
Table 23. Summary of other striped bass diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV), mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW), and mean percent contribution to total number of individual items in the stomach (TN), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)
Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW
Curran and Reis (1937) Lower Hudson River, NY 1936 (unknown) Unknown ("small") FO? -- Gammarus fasciatus, chironomids, and copepods.
Merriman (1941) Connecticut coast 1936-37 (Apr-Nov) 550 ("juveniles") FO? -- Menidia and juvenile Atlantic menhaden.
Hollis (1952) Chesapeake Bay 1936-37 (seasonally) 1,736 (~14-74) TN -- Bay anchovy, Atlantic menhaden, spot, croaker, herring, unidentified fish, cladocerans, isopods, Crangon, and Palaemonetes sp.
de Sylva et al. (1962) Delaware Bay 1958-60 (Mar-Dec) 279 (4-31) FO -- Neomysis, Gammarus sp., Crangon, Palaemonetes sp., other crustaceans, Limulus polyphemus eggs and larvae, and unidentified fish.
Schaefer (1970) Southern Long Island surf zone 1964 (Apr-Nov) 61 (28-40)
TV -- Amphipods (Gammarus sp. and haustorids), Neomysis, Atlantic surfclam, and bay anchovy.
183 (41-60) TV -- Amphipods (Gammarus sp. and haustorids), bay anchovy, Menidia, and scup.
123 (61-94) TV -- Amphipods (Gammarus sp. and haustorids), red hake, Ovalipes ocellatus, scup, bay anchovy, juvenile tautog, northern puffer, and mullet.
Markle and Grant (1970) York River, VA 1967 (Jul-Oct) 297 (3-15) TV -- Fish (goby, Menidia, and shiners), Palaemonetes sp., Crangon, Neomysis, and polychaetes.
Festa (1979) Little Egg Harbor, NJ 1972-77 (fall) 11 (43-58) TV -- Sand lance, weakfish, unidentified fish, and Crangon.
FO -- Sand lance, unidentified fish, and Crangon.
Gardinier and Hoff (1982) Middle Hudson River Estuary 1974 (Apr-Nov) 546 (<15) FO -- Gammarus sp., calanoid copepods, and juvenile fish (Atlantic tomcod).
  (15-28) FO -- Fish (herring, Atlantic tomcod, bay anchovy, banded killifish, and mummichog).
1976-77 (Apr-May) 380 (>20) FO -- Fish (herring, bay anchovy, shiners, and killifish), detritus, and "invertebrates."
Boynton et al. (1981) Potomac River, VA/MD 1976 (biweekly, Jun-Sep, higher salinity area) 703 (2.5-10) TN -- Fish, mysids, and polychaetes.
Homer and Boynton (1978) Chesapeake Bay, MD 1977 (spring) 19 (10-15) TW -- Crangon, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Nereis succinea, bay anchovy, and juvenile spot.
Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers (1980) Hudson River, NY 1979-80 (seasonally) 239 (mean = 18.50) TV -- Gammarus sp., Crangon, Paleomonetes sp., and Neomysis.
Fay et al. (1982) Hudson River Unknown (<7.5)   FO? -- Gammarus sp., calanoid copepods, and insect larva.
(7.6-12.5) FO? -- Gammarus sp. and calanoid copepods.
(13-20) FO? -- Atlantic tomcod.
Fay et al. (1982) Delaware River Unknown (5-10) FO? -- Neomysis and Crangon.
Fay et al. (1982) Chesapeake Bay Unknown (7-15) FO? -- Naked goby and Palaemonetes sp.
(10-27) FO? -- Bay anchovy.
Hartman and Brandt (1995) Chesapeake Bay 1990-92 (bimonthly) (age 0)   TW -- Juvenile Atlantic menhaden, spot, and other fish.
(age 1) TW -- "Invertebrates," Atlantic menhaden, bay anchovy, and Gammarus sp.
(age 2) TW -- Atlantic menhaden, spot, and other fish.

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