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Release Notes

QUZCIF (July1994)            ftools.caltools           QUZCIF (July1994)

    QUZCIF -- Returns the location of calibration files
    quzcif mission instrument detector filter codename date time expr
    This  task  is  an  interface  to  the  Calibration  Database access
    software.  It writes to the standard  output  all  datasets  in  the
    Database  which  meet  the  selection  criteria  as specified by the
    input parameters.
    Each dataset is printed in two fields, the filename  field  and  the
    extension  number  field.   The filename field contains the complete
    directory path to the file containing the calibration data, and  the
    extension  number  field  contains  an  integer  indicating the FITS
    extension where the data resides.  (All  calibration  files  in  the
    Calibration  Database  are in FITS format.)  Each field is separated
    by spaces.
    Datasets which are stored in an off-line media (e.g. magnetic  tape)
    will be displayed in the same way except that the word 'OFFLINE' and
    the off-line media will appear before  the  filename  and  extension
    If  no  datasets  are  found,  then  the  message "No datasets found
    matching selection criteria" is displayed.
    The detector, filter, and expr parameters may be  removed  from  the
    selection process by entering a string value of "-" when prompted.
    The  value  "now"  can  be entered for the date and time parameters.
    This value will cause quzcif to use  the  current  system  date  and
    time for the date and time parameters.
    The  expr  parameter  provides  a  boolean  selection expression for
    Calibration Boundary parameters.  A Calibration  Boundary  parameter
    is  similar  to  the other selection parameters mentioned above, but
    may not necessarily be present for every dataset.   Thus,  the  expr
    expression  provides  a  flexible way of specifying a varying number
    of selection criteria.  Currently,  the  boolean  expression  syntax
    only  contains  the  arithmetic  operator  ".eq."  and  the  logical 
    operator ".and.".  A typical selection expression might look like:
    If no expr selection is required, a "-" character  should  be  input
    at the prompt.
    Before  using  this  task, the 'CALDB' and 'CALDBCONFIG' environment
    variables (logicals) must be set.  See the Caldb  User's  Guide  for
    mission [string]
        The  name  of  the mission for which selected datasets should be
    instrument [string]
        The name of the  instrument  for  which  the  selected  datasets
        should be valid.
    detector [string]
        The  name of the detector for which the selected datasets should
        be valid.  If a "-" character is input, this parameter will  not
        be used in the selection process.
    filter [string]
        The  name  of  the filter for which the selected datasets should
        be valid.  If a "-" character is input, this parameter will  not
        be used in the selection process.
    codename [string]
        The  OGIP  codename for the requested data.  The value input for
        this  parameter  corresponds  to  the  CCNM0001,  CCNM0002,  ... 
        keyword  values found in all Caldb calibration files.  Also, the
        NASA  OGIP  Memo  CAL/GEN/92-011  contains  a  list   of   valid 
        codenames  and  their  meanings.  This memo can be obtained from
        anonymous ftp to
    date  [string]
        The date for which the selected datasets should be valid.   This
        value  should be entered in yyyy-mm-dd format (although dd/mm/yy
        format will also work, with 19yy assumed).  LEADING ZEROS  *ARE*
        NOW  REQUIRED.   If  the  value  "now"  is  entered, the current
        system date is used in the selection process.
    time  [string]
        The time for which the selected datasets should be valid.   This
        value  should  be entered in hh:mm:ss format.  Single digits may
        be used, but at least a 0 in each value is required.   (However,
        this  may  change  in  the  future,  so  using  both  digits  is 
        recommended.)  If  the  value  "now"  is  entered,  the  current
        system time is used in the selection process.
    expr  [string]
        A   boolean   selection   expression  for  Calibration  Boundary 
        parameters.  If no expr selection is required, a  "-"  character
        should be input at the prompt.
    (maxret=50) [integer]
        An  integer  indicating  the maximum number of datasets to print
        to the screen.  Currently this parameter cannot be greater  than
    (nfound) [integer]
        An  integer,  returned  after  the successful completion of this
        task, which indicates the number of datasets found matching  the
        selection  criteria.   If this parameter is greater than maxret,
        the warning message, "Warning: More files were  found  than  are
        shown here" will be displayed.
    1.    Find  the  location  of  the  ASCALIN  dataset  for  the  SIS0 
    instrument of the ASCA mission valid for Jun 20, 1994.
    quzcif asca sis0 - - ascalin 1994-06-20 12:00:00 -
    2.  Find the BKGRND dataset for the  GIS2  instrument  of  the  ASCA
    mission valid for today and for a cut-off rigidity value of 7.
    quzcif asca gis2 - - bkgrnd now now cor.eq.7
    The  current  expr  parser  cannot  precheck  the  expression  well. 
    Subexpressions  such  as  ""   will   be 
    incorrectly  interpreted  as  "cor=7"  and  "".  A lex &
    yacc parser is planned for this task which will work much better.
    udcif, crcif, caldb

Page author:Michael F. Corcoran
Last Update: Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007 14:29:19 EST