Latest News

    An artist's conception of Planck.

    Planck Sees Light Billions of Years Old
    08.13.09 -- The Planck space telescope has begun to collect light left over from the Big Bang explosion that created our universe.
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Mission Images

Ariane 5 carrying Herschel and Planck lifts off

Herschel and Planck lift off

Ariane 5 enclosing Herschel and Planck lift off, at Europe's Spaceport on 14 May 2009.

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Artist Concept of Launch Rocket

artist concept of Herschel and Planck separating from rocket after launch

This is an artist concept of the rocket carrying Hershel and Planck.

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Artist Concept

artist concept of Planck

This is an artist's concept of the Planck spacecraft.

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News and Features

  • A simulated view of the cosmic microwave background as seen by Planck.

    Planck Sees Light Billions of Years Old

    The Planck space telescope has begun to collect light left over from the Big Bang explosion that created our universe.

  • artist's concept of Planck in space

    Coldest Known Objects in Space

    The detectors on a Planck instrument reached their amazingly low operational temperature of -273.05 degrees Celsius, making them the coldest known objects in space.

Mission Overview

    Planck is a European Space Agency mission with significant participation from NASA. NASA played key roles in the mission's development, and will provide important contributions to data and science analyses.
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