Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 1: Access to Quality Health Services  >  Disparities Table

Figure 1-2. Disparities Table for Focus Area 1: Access to Quality Health Services
Disparities from the best group rate for each characteristic at the most recent data point and changes in disparity from the baseline to the most recent data point.

Characteristics: Gender and Education
Population-based objectives Female Male Less than high school High school graduate At least some college Summary index
1-1. Health insurance: < 65 years
(1997, 2003) The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.Baseline data by race and ethnicity are for 1999.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-3a. Counseled about physical activity:
18+ years (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
1-3b. Counseled about diet and nutrition:
18+ years (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
1-3c. Counseled about smoking cessation:
18+ years (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
1-3d. Counseled about reduced alcohol
consumption: 18+ years (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
1-3f. Counseled about unintended pregnancy:
females 15-44 years (1995)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix.
Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant
1-3h. Counseled about management of menopause: females 45-57 years (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
1-4a. Source of ongoing care: all ages
(1998, 2003)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.Baseline data by race and ethnicity are for 1999.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-4b. Source of ongoing care: < 18 years
(1998, 2003)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.Baseline data by race and ethnicity are for 1999.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-4c. Source of ongoing care: 18+ years
(1998, 2003)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.Baseline data by race and ethnicity are for 1999.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-5. Usual primary care provider
(1996, 1999)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate Increase in disparity 10-49 percentage points (10-49 percent difference from the best group rate). The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
1-6. Delays or difficulties in obtaining needed
health care (1996, 1999)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Increase in disparity 10-49 percentage points (10-49 percent difference from the best group rate). The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-9a. Hospitalization for pediatric asthma:
< 18 years (1996)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-9b. Hospitalization for uncontrolled diabetes:
18-64 years (1996)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-9c. Hospitalization for immunization-preventable
pneumonia or influenza: 65+ years (1996)Measures of variability were not available. Thus, the variability of best group rates was not assessed, and the statistical significance of disparities and changes in disparity over time could not be tested. See Technical Appendix.
The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-10. Delay or difficulty in getting emergency care
(2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 50-99 percent difference from the best group rate Less than 10 percent difference from the best group rate or not statistically significant The group with the best rate for specified characteristic. 10-49 percent difference from the best group rate
1-15a. Access to home health care: 65+ years with long-term care needs (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-15b. Access to adult day care: 65+ years with
long-term care needs (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data not available. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-15c. Access to assisted living: 65+ years with
long-term care needs (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-15d. Access to nursing home care: 65+ years with long-term care needs (2001)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix. Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data not available. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective. Characteristic not selected for this objective.
1-16. Pressure ulcers: nursing home residents
(1997, 1999)The variability of best group rates was assessed, and disparities of ≥10% are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Changes in disparity over time, noted with arrows, are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. See Technical Appendix.
Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Best group rate reliability criterion not met. Data not available. Data not available. Data not available. Data not available.


Data for objectives 1-3g, 1-7a through h, 1-8a through t, 1-11a through g, 1-12, 1-13a through i, and 1-14a and b are unavailable or not applicable. Objectives 1-2 and 1-3e were deleted at the midcourse.

Years in parentheses represent the baseline data year and the most recent data year (if available).

Disparity from the best group rate is defined as the percent difference between the best group rate and each of the other group rates for a characteristic (for example, race and ethnicity). The summary index is the average of these percent differences for a characteristic. Change in disparity is estimated by subtracting the disparity at baseline from the disparity at the most recent data point. Change in the summary index is estimated by subtracting the summary index at baseline from the summary index at the most recent data point. See Technical Appendix for more information.

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