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Found 529 studies with search of: "Vincristine"
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1 Recruiting Clinical Trial of Vincristine vs. Prednisolone for Treatment of Complicated Hemangiomas
Condition: Hemangioma
Interventions: Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Prednisone
2 Completed Vincristine, DOXIL® (Doxorubicin HCl Liposome Injection) and Dexamethasone vs. Vincristine, Doxorubicin, and Dexamethasone in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma
Conditions: Myeloma Proteins;   Multiple Myeloma;   Myeloma;   M-Protein
Intervention: Drug: Vincristine, DOXIL (doxorubicin HCl liposomal injection), and Dexamethasone (VDD) vs. Vincristine, Doxorubicin and Dexamethasone (VAD)
3 Recruiting Safety and Efficacy of Marqibo in Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Condition: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Intervention: Drug: Marqibo® (vincristine sulfate liposomes injection)
4 Recruiting Study of Treatment for Patients With Cancer of the Eye -Retinoblastoma
Conditions: Retinoblastoma;   Retinal Neoplasm
Interventions: Procedure: Enucleation;   Drug: Vincristine, Carboplatin;   Procedure: Focal Therapies;   Radiation: External Beam Radiation;   Drug: Vincristine + Topotecan;   Drug: Vincristine + Carboplatin + Etoposide;   Drug: Vincristine + Cyclophosphamide + Doxorubicin;   Drug: Vincristine+Carboplatin+Etoposide;   Procedure: Periocular carboplatin;   Other: G-CSF
5 Recruiting Rituximab and Hyper-CVAD (Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Adriamycin, and Dexamethasone) for Burkitt's and Burkitt's-Like Leukemia/Lymphoma
Conditions: Burkitt's Lymphoma;   Burkitt's-Like Lymphoma
Interventions: Drug: Rituximab;   Drug: Cyclophosphamide;   Drug: Doxorubicin;   Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Dexamethasone;   Drug: G-CSF;   Drug: Cytarabine;   Drug: Methotrexate
6 Active, not recruiting Imatinib Mesylate With Vincristine and Dexamethasone in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemias With BCR-ABL Positive
Conditions: Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Acute;   Philadelphia Chromosome;   Blast Crisis;   Leukemia, Myeloid, Chronic
Interventions: Drug: Imatinib mesylate;   Drug: Interferon;   Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Dexamethasone
7 Recruiting Safety and Efficacy of Marqibo in Metastatic Malignant Uveal Melanoma
Condition: Metastatic Malignant Uveal Melanoma
Intervention: Drug: Marqibo® (vincristine sulfate liposomes injection)
8 Recruiting A Pharmacokinetic Study of Actinomycin-D and Vincristine in Children With Cancer
Condition: Cancer
Interventions: Drug: Actinomycin-D;   Drug: Vincristine
9 Recruiting Vincristine, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide and Dexrazoxane (VACdxr) in High Risk Ewing's Sarcoma Patients
Condition: Ewing's Sarcoma
Interventions: Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Doxorubicin;   Drug: Cyclophosphamide;   Drug: Dexrazoxane;   Biological: ImmTher
10 Recruiting Modified Hyper-CVAD (Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Adriamycin, and Dexamethasone) Program for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Conditions: Leukemia;   Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Interventions: Drug: Rituximab;   Drug: Cyclophosphamide (CTX);   Drug: Doxorubicin;   Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Dexamethasone;   Drug: Methotrexate (MTX);   Drug: Cytarabine;   Drug: G-CSF
11 Completed Comparison of Liposomal Doxorubicin Used Alone or in Combination With Bleomycin Plus Vincristine in the Treatment of Kaposi's Sarcoma in Patients With AIDS
Conditions: Sarcoma, Kaposi;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride (liposomal);   Drug: Filgrastim;   Drug: Bleomycin sulfate;   Drug: Vincristine sulfate
12 Completed Randomized, Comparative Trial of DOX-SL (Stealth Liposomal Doxorubicin Hydrochloride) Versus Bleomycin and Vincristine in the Treatment of AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma
Conditions: Sarcoma, Kaposi;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride (liposomal);   Drug: Bleomycin sulfate;   Drug: Vincristine sulfate
13 Active, not recruiting A Comparison of DOX-SL Versus Adriamycin Plus Bleomycin Plus Vincristine in the Treatment of Severe AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma
Conditions: Sarcoma, Kaposi;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride (liposomal);   Drug: Bleomycin sulfate;   Drug: Vincristine sulfate;   Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride
14 Completed A Randomized Phase III Clinical Trial of Daunoxome Versus Combination Chemotherapy With Adriamycin/Bleomycin/Vincristine (ABV) in the Treatment of HIV-Associated Kaposi's Sarcoma.
Conditions: Sarcoma, Kaposi;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Daunorubicin (liposomal);   Drug: Bleomycin sulfate;   Drug: Vincristine sulfate;   Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride
15 Completed A Phase I Study of the Combination of Recombinant GM-CSF, AZT, and Chemotherapy (ABV) (Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vincristine) in AIDS and Kaposi's Sarcoma
Conditions: Sarcoma, Kaposi;   HIV Infections
Interventions: Drug: Bleomycin sulfate;   Drug: Vincristine sulfate;   Drug: Doxorubicin hydrochloride;   Drug: Zidovudine;   Drug: Sargramostim
16 Recruiting Methotrexate and Temozolomide Versus Methotrexate, Procarbazine, Vincristine and Cytarabine
Condition: Lymphoma
Interventions: Drug: Methotrexate and temozolomide;   Drug: Methotrexate , procarbazine ,vincristine ,cytarabine
17 Active, not recruiting Genetic Determinations for Side Effects and Response Rate for Patients Receiving Chemotherapy With Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma
Conditions: Lymphoma;   Diffuse Large Cell
Interventions: Genetic: Blood draw;   Drug: Rituximab;   Drug: Cyclophosphamide;   Drug: Doxorubicin;   Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Prednisone
18 Active, not recruiting Irinotecan, Vincristine, and Dexamethasone In Children With Relapsed And/Or Refractory Hematologic Malignancies
Conditions: Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma;   Hodgkin's Disease;   Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Interventions: Drug: Dexamethasone;   Drug: Irintotecan;   Drug: Vincristine
19 Active, not recruiting Study of Hyper-CVAD Plus Imatinib Mesylate for Philadelphia-Positive Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Condition: Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Acute, L2
Interventions: Drug: Imatinib;   Drug: Cyclophosphamide;   Drug: Doxorubicin;   Drug: Vincristine;   Drug: Dexamethasone;   Drug: Methotrexate;   Drug: Cytarabine
20 Completed Pharmacokinetic Study of Liposomal Vincristine in Patients With Malignant Melanoma & Hepatic Dysfunction
Condition: Malignant Melanoma
Intervention: Drug: Vincristine Sulfate Liposomes Injection

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