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Press Room
"FBI, This Week" Radio Show

Inauguration Security for 2,000,000
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Mr. Schiff: There were nearly two million people at the January 20th inauguration of President Obama. As you know, security was huge. One of the leaders, Joseph Persichini, the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI's Washington Field Office, says personnel were teamed up…

Mr. Persichini: "They're looking at individuals getting on subways; buses. We also have our technical teams: bomb technicians, the Hostage Rescue Team will be stationed in a facility; we have Air-Ops in different facilities."

Mr. Schiff: Persichini says the Command and Technical Operations Center at the field office in Washington was jammed with about a hundred people…

Mr. Persichini: "Whether it's intelligence or intake or communications; transportation. So each one of the components of the command post are functional."

Mr. Schiff: No major incidents reported and after four days of work, it was time to rest for the 30,000 law enforcement personnel working the inauguration. I'm Neal Schiff of the Bureau and that's what's happening at the "FBI, This Week."

Link: "FBI, This Week" ABC Radio Show Archives