
Table 41. Summary of other juvenile-or-older silver hake diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW), mean percent contribution to total stomach content dry weight (TDW), and an index of relative importance (IRI), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)
Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW
Smith (1950) Block Island Sound 1948-49 (seasonally) Unknown TW -- Nekton (fish and squid), Crangon, and Leptocheirus pinguis.
Richards (1963) Long Island Sound 1956-57 (seasonally) Sand station - 111 (7-21) FO -- Neomysis, Crangon, L. pinguis, and fish (bay anchovy, sand lance, and juvenile silver hake).
Mud station - 165 (6-22) FO -- Copepods, Neomysis, L. pinguis, Crangon, squid, and bay anchovy.
Schaefer (1960) Long Branch, NJ, pier 1957-58 (Dec-Jan) 137 (~23-43) FO -- Amphipods, fish, Crangon, blueback herring, Menidia, and mysids.
TV -- Blueback herring, Menidia, juvenile silver hake, fish, and Crangon.
Schaefer (1960) New York Bight apex 1958 (Feb-May) 201 (~23-43)

FO -- Crangon, juvenile silver hake, fish, and mysids.
TV -- Juvenile silver hake, Crangon, Loligo, juvenile red hake, blueback herring, and fish.

Steimle (1985) New York Bight apex 1968-70 (summer) 235 (7-40, mean = 27) FO -- Neomysis, Crangon, and various fish.
Vinogradov (1984) Southern New England 1968-74 (unreported) 3,233 (unreported) TW -- Juvenile silver hake, Atlantic mackerel, red hake, and squid.
Bowman et al. (1987) Southern New England 1973-76 (spring/fall) 580 (<10)   TW -- Crustaceans (Crangon, Dichelopandalus leptocerus, Neomysis, and amphipods) and fish (sand lance and juvenile silver hake).
(11-20) TW -- Crangon, D. leptocerus, euphausids, Neomysis, juvenile silver hake, and sand lance.
Sedberry (1983) New York Bight shelf 1976-77 (seasonally) 334 (1-15) IRI -- Parathemisto gaudichaudi, decapod crustaceans, and fish (juvenile red hake and sand lance).
210 (15-25) IRI -- Decapod crustaceans, fish, and P. gaudichaudi.
Steimle and Terranova (1991) New York Bight apex 1982-85 (seasonally) 215 (not noted) FO -- Crangon, mysids, fish, D. leptocerus, juvenile silver hake, and sand lance.
Steimle (unpubl. data) New York Bight apex 1986-87 (monthly) 766 (9.0-26.2) FO -- Crangon, D. leptocerus, mysids, fish, juvenile silver hake, and sand lance.
TV -- Crangon, fish, D. leptocerus, decapod crustaceans, juvenile silver hake, and sand lance.

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