Alaska Project Database

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May 2008 Print E-mail

Denali Training Fund (DTF) Funding Update:

Through our administrative partner, the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the Denali Commission has issued another Request for Grant Application (RGA) for the Denali Training Fund. The deadline for this RGA is May 16, 2008. Please see the following state link for the RGA:


Q. What kind of training fits the Denali Commission Training fund?

The following is the Training Program excerpt from the 2008 Denali Commission Work Plan. These are the priorities and guidelines used when selecting projects.

The Training Program 's primary purpose is to support the Commission 's investment in infrastructure development by providing training for the careers related to the Commission infrastructure programs (such as Energy and Health Facilities).

The Training Program is also guided by the following principles:

  • Priority on training for construction, operations and maintenance of public infrastructure
  • Training will be tied to a job
  • Training will encourage careers not short term employment
  • Funding will support a Training System

Following are the Program 's priorities related to training activities that support infrastructure:

Priority #1 Training for Construction, Operations and Maintenance of Commission Projects

Priority #2 Management Training for Commission Projects

Priority #3 Youth Initiatives in support of Commission Projects

Priority #4 Construction, Operations and Maintenance Training of Other Public Infrastructure

Also see the Program Documents section of this page to view all training projects that were selected in 2008.