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$2 Million Reward for Bulger


The FBI is raising the reward for Top Ten fugitive James “Whitey” Bulger to 2 million dollars and has released new age-enhanced photos to help catch him.

James Bulger is wanted for his role in numerous murders in the 1970s and 80s.

He was head of an organized extortion and drug ring in the Boston area.

The newly enhanced images show Bulger with and without a mustache and glasses.

The images supplement surveillance video and audio the FBI has already released in hopes the public might recognize the fugitive.

[video start: grainy black and white surveillance video shows Bulger walking from vehicle and talking with another man]

In the video from 1980, Bulger is chatting with another man at the Lancaster Street Garage and at the Howard Johnsons in Boston, Massachusetts.

Born in 1929, Bulger has been known to alter his appearance using disguises.

He’s traveled extensively in Europe, Mexico and Canada. He’s an avid reader with an interest in art and is know to frequent historic sites.

He stays fit by walking on beaches and in parks with a female companion.

In January the Bulger Fugitive Task Force released audio recordings of Bulger taken before he was a fugitive.

The hope is that someone will recognize the unique characteristics of his voice and report it.

[James Bulger Audio recording: “Could I speak to Jack? Thank you. Hi, Jack. Is there any rentals up at that place up across from, umm, Kelly's? Okay. Gonna find out now...I think that's the Ma- Marine Park they call it. Ah, what do they call it, "The Marine Park"? Yeah, is it the Marine Park they call it? Okay. You had one for sale recently? Or is it for sale now? What floor is it on (UI) first floor? They're no good.”]

James Bulger goes by at least a dozen aliases. He has a violent temper and is known to carry a knife at all times.

He should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.

New Wanted posters announcing the 2 million dollar reward have also been printed in Italian, German, Portuguese and Spanish.

If you have any information on Bulger’s whereabouts, contact your local FBI office or the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

You can find more information and report tips on the FBI’s website, FBI.gov.

More Information:

Boston FBI press release (September 3, 2008)
Bulger Top Ten Fugitives page
Bulger audio clips
Surveillance video
Additional images

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