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Guide for Implementing Child Care Legislation


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Marketing the Program to Your Employees

What are some ideas for marketing the child care subsidy program to employees?

  • Place announcements on pay slips. Example: “Interested in financial assistance with your child care costs? If you qualify, your agency can help you with licensed and/or regulated family child care costs or center-based child care costs. If you qualify, call…” (insert the name and phone number of the administrator of your program) for more information.
  • Post flyers and posters in your agency. Example: “Child Care is Costly—you may be able to receive financial help with your child care costs for licensed and/or regulated center-based child care or family child care providers. Call … for more information.”
  • Use electronic bulletin boards and/or the agency intranet. Example: “Your agency may be able to help you with your child care costs. Public Law 107-67, sec. 630, permits Federal agencies to provide financial assistance to lower income Federal employees for child care in licensed and/or regulated center-based or family child care homes. If you believe you might qualify for such assistance, please call or email… to learn more about our program.”
  • Use agency-wide email and closed circuit television services.
  • Let employees who use your on-site child care center know about this legislation. Send fliers home with parents of children enrolled in your child care center. Give prospective parents written information about the child care subsidy program.
  • Set up an information telephone line that has a recorded message about the program. Include information about who should be contacted if an employee is interested in application materials.
  • If your agency plans to make the program a first-come, first-served program or set a deadline for applying for the subsidy, make that point clear in the marketing materials and periodically send out reminders.
  • Make it absolutely clear to your employees that this program is not an entitlement program and only applies to licensed and/or regulated child care.

See Appendix A: Sample Marketing Flyer


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