-logged substrates. Adults have been observed on feeding and mating flights over a cat-tail swale in Oregon. Males are territorial over bogs.

Food Habits: Nymphs eat surface-inhabiting arthropods, mostly spiders. Adult dragonflies prey on flying insects, while nymphs feed on aquatic animals. No specific information is available on the prey of this species.

Habitat: Waters seeps with moss-covered rocks. Occurs in spring-fed bogs or seeps in old growth or riparian forest.

Range: Southern British Columbia south to central California.


Cannings, R.A. 1978. The distribution of Tanypteryx hageni (Odonata: Petaluridae) 
     in British Columbia. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 
     75: 18-19. 

Clement, S.L.; Meyer, R.P. 1980. Adult biology and behavior of the dragonfly 
     Tanypteryx hageni (Odonata: Petaluridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological 
     Society 53: 711-719. 

Meyer, R.P.; Clement, S.L. 1978. Studies on the biology of Tanypteryx hageni in 
     California. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 71: 667-669. 
     Needham, J.G.; Westfall, M.J., Jr. 1955. A manual of the dragonflies of 
     North America (Anisoptera). University of California Press, Berkeley and 
     Los Angeles, xi + 615 p. (p 70-72) 

Paulson, D.R.; Garrison, R.W. 1977. A list and new distributional records of 
     Pacific coast Odonata. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 53: 147- 160. 

Usinger, R.L. 1956. Aquatic insects of California. University of California 
     Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, ix + 508 p. 

Walker, E.M. 1958. The Odonata of Canada and Alaska. Volume 2. University of 
     Toronto Press, Toronto, xi + 318 p. (134-135) 

Author: Paul A. Opler

Black Petaltail (Tanypteryx hageni)
distribution map
map legend

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