MessageFrom: Sue Deslippe [] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 4:03 PM To: Cc: MICHAEL.DESLIPPE@DFAS.MIL; 1611KJB@DRAGONBBS.COM Subject: FDA changes labeling requirements for Olestra To the staff of the FDA - regarding Olestra. I am outraged at the labeling change that is going into effect regarding Olestra on food products! I thought it irresponsible when P&G introduced Olestra to the consumer in 1996! The public was not aware of the problems this product can cause, just to save a small amount of fat intake! However, at least the information was posted on the product packaging, so that those of us who are concerned about what we ingest could avoid the product. Now, you are going to remove the labeling and require the consumer to stand in the isle at the store and read product labels looking for an asterisk! The majority of the public will not take the time to do this and not understand what the asterisk means anyhow. I feel this is endangering the public! There are people that are allergic to Olestra and have severe stomach reactions. And those that is causes "mild" diarrhea in. This is hiding important information that can affect peoples health! What will you do when someone becomes extremely ill from this and sues P&G due to lack of sufficient labeling? OR, a young child grabs a bag of chips while Mom is not watching, eats the whole bag and has to be rushed to the hospital for stomach pumping or IVs? I feel you are covering up the Olestra due to lack of sales. You are hoping that the public will just buy the product without being aware, and sales will increase. That is a very irresponsible position to take! It puts the consumers health at risk! Please continue to label your products in PLAIN LANGUAGE that they have Olestra - Olean in them where all can see!! Thank you, Sue Deslippe The SYGMA Network 614-734-2241