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Join the Partnership

Stepping out ahead of the curve is smart.

It takes courage and wisdom to set high goals and standards for your company. It takes determination to meet or exceed those goals. As a SmartWay Transport Partner, you will join the ranks of other progressive companies setting the pace for their industries.

And, best of all, joining the SmartWay Transport Partnership is simple:

Step 1: Download and sign the Partnership agreement for your partner type.

Step 2: Download and complete the appropriate model for your company.

Step 3: IMPORTANT--Send your agreement and model together on the same day.

Sign your agreement and send it with your model via email, regular mail, or fax to:

Email: smartway_transport@epa.gov
Fax: (734) 214-4052
Mail: SmartWay Transport Partnership
US EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality
2000 Traverwood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

GET STARTED:  Download your documents below:

NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader is available as a free download. See EPA's PDF page to learn more about PDF, and for a link to the free Acrobat Reader. An Excel viewer is available as a free download Exit EPA Disclaimer. Do not "open" the Models directly; instead, "save" them to your desktop, then open them.

Agreement (PDF) (2 pp, 121K)
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 85K)
Large Carriers
Agreement (PDF) (2 pp, 121K)
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 55K)
Model (ZIP) ( 1.1M)
Small Carriers*
See Note Below
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 55K)
PDF Model (7 pp, 54K)
Agreement (PDF) (1 pp, 51K)
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 53K)
Model (XLS) (1.48M)
Truck Stops:
Agreement (PDF) (4 pp, 366K)
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 96K)
Agreement (PDF) (1 pp, 116K)
FAQ (PDF) (1 pp, 106K)

* Note: Small carriers are defined as carriers with 20 or fewer trucks in their fleet. The information for carriers with 20 or fewer trucks is also included in the short version FLEET Model. Small carriers may use this short form model, in lieu of the FLEET Model, to meet their SmartWay FLEET Model submission requirement . This model is provided as an Excel file or a PDF document. The Small Carrier Agreement is located within the Small Carrier FLEET Model.

The Carrier FLEET Model User Guide (PDF) (25 pp, 767K) will help carriers complete their model for submission.

The Shipper/Logistics FLEET Model User Guide (PDF) (15 pp, 328K) will help shippers and logistics carriers complete their model for submission.

The SmartWay Glossary defines terms related to the SmartWay Transport Partnership.

Interested in becoming a SmartWay Affiliate? Get information here.

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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