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Gene Info

Gene Information For:Hs. ZNF207, Zinc finger protein 207
Sequence ID:NM_001098507

Database Links

UniGeneEntrez GeneOMIMSNPViewerAssemblies

Gene Expression Data

  • This gene is found in these cDNA libraries from the following tissue types:
    adrenal cortex, b-cell, bone, bone marrow, brain, cartilage, cerebellum, cerebrum, cervix, colon, ear, embryonic tissue, endocrine, esophagus, eye, fetus, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, liver, lung, lymph node, lymphoreticular, mammary gland, muscle, nervous, ovary, pancreas, pancreatic islet, parathyroid, peripheral nervous system, pineal gland, pituitary gland, placenta, pooled tissue, prostate, retina, salivary gland, skin, spleen, stem cell, stomach, synovium, t-cell, testis, thymus, thyroid, uncharacterized tissue, uterus, vascular
  • SAGE Anatomic Viewer
  • SAGE Digital Northern

  • Monochromatic SAGE/cDNA Virtual Northern

  • Two-dimensional array displays (similar expression pattern in NCI60 microarray data or SAGE data)

Cytogenetic Location (from UniGene)

Cytogenetic Location:17q11.2Mitelman Breakpoint Data

Chromosomal Position (from UCSC)

Chromosomal Position:17: 27701311 - 27732088

Full-Length MGC Clones for This Gene

IMAGE IdStatusAccession GenBank Def Line
2822814Full LengthBC002372zinc finger protein 207
3538197Full LengthBC008023zinc finger protein 207

Protein Infomation

mRNAProteinSwissProtPfam Motifs
NM_001032293 NP_001027464    
NM_001098507 NP_001091977    
NM_003457 NP_003448 O43670  

Related Sequences

AF046001 AAC78561 O43670
BC002372 AAH02372 O43670
BC008023 AAH08023 Q53XS9
BT007365 AAP36029 Q53XS9
AB209215 BAD92452 Q59G94
AK291801 BAF84490 A8K6Y6
AK298950 BAG61049 B4DQT7
AL834501 CAD39159 Q8N395

Homologs (from HomoloGene)

Note: Both orthologs and paralogs are included.
Organism Symbol Protein Homolog Similarity
(% aa unchanged)
Organism Symbol Entrez
Gene Info Protein
H.sapiens ZNF207 NP_001091977 M.musculus Zfp207 22680 Gene Info NP_035881 99
R.norvegicus Zfp207 303763   NP_001034109 99
A.gambiae AgaP_AGAP010143 1279563   XP_319302 55
C.elegans B0035.1 178042   NP_502124 43
N.crassa NCU06145.1 2707825   XP_326000 43
A.thaliana SUF4 839984   NP_564369 42
D.melanogaster CG17912 35004   NP_001097167 40
M.grisea MGG_08015 2678281   XP_362432 37

Gene Ontology
Gene classification by the European Bioinformatics Institute, as recorded in GOA (GO Annotation@EBI)

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