Protein Structure Prediction Center
Welcome to the Protein Structure Prediction Center!

Our goal is to help advance the methods of identifying protein structure from sequence. The Center has been organized to provide the means of objective testing of these methods via the process of blind prediction. In addition to support of the CASP meetings our goal is to promote an evaluation of prediction methods on a continuing basis.

CASP experiments aim at establishing the current state of the art in protein structure prediction, identifying what progress has been made, and highlighting where future effort may be most productively focused. The organizers are thankful to CASP assessors for their valuable contribution to this field.

There have been seven previous CASP experiments.

CASP1 (1994) | CASP2 (1996) | CASP3 (1998) | CASP4 (2000) | CASP5 (2002) | CASP6 (2004) | CASP7 (2006) | CASP8 (2008)


Click on the logo below to proceed to the main page of the latest CASP experiment.


Discussion Forum
Old Discussion Forum

of docking interactions
Automated benchmarking
of prediction servers
(will be again available shortly)
Assessment of automated
structure prediction
Automatic evaluation
of prediction servers
Last 5 targets for refinement
Five targets for the refinement experiment have been released yesterday and today. The details of the suggested refinement targets are provided in the pdb files for the starting models and in the "Add ...
End of CASP8 target release
With the two server-only targets today, all CASP8 targets have been made available for prediction. In this round of CASP we have released 128 targets including 57 human/server targets. One target has ...
Human/server targets are over
We have finished releasing human/server targets for prediction in CASP8. Last week we released more targets of this type than usual in order to give you full 3 weeks to predict each of them. All in al ...
Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)
Please address any questions or queries to:
© 2008, University of California, Davis