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Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects
Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects Photograph of and link to Amer El-Maati Photograph of and link to Aafia Siddiqui Photograph of and link to Adnan G. El Shukrijumah Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects
Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects Photograph of and link to Fazul Abdullah Mohammed Photograph of and link to Adam Gadahn Photograph of and link to Abderraouf Jdey Photograph of and link to Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects
Graphic of FBI seal and seven Be On the Lookout Suspects

Please BOLO For Us


"BOLO"--that's BuSpeak for "Be On the Look Out."

On May 26, Director Mueller and Attorney General Ashcroft held a press conference to call renewed attention to 7 individuals we believe pose a real and present danger to U.S. interests around the world--perhaps most especially this summer and fall, a time of high profile public events that may well serve as a lightening rod to terrorist attacks.

Director Mueller spoke frankly about the heightened threat to U.S. interests during these months, and equally frankly about strong FBI efforts to prevent attacks. "This summer and fall our nation will celebrate a number of events that serve as powerful symbols of our free and democratic society." He said. "Unfortunately, the same events that fill most of us with hope and pride are seen by terrorists as prime vehicles for attack.

"We need the support of the American people," he said. First to cooperate when called upon, as agents will be reaching out to many across the nation to help gather information and intelligence. Second, to be aware of your surroundings and report anything suspicious. Third, to "BOLO" for those pictured above. In Director Mueller's words: "Have you seen them in your communities? Have you heard that someone might be helping them to hide? Do you have any idea where they might be? If so, we need you to come forward."

Please click on each of the pictured photos or go to Seeking Terrorism Information to find out things like:

  • Age, physical description, and distinguishing marks.
  • Aliases
  • Reward offered.

If you have any information that might lead to locating any of these individuals, please contact us. You may report information to your nearest FBI field office or law enforcement agency. If you are located overseas, you may contact your closest FBI Legal Attaché office in U.S. Embassies. You may also send information through our Submit a Tip site.

Links: War on Terrorism

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