
Table 37. Summary of other tautog diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV),mean percent contribution to total stomach content dry weight (TDW), and mean percent contribution to total number of individual items in the stomach (TN), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)
Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW
Steimle and Ogren New York Bight 1966-67 (Jul-Aug) 57 (23-29) TV -- Atlantic rock crab, sand dollar (Echinarachnius
Olla et al. (1974) Great South Bay, NY 1971-72 (unreported) 25 (20-46, mean = 33) TV -- "Mussels" and crustaceans (decapods and cirripeds).
Festa (1979) Little Egg Harbor, NJ 1972-77 (summer/fall) 18 (6-16) TV -- Isopods (Idotea sp.) and mud (xanthid) crabs.
FO -- Amphipods, isopods, and nematodes.
7 (20-32)

TV -- Mud crabs and Ovalipes ocellatus.
FO -- Mud crabs.

Allen et al. (1978) Hereford Inlet, NJ 1973-77 (biweekly/monthly) 28 (4-44) FO -- bivalve mollusks, amphipods, detritus, and polychaetes.
Grover (1982) New York - southern Long Island 1978 (Aug-Nov) 36 (3-7) TN -- Copepods and amphipods.
Sogard (1992) Great Egg Harbor, NJ 1988-89 (summer) 63 (3-8) FO -- Copepods, amphipods, other crustaceans, and ostracods.
Dorf (1994) Narragansett Bay, RI 1990-92 (various ) 82 (2.5-7)


TDW -- Amphipods, copepods, and shrimp (Crangon and Palaemonetes sp.).

FO -- Copepods, amphipods, and flatworm.

TDW -- Shrimp and crabs.

FO -- Shrimp, flatworms, crabs, and detritus.

Lankford et al. (1995) Delaware Bay Unknown Unknown (age 2+) FO -- blue mussel.
Steimle et al. (in review) Delaware Bay 1989-94 (May/Jun and Aug/Sep) 371 (11.0-58.0, mean = 32.0)

TV -- blue mussel, unidentified mollusks, Metridium senile, Atlantic rock crab, Ensis directus, Pagurus sp.

FO -- blue mussel, unidentified crustaceans, unidentified mollusks, and M. senile.

Steimle and Figley (unpubl. data) Central New Jersey artificial reef 1997 (May-Aug) 68 (30.6-68.0; mean = 37.9) FO -- Hydroids, blue mussel spat, Atlantic rock crab, crab remains, caprellid amphipods, P. longicarpus, Euspira sp., P. pollicaris, and gammarid amphipods.

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