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Economic Development Program
April 2009 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

Mark Allred - Program Manager - This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Our program endeavors to extend and expand entrepreneurial knowledge and access in rural Alaskan communities.  Progress towards these strategic goals are being made by vital partnerships with the following projects;

Alaska Marketplace Business Ideas Competition

The award winning Alaska Marketplace, which is modeled after an initiative by the World Bank, is a business ideas competition in which entrepreneurial ideas are sparked by winners receiving an equity injection from the private sector for their entrepreneurial ideas.

Statewide Economic Development Plan

A statewide economic development strategic plan supported by the Governor’s office, the State Chamber of Commerce, and the Alaska Municipal League our program partner in this initiative is the Alaska Regional Development Organizations (ARDORs).

Alaska Source Link Entrepreneurial Web Portal

Lastly we are creating the Alaska Source Link web portal.  The Alaska Entrepreneurial Consortium is a coalition of 19 regional development organizations and statewide service providers who share the collaborative goal of strengthening support to entrepreneurs and small business owners by providing easy access to available resources.  The benefit to Federal Agencies is in making their programs more broadly inclusive to the outlying areas of our state.

February 2009 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program
Program Manager:   

Mark Allred  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Program Assistant: 

Adison Smith This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Economic Development Program at the Commission

In many rural areas of our state a subsistence economy continues to thrive.  This economy is supported by a modest cash economy.  In order for small communities to remain vibrant and viable continued efforts must be made at strengthening both economies.

 Advisory Meeting

Our first Advisory Committee Meeting of 2009 will be held in Anchorage on February 17th, 2009 at the Denali Commission offices.  Please watch the announcements page for the Agenda.

Program Focus

The submitted Letters of Interest in 2008 from around Alaska have helped the Commission in identifying a gap in services in rural Alaska relating to entrepreneurial knowledge, access, and support of economic development projects.  The Advisory Committee will continue in crafting programmatic delivery to address this deficiency.

January 2009 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program
 Program Manager:   

Mark Allred  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Program Assistant: 

Adison Smith This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Economic Development Program at the Commission

In many rural areas of our state a subsistence economy continues to thrive.  This economy is supported by a modest cash economy.  In order for small communities to remain vibrant and viable continued efforts must be made at strengthening both economies. 

Alaska Marketplace Competition Extended

The Denali Commission funded the Alaska Marketplace for its year 3 program.  The Commission provided operational funding; the monies awarded to individuals came from private organizations.   The Alaska Marketplace has expanded this year’s competition and is accepting applications until January 15th 2009.  Please visit their website for more information.

2008 Alaska Marketplace Winners Part 1

A Cut Above Quilting ~ Barbara Ramos ~ Bethel

Kvichak Organic Produce ~ Alex Anna Salmon ~ Igiugig

Porcupine River Timber ~ Dacho Alexander ~ Fort Yukon

The Meyers' Farm: Farming on the Tundra ~ Tim Meyers ~ Bethel

Forest Firewood ~ Mark Leary ~ Bethel

C Side Lumber ~ Fred Sagoonick ~ Shaktoolik

From Shellfish Subsistence to Sustainable Farming ~ Marie Bader ~ Homer

Cup'ik Dance Songs of the Tundra ~ Dr. John F. Pingayak ~ Chevak

The Dugout ~ Louise Walcott ~ Nome

Southeast Alaska Livestock Production & Processing ~ Clint Daniels ~ Sitka

Tundra Woodworks ~ Patrick Hall ~ Chevak

Peoples' Choice Awards

Best Display ~ A Cut Above Quilting ~ Barbara Ramos ~ Bethel

Most Innovative ~ Birch Water ~ Martin Kelly ~ Pilot Station

Best Example of Culture & Traditional Values ~ Yupik Arts ~ Cecilia Frenzle, Delta Junction

Advisory Meeting

Our last Advisory Committee Meeting of 2008 was held on November 6th.  The advisors will be taking a small break and are not scheduled to meet again until March 2009. 

Entrepreneurial Web Portal

The Denali Commission Economic Development program has awarded the Alaska Entrepreneurial Consortium $450,000 for the creation of a web portal that will be available to all Alaskans with a focus on the following three areas;

to provide small business owners and entrepreneurs with easy access to technical assistance resources across the state; to promote the services of technical assistance providers through a collaborative marketing umbrella; and to identify service gaps and augment local technical assistance resources as necessary.

This award is being managed by the University of Alaska’s Center for Economic Development.  Continue to watch our program update section as this project rolls out and is set to be ‘live’ in 2009.

November 2008 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

The Denali Commission funded the Alaska Marketplace for its year 3 program.  The Commission provided operational funding; the monies awarded to individuals came from private organizations.  The winners for the 2008 Alaska Marketplace were announced last week at the Alaska Federation of Natives Conference held here in Anchorage.  Out of the 43 finalist 11 were chosen as having winning business ideas and were;

2008 Alaska Marketplace Winners

 A Cut Above Quilting ~ Barbara Ramos ~ Bethel

Kvichak Organic Produce ~ AlexAnna Salmon ~ Igiugig

Porcupine River Timber ~ Dacho Alexander ~ Fort Yukon

The Meyers' Farm: Farming on the Tundra ~ Tim Meyers ~ Bethel

Forest Firewood ~ Mark Leary ~ Bethel

C Side Lumber ~ Fred Sagoonick ~ Shaktoolik

From Shellfish Subsistence to Sustainable Farming ~ Marie Bader ~ Homer

Cup'ik Dance Songs of the Tundra ~ Dr. John F. Pingayak ~ Chevak

The Dugout ~ Louise Walcott ~ Nome

Southeast Alaska Livestock Production & Processing ~ Clint Daniels ~ Sitka

Tundra Woodworks ~ Patrick Hall ~ Chevak

Peoples' Choice Awards

Best Display ~ A Cut Above Quilting ~ Barbara Ramos ~ Bethel

Most Innovative ~ Birch Water ~ Martin Kelly ~ Pilot Station

Best Example of Culture & Traditional Values ~ Yupik Arts ~ Cecilia Frenzle, Delta Junction

Advisory Meeting

Our last Advisory Committee Meeting of 2008 is set for November 6th.  The advisory team will be meeting here in Anchorage for a full day session.  Public comment on the program in encouraged, please send in your written comments to either This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and your comments will be reviewed by the advisory team. 

September 2008 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

Program Manager:  Mark Allred   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Program Assistant: Adison Smith This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Letters of Interest

The advisory team for this program will meet one more time before the end of this year and will finalize its recommendations to the Denali Commission Commissioners.

For those of you who submitted Letters of interest, Thank you!   The subsequent RFPs are still on the table and are slated to be reviewed at the upcoming meeting.

The date for this meeting is TBD.   The program continues to  encourage economic Development in rural Alaska with its innovative partnerships in providing community planning and mapping.

Welcome to Ms. Smith

Also please welcome my new program assistant Ms. Adison Smith.   She will be assisting with both this program and the  Multi-use program here at the Commission.   A special thank you to Ms. Automme Circosta for all her help this past year.   She has been moved to assist the Transportation program.

January 2008 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects

Request for Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects.   The Denali Commission requests Letters of Interest (LOI) for developing economic development projects in Alaska with a focus on developing rural economies. The Commission would like to create an inventory of these types of projects that are in or are moving toward development, so we can design programs that provide technical and/or financial assistance to potential project developers. Continue to monitor our website for further information on submitting your LOI.

Advisory Committee December 20th 2007 Meeting

An introduction of a new member to the committee Mr. Doug Ward was made. Doug is the director of shipyard development at the Alaska Ship & Dry-dock Inc. in Ketchikan and brings many years of experience to the table.

February 2008 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects

Request for Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects.   The Denali Commission requests Letters of Interest (LOI) for developing economic development projects in Alaska with a focus on developing rural economies. The Commission would like to create an inventory of these types of projects that are in or are moving toward development, so we can design programs that provide technical and/or financial assistance to potential project developers.

The announcement   can be found on the main page of our website, the deadline for submitting a letter of interest is February 15th at 5pm.   Please call our offices if you have any questions on the LOI.

March 2008 Print E-mail
Economic Development Program

CLOSED: Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects

Request for Letter of Interest for Economic Development Projects.   The Denali Commission requests Letters of Interest (LOI) for developing economic development projects in Alaska with a focus on developing rural economies. The Commission would like to create an inventory of these types of projects that are in or are moving toward development, so we can design programs that provide technical and/or financial assistance to potential project developers.

Economic Development Advisory Committee

The next advisory committee meeting is set for Wednesday March 19th.   The advisors will be reviewing the 70 submitted LOI project ideas.   Most likely the next step in the process will be 'targeted" requests for proposals (RFPs) in economic development.   Watch our announcements page at for more information.

VIBES study has been completed

Viable Business Enterprises for Rural Alaska by ISER at the University of Alaska.   This study looked at what types of businesses might be successful in rural Alaska.   If you would like a copy of the executive summary please email Automme or myself and we will get a copy to you.

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