FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION



































                     Wednesday, September 15, 2004


                               8:10 a.m.




                          ACS Conference Room

                               Room 1066

                           5630 Fishers Lane

                          Rockville, Maryland



                        P A R T I C I P A N T S


      P. Joan Chesney, M.D. C.M., Chair

      Jan N. Johannessen, Ph.D., Executive Secretary


      Deborah L. Dokken, M.P.A.

      Steve Ebert, Pharm.D.

      Michael E. Fant, M.D., Ph.D.

      Samuel Maldonado, M.D.

      Robert M. Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.

      Thomas B. Newman, M.D., M.P.H.

      Judith R. O'Fallon, Ph.D.


      FDA Participants


      Solomon Iyasu, M.D.

      Dianne Murphy, M.D.



                            C O N T E N T S


      AGENDA ITEM                                             PAGE


      Call to Order and Introductions - P. Joan Chesney,

      M.D., Chair, Pediatric Advisory Committee                  5


      Meeting Statement - Jan N. Johannessen, Ph.D.,

      Executive Secretary                                        5


      Statement of Dianne Murphy, M.D.                           8


      Subpart D Referral Process - Sara F. Goldkind,

      M.D., M.A., Bioethicist, Office of Pediatric

      Therapeutics                                              17


      Summary of Deliberations of Pediatric Ethics

      Subcommittee held on 9/10/04 - Robert M. Nelson,

      M.D., Ph.D., Chair of the Subcommittee                    26


      Overview of Adverse Event Reporting as Mandated by


       - Solomon Iyasu, M.D., Medical Epidemiologist

         Office of Pediatric Therapeutics                       70


      Adverse Event Reporting

       - Ocuflox (ofloxacin)                                   105

         Fosamax (alendronate)                                 110

         Hari Sachs, M.D., Medical Officer, Division of

         Pediatric Drug Development


       - Fludara (fludarabine)

         Susan McCune, M.D., Medical officer, Division of

         Pediatric Drug Development                            125


       - Clarinex (desloratadine)

         Jane Filie, M.D., Medical officer, Division of

         Pediatric Drug Development                            149


      Adverse Event Reporting for Drug Products

      Containing Budesonide or Fluticasone:  Pulmicort,

      Rhinocort, Flonase, Flovent, Advair, and Cutivate


       - Peter Starke, M.D., Medical Team Leader,

         Division of Pulmonary Drug Products                   172



                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)


      AGENDA ITEM                                             PAGE


       - ShaAvhree Buckman, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP, Medical

         Officer, Division of Pediatric Drug Development       190


       - Joyce Weaver, Pharm.D., Safety Evaluator,

         Division of Drug Risk Evaluation                      199


       - Badrul A. Chowdhury, M.D., Ph.D., Director,

         Division of Pulmonary and Allergy Drug Products,

         CDER, FDA                                             211


      Open Public Hearing                                       --


      Final Comments and Adjourn - P. Joan Chesney, M.D.,

      Chair, Pediatric Advisory Committee                      239




                         P R O C E E D I N G S


                DR. CHESNEY:  Good morning.  I think we're


      ready to begin today's deliberations, and I'd like


      to say that we're not going to introduce the


      committee members until Dr. Murphy has given us an


      overview of the previous and current committees.


      And so we really just, I think, need to start off


      the meeting by having Dr. Johannessen read the


      meeting statement.


                DR. JOHANNESSEN:  Thank you, and good


      morning.  The following announcement addresses the


      issue of conflict of interest with regard to the


      study drug, dextroamphetamine, and competing


      products used for the treatment of ADHD and to the


      adverse event reporting session and is made part of


      the record to preclude even the appearance of such


      at this meeting.


                Based on the submitted agenda for the


      meeting and all financial interests reported by the


      committee participants, it has been determined that


      all interests in firms regulated by the Food and


      Drug Administration present no potential for an




      appearance of a conflict of interest at this


      meeting, with the following exceptions:


                In accordance with 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(3),


      full waivers have been granted to the following




                Dr. Patricia Joan Chesney for ownership of


      stock in a company with a product at issue valued


      at between $25,001 and $50,000, and for her


      spouse's honoraria for speaking on unrelated topics


      at a firm with a product at issue valued at less


      than $5,000;


                And Dr. Robert Nelson for an honorarium


      for speaking on an unrelated topic at a firm with a


      product at issue valued at less than $5,000.


                A copy of the waiver statements may be


      obtained by submitting a written request to the


      agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


      of the Parklawn Building.  In the event that the


      discussions involve any other firms or products not


      already on the agenda for which an FDA participant


      has a financial interest, the participants are


      aware of the need to exclude themselves from such




      involvement, and their exclusion will be noted for


      the record.


                We would also like to note that Dr. Samuel


      Maldonado has been invited to participate as an


      industry representative acting on behalf of


      regulated industry.  Dr. Maldonado is employed by


      Johnson & Johnson.


                With respect to all other participants, we


      ask in the interest of fairness that they address


      any current or previous financial involvement in


      any firm whose product they may wish to comment




                Thank you, and we'll now turn it over to


      Dr. Dianne Murphy.


                DR. MURPHY:  I wanted to just take a


      moment to welcome everybody and to also tell the


      committee that you may not have realized--or a


      number of people on this committee, that you have


      just made a transition.  That transition has been


      from a subcommittee, which was providing very


      important advice to us, but to now a full


      committee, which advises the Commissioner directly.




      And you have certain responsibilities that are


      slightly different, and I'm going to go over those


      in a second.  And also to the fact that you are not


      only just a full committee advising the Commissioner, but


      that, as I said, you have certain


      responsibilities that you're going to hear some of


      them today that are clearly defined.


                You have moved from the Center for Drugs


      to the Office of the Commissioner, and the office


      has been--and this committee is now administered


      there the Office of Science.  And our new Exec.


      SEC. is Jan Johannessen, who has done an


      extraordinary making sure that everybody has been


      recruited and met all the criteria that we need to


      meet and getting you here and assembled and in


      helping us charter this new committee.


                It is really just a monumental feat


      because the agency basically was not allowed to


      have any new committees.  It actually took Congress


      to create you.  So I'm spending a little time on


      this so you'll understand how important your


      deliberations are to the agency.




                One of the other activities that has


      occurred, as you know, is that there has been the


      creation of the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics,


      and that office is now responsible for all


      pediatric activities across the agency.  And,


      therefore, this committee may be hearing more--having been


      in the Center for Drugs previously, you


      may be hearing more about other products such as


      devices or formula.  So I wanted to make sure that


      you are also aware of that.


                And I know sometimes that's a bit


      overwhelming if you're a cardiologist or an ID doc


      or whatever your training.  The breadth of what


      we're asking you to deliberate upon is quite large.


      However, as those of you who have been on the


      previous subcommittee are aware, we always bring in


      additional experts, that you're here to bring


      particularly to those deliberations the pediatric


      perspective, because we have lots of technical


      committees that have lots of expertise, and we will


      always bring that additional expertise as needed to


      the deliberations.  But it's your particular




      pediatric perspective and expertise that we depend


      upon at these meetings.


                I did want to spend a moment introducing,


      so that you can put some faces with names, the


      people who are now in the Office of Pediatric


      Therapeutics, which is Sara Goldkind, who will be


      speaking; Solomon Iyasu, whom you know, who has


      been on detail with us for a while; Ann Myers, if


      you'd put your hand up, Ann, who is our policy


      analyst, so you'll have a face there; and Jean


      Harkins, who is not here, but she is the person who


      actually runs the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics.


                I mention that because it is that office


      that is mandated to particularly focus on the


      ethical issues and the safety issues, and that this


      committee within the Office of the Commissioner has


      now also been identified to deal with those issues.


                I also wanted to comment on some other


      transitions for those of you who have been on the


      subcommittee.  I'm no longer with the Office of


      Counterterrorism, Pediatric Drug Development.


      Rosemary Roberts is the new office director, and so




      she's still going to be very active in the


      pediatric issues, and the Division Director for


      Pediatrics, Shirley Murphy, is now the Deputy


      within that office. And we have a new Division


      Director, just so you'll know these names.  Lisa


      Mathis I do not believe is here.  She's dealing


      with other issues this morning.


                For the new members--and I apologize to


      the old members because I know you've heard this.


      I actually took it out of the slide on Monday


      because I didn't think that everybody really wanted


      to hear about all the accomplishments of the


      previous committee.  But I wanted the new members


      to hear a little bit about what the previous


      committee has actually--some of the issues they


      have dealt with.  And they have dealt with not only


      the ethical issues that have to do with normal


      volunteers, placebo-controlled trials, the


      vulnerable population within pediatrics.  They have


      dealt with an enormous array of scientific issues,


      from sleep disorders, hepatitis C, HIV, antiviral


      drug development in neonates, the current




      epidemiology and therapeutics and development of


      therapies for hyperbilirubinemia, clinical risk


      management for HPA axis suppression in children


      with atopic dermatitis, tracking cancer risks among


      children with atopic dermatitis, and as you all are


      aware, last February a discussion of the FDA


      process and review of therapies for major


      depressive disorder.


                In addition, this committee has now


      reviewed--before today's additional eight products


      that you're going to be hearing about, has reviewed


      over 22 products that were granted exclusivity, and


      you have looked at the one-year post-adverse event


      reporting that has occurred for those products.  I


      can tell you that this is an important process that


      we are looking to evolve constantly.  It came up


      recently at a congressional hearing as to how were


      we doing this and what were we doing with it.  And


      I think it's important that this committee realize


      that it is important what you have to say to us


      about whether we should do anything else in trying


      to follow--gain a better understanding of what




      happens to children after these products have been


      either approved--or approved and particularly after


      they have been studied, because as you heard


      yesterday, they don't always get an approval or a


      label change, but certainly they have been studied


      and they may be granted exclusivity.  And that in


      itself often results in additional information.


                As you go around this morning, it would be


      helpful if you would identify if you were on the


      previous subcommittee.  I'd appreciate that just so


      the new members will know.  And also, I wanted to


      particularly thank Sam--and is Steve here?  I don't


      see him.  Oh, there you are.  As Jan said, for


      doing double duty.  We are still in the process of


      identifying the industry and consumer


      representatives, a total different process, and


      they very kindly agreed to continue to assist us in


      these last rigorous days, the last few days.


                And, again, thank you for being here, for


      your participation, because I know it requires


      quite a commitment, and for your thoughtfulness as


      we move forward with this new committee.




                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much, Dianne.


                So I think we would like next to go around


      the room and have the new Pediatric Advisory


      Committee members introduce themselves, and I'd


      like to start with the members who are no longer on


      the committee, if they could--that was a joke.  So


      let's start with Dr. Maldonado.


                DR. MALDONADO:  Sam Maldonado.  I work in


      pediatric drug development at Johnson & Johnson,


      and as Dr. Murphy said, this is my last session


      with the committee.  There will be a new member


      from industry.


                DR. NEWMAN:  I'm Tom Newman.  I'm a


      professor of epidemiology and biostatistics in


      pediatrics at the University of California, San


      Francisco, and a general pediatrician, and I'm new


      to the committee.


                MS. DOKKEN:  I'm Deborah Dokken, and I am


      also new to the committee, and I am a patient-family


      representative and I really appreciate


      having that voice on the committee.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Judith O'Fallon.  I'm a




      professor emeritus of statistics at Mayo Clinic.  I


      got called back half-time to cover a maternity


      leave, by the way, going back.  But I've been on


      the committee since its beginning.


                DR. FANT:  My name is Michael Fant.  I'm


      an associate professor of pediatrics at the


      University of Texas in Houston.  My expertise is in


      neonatology and in biochemistry.  And I'm new to


      the committee.


                DR. NELSON:  I'm Robert Nelson.  I'm


      associate professor of anesthesia and pediatrics at


      Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University


      of Pennsylvania.  My clinical area is pediatric


      critical care, and I also work in the area of


      ethics, and I was on the previous subcommittee.


                DR. EBERT:  Hi, I'm Steve Ebert.  I'm an


      infectious diseases pharmacist at Meriter Hospital


      and professor of pharmacy at the University of


      Wisconsin, Madison.  I'm an outgoing member of the




                DR. CHESNEY:  And my name is Joan Chesney.


      I'm a professor of pediatrics at the University of




      Tennessee in Memphis, and my interest is infectious


      diseases, and I'm a former subcommittee member.


                DR. JOHANNESSEN:  My name is Jan


      Johannessen, and I'm the Executive Secretary to the


      Pediatric Advisory Committee.


                DR. MURPHY:  Dianne Murphy, Office


      Director, Office of Pediatric Therapeutics, FDA.


                DR. IYASU:  I'm Solomon Iyasu.  I'm


      medical team leader with the Division of Pediatric


      Drug Development and an epidemiologist with the


      Office of Pediatric Therapeutics.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you and welcome to all


      the new committee members.  You're in for quite a


      ride, believe me.


                Our first speaker this morning--and,


      again, for the new committee members, what you're


      going to hear about next was really a historic


      process and a historic meeting on Friday.  And Dr.


      Sara Goldkind is going to introduce the topic for


      us.  She's a board-certified internist who did a


      clinical fellowship in medical ethics at the


      University of South Florida.  She also has a




      master's degree in religious studies with a focus


      on comprehensive religious ethics--comparative


      religious ethics, excuse me, and she's been with


      the agency for almost a year, which she tells me


      seems like longer than that.


                Dr. Goldkind?


                DR. GOLDKIND:  It's my pleasure to be here


      today at the inaugural meeting of the Pediatric


      Advisory Committee and to tell you about the work


      of the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee.


                As Dianne mentioned, this is really a


      landmark time in pediatric research.  That's the


      way we see it because we feel that this committee


      as well as the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee can


      really make incredibly important decisions and


      consensus statements regarding pediatric research.


                So what I'd like to do now is talk a


      little bit about the role of the Pediatric Ethics


      Subcommittee.  It is going to be a subcommittee


      that addresses Subpart D referrals and also ethical


      issues that impact on research affecting the


      pediatric population.




                Going back to the part on Subpart D,


      there's a mistake in the slide, and where it says


      "Joint 21 CFR 50.54 and 45 CFR 46.407 referrals,"


      those are referrals that will come to both OHRP and


      the FDA, and we actually had one of those to review


      on September 10th, which involved the effects of a


      single dose of dextroamphetamine in attention


      deficit hyperactivity disorder, a functional


      magnetic resonance study.  And Dr. Nelson, who is


      the Chair of the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee, is


      going to give you a summary of the deliberations of


      the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee in that regard.


                The subcommittee can also address


      referrals that come only to the FDA under 21 CFR


      50.54, and I'm going to talk about these


      regulations in a little bit more detail.  But if


      there are no referrals and there are burning


      ethical issues that we would like to address, we


      can also take those to the Pediatric Ethics


      Subcommittee for deliberation.


                So now to go into a little bit more detail


      about the regulations under which we can have these




      referrals, Subpart D is entitled "Additional


      Safeguards for Children in Clinical Investigations


      and Research," and they are essentially identical


      for DHHS and FDA.  DHHS regs are Title 45, CFR 46,


      also known as "the common rule" because 17 federal


      agencies operate under those regulations.  And the


      FDA regulations are 21 CFR 50.


                There is a notable distinction between the


      two sets of regulations, and that is the issue of


      waiving parental permission can be done under Title


      45, CFR 46, but not under the FDA regulations.  But


      in terms of the Subpart D referral process and the


      general categories of pediatric research, those are


      identical between the two regulations.  And what


      I've done in these slides is include the citations


      for both regulations.


                So Subpart D has four different categories


      under which pediatric research can be conducted.


      The first category is 50.51/46.404, and that is a


      category which states that the research involves no


      more than minimal risk.  And it essentially does


      not discuss who benefits from the research, but




      basically describes that there's a ceiling of


      minimal risk for exposure for the children.


                50.52/46.405 is research that involves


      greater than minimal risk but presents the prospect


      of direct benefit.


                And then 50.53/46.406 involves greater


      than minimal risk but presents a prospect of


      generalizable knowledge about the disorder or


      condition, but there's no prospect of direct


      benefit to the participants.


                So those are three categories under which


      an IRB can classify pediatric research.  If the IRB


      determines that it cannot classify the research


      under those first three categories, however, the


      IRB finds that the research presents a reasonable


      opportunity to further the understanding,


      prevention, or alleviation of a serious problem


      affecting the health or welfare of children, and


      the FDA Commissioner or Secretary, after


      consultation with a panel of experts in pertinent


      disciplines, and following an opportunity for


      public review and comment determines the






                So, in other words, if the IRB feels that


      the research has merit for the general pediatric


      population but cannot be classified under one of


      the first three categories, it can make a referral


      to one of the federal agencies--and I'll discuss


      those details in a minute--to have the protocol


      reviewed by an expert panel.


                And so what must the research then


      satisfy, according to the expert panel?  The


      research, in fact, satisfies one of the first three


      categories, so the expert panel can make a


      determination that after it reviews the research,


      actually one of the first three categories does


      apply, or the following three conditions are met:


      the research presents a reasonable opportunity to


      further the understanding, prevention, or


      alleviation of a serious problem affecting the


      health or welfare of children; the research will be


      conducted in accordance with sound ethical


      principles; and adequate provisions are made for


      soliciting assent and parental permission.




                The composition of the Pediatric Ethics


      Subcommittee is the following:  Dr. Nelson is the


      Chair.  According to FACA, we also need to have two


      members of the Pediatric Advisory Committee


      represented on the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee.


      And in addition to Dr. Nelson, we included Dr.


      Chesney and Dr. Gorman.  And we supplemented the


      Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee with an additional


      group of core ethicists:  Drs. Fost, Kodish and




                The composition of the Pediatric Ethics


      Subcommittee under both DHHS regulations and FDA


      regulations states that the panel of experts in


      pertinent disciplines, for example, science,


      medicine, education, ethics, and law, and we


      selected from among those groups according to the


      protocol.  But most of those groups were


      represented on the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee


      that took place on September 10th. In addition, we


      also had two patient advocates represent on that




                So once the IRB makes the determination




      that it wants to refer to a federal agency, it


      refers to the FDA for regulated--if the products in


      the protocol are FDA-regulated, and it refers to


      OHRP if the research is federally funded or


      conducted.  And we have a very close working


      relationship with OHRP, and when a protocol comes


      to us, we also refer it to them for review, and


      they refer a protocol that comes to them to us.


      And in this case, the protocol was actually


      submitted to OHRP, but upon our review it was noted


      that two of the products in the protocol, both the


      MRI machine and the dextroamphetamine, were FDA-regulated


      and so we also had jurisdiction over that




                The review would then be conducted by the


      Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee expert panel, and as


      I said, each protocol--we will have a core group of


      ethicists, and it will be supplemented by


      appropriate expert panel members and patient


      representatives and/or community representatives.


                The Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee will


      bring its recommendations to the Pediatric Advisory




      Committee for endorsement, as Dr. Nelson will do


      today, and then those recommendations will be


      submitted to the Commissioner of the FDA for final


      determination.  Once that determination is


      rendered, it will be forwarded to OHRP, and OHRP


      will send the Commissioner's memorandum on the


      Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee/Pediatric Advisory


      Committee's recommendations on to the Secretary,


      and the Secretary will have his final


      determination, particularly in regards to funding


      of the research.


                So our goals in this process, clearly the


      overarching goal is to advance an understanding of


      pediatric research, and we'd like to do that


      involving additional expert input and public input.


      We also want to have transparency in the process,


      and in that regard we had an open public comment


      period before the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee.


      We also had an open hearing available at the


      Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee.  We also want to try


      and respond to these protocol referrals in a timely


      manner so that they will be helpful to the IRBs




      involved.  And we want to be able to handle these


      referrals in a consistent and clear manner so that


      they can advance the general understanding of


      pediatric research.  And we would like to do this


      and are doing this in harmony with OHRP so that we


      have a united federal agency response to pediatric




                Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.


                Maybe what we could do is introduce and


      hear our next speaker and then ask for questions


      from the panel.  Dr. Skip Nelson is the Chair of


      the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee, and he will


      discuss with us the deliberations of the Pediatric


      Ethics Subcommittee with the invited folk that Dr.


      Goldkind just mentioned on last Friday.  And the


      issue here is that Dr. Nelson has prepared a


      summary of the committee's deliberations, which you


      have in front of you, and I'll let him highlight


      issues that he wants to bring to your attention.


      And what we're looking for here is an endorsement


      by the committee.  As we've mentioned, this took a




      whole day of fairly intense deliberations last


      Friday, and we don't anticipate that we will have


      to repeat that process here.  So we're just looking


      for the committee's endorsement and any questions


      that you may have, either for the process as Dr.


      Goldkind just outlined it or for the specific


      events of Friday as Dr. Nelson will present them.


                DR. NELSON:  Thanks.  You have the


      document before you.  Let me just note, as someone


      pointed out, I've got the wrong date in the


      heading.  That will be corrected before the final


      version goes up.  If you see any other typos, feel


      free to write them down and share them with us


      after our discussion.


                I'd like to walk you through the document.


      My intent here is not to read the document but to


      highlight what is in it, since you can probably


      read faster than I can talk.  The introduction


      simply restates the purpose of the meeting and then


      gives a brief summary of what's in the summary.


                But let me first start with what is the


      primary issue that would be raised by this




      protocol, which is the particular risk of the


      procedures that are contained within the protocol.


                Now, as a preface to this, one of the


      first things that an IRB must determine--and for


      this exercise, the Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee is


      effectively functioning like an IRB--that the


      research design is sound.  So after I talk about


      risk, I'll then run through a number of recommendations and


      stipulations that the committee made


      to assure itself that, in fact, the research was


      sound.  But assuming those are made, the


      subcommittee felt that the following risks would be




                The first is the single dose of dextroamphetamine.


      Is that minimal risk?  The feeling


      was no.  We can a little bit later, if you'd like,


      about the definition of minimal risk, but, in fact,


      that was not minimal risk.  But the subcommittee


      felt that it was no more than what's called a minor


      increase over minimal risk, and it lists the


      reasons there, which I think I'll state in more


      detail for highlight.




                First of all, it has been used since 1937


      with a good safety record.  It is one of the only


      two stimulants that are approved down to age 3, and


      the children in this protocol are between 9 and 18.


      The greatest side effects are irritability,


      restlessness, agitation, and temper outbursts which


      generally last only 4 to 5 hours, are infrequent,


      and as you'll see later, one of our risk


      minimization strategies was to say they should do


      this in the morning so you don't have the kid up


      all night after you do this.  It's used universally


      in pediatric practice, and the more common risks


      are restlessness, anxiety, loss of appetite,


      insomnia--again, why we made that recommendation.


                There were two procedures we felt ought


      to--well, a second procedure that we felt ought to


      be drawn out and highlighted, and that's the


      withholding of medication for 36 hours from the


      kids with ADHD.  The feeling was that also could be


      characterized as a minor increase over minimal


      risk.  The reasoning here is that kids with ADHD


      often are not medicated over the weekend, often are




      not medicated when they're not going to school, and


      are often given holidays from the drug.  So it


      didn't feel that a 36-hour period of time was of


      any significant risk to those children.


                And then the remainder of the procedures,


      which are outlined further along, we all felt were


      appropriately considered minimal risk and,


      therefore, were appropriate for either group within


      the protocol.


                Now, the one design recommendation that we


      made was to consider narrowing the subject


      population that's part of this protocol.  There was


      some discussion about the variability in both


      neurodevelopmental stages and then response to this


      dose of the stimulant between the ages of 9 and 18


      years of age, with different points being raised as


      to the scientific advantages and disadvantages of


      either the younger age group or the older age


      group.  We didn't feel that we could make this a


      stipulation, but felt that the investigators should


      strongly consider narrowing that range within 9 to


      18 to get a more focused population.




                The other confounder that came up--and


      this is also in response to some points made in the


      public discussion--is that trying to tease apart


      the changes that might occur in response to the


      drug over time versus basic underlying differences


      in terms of, if you will, the neurological


      networks, that you need ideally to have treatment-naive


      subjects with ADHD, or at least less ideally,


      if that is a practical difficulty in doing in this


      particular age group, try and get a more uniform


      cohort of drug exposure, which is why we had the


      discussion of picking the lower-dose range.


                One reason for that was that the expert


      scientists felt that often the dose over time that


      you may need goes up, and if they unified the dose,


      then probably you would end up with a more uniform


      distribution of the length of exposure to


      treatment.  But we didn't feel that that reached


      the level of a stipulation, but certainly felt that


      that was a strong recommendation to consider


      improving the scientific value of the study.


                Now, there are a number of required




      modifications to the protocol.  Point A, which I'm


      not going to read, is basically my summary of all


      of the procedures in the protocol.  And one of the


      recommendations is--it was very hard to find all of


      these things, and it would be nice if they just put


      them in one place so no one had to go reading


      through it in all detail.  One, for example, that


      came up--and I'll just highlight this--is that


      every child will receive a diagnostic MRI scan,


      which is, in fact, part of NIH policy.  You could


      find that nowhere in any of the documentation, and


      that came out during discussion.  Things like that


      need to be in the protocol.


                I might add, what we will be doing is


      depending upon both the Office of Pediatric


      Therapeutics and the OHRP to make sure this


      happens, so it's not something that we need to then


      worry about.


                The second point, sequence of subject


      testing.  They're not planning to do the kids that


      are twins.  There are discordant twins, either both


      homozygous and dizygotic.  They're not going to do




      those twins unless they see differences between the


      kids with ADHD and the kids without ADHD.  That


      sequence of testing, which came out in testimony,


      was very hard to find anywhere in the protocol, and


      that needs to be included.  They won't do the twins


      if, in fact, they don't find a difference in the




                It was very hard to find the right dose


      since there were these dosing discrepancies, and so


      that needs to be clarified.  But I've stated what


      the committee's understanding is, and, of course,


      if this is different--and this is based on the


      investigators' testimony--that will have to be


      dealt with.  And, again, I mentioned the morning.


                A functional MRI.  The protocol lacks a


      discussion of what came out in the testimony of the


      training that goes on to make sure these kids are


      comfortable inside the machine, make sure they can


      actually do the tasks that they're being requested


      to do, et cetera, exclude kids from claustrophobia.


      Not much in the protocol about that.  I already


      mentioned the diagnostic MRI scan, which needs to




      be in there.


                Pregnancy exclusion.  You only found that


      in the parent permission form.  The feeling was


      that that needs to be discussed in the protocol and


      the child assent documents, and in particular,


      mechanisms for protecting the confidentiality of


      the adolescent that she may or may not want to go


      into the protocol knowing that there's a pregnancy


      test depending upon activities.  That needs to be


      spelled out.  We weren't making a judgment about


      how that should be handled other than the


      importance of the confidentiality in soliciting


      that information.


                There was a significance discussion of


      neuropsychological--I would like to have questions


      at the end, because what will happen is I bet you


      some will be answered, but write them down.


      Neuropsychological testing.  There was a lot of


      discussion about this testing.  It's not being


      performed for diagnostic or treatment purposes, and


      we felt it would be a cleaner study if, in fact,


      this information was not provided back to the




      parents.  Part of that discussion was based on it


      not being done in that kind of a therapeutic




                And then genetic testing.  There is


      testing being done only for zygosity, and we felt


      since there was a whole slew of markers being done


      and no discussion about the risk of those markers


      relative to, say, late onset adult diseases, that


      the cleanest way to do that would be to destroy the


      data and the samples after you've determined the


      zygosity of the twins, maintaining only that piece


      of information.


                Modifications to the parent permission and


      child assent process in documents follow, of


      course, those that need to be included from the


      discussion of the procedures.  There were a couple


      of specific issues.  One is payment.  They were


      proposing a lot of money--I didn't put it in here,


      but a lot of money.  We felt it was too much and


      that basically the parents should get reimbursed


      for expenses, and that for young children, a token--although


      we didn't have a discussion of what that




      is, but allowing the IRB to have some discretion,


      and for older children who would be potentially


      capable of working at a wage position such as


      minimum wage, the wage model would be appropriate.


      And, of course, consistent with FDA policy, this


      would be, in fact, divided evenly over the protocol


      procedures so that a child who withdraws in the


      middle still gets part of the money.


                They needed to pay attention to the


      opportunity for dissent, particularly in the twin


      pairs.  We thought that the twin without ADHD could


      be under some pressure to be in the study, and they


      needed to provide that opportunity.  And then some


      clarification about the risks of the drug in the


      actual consent document, and in many ways we


      actually said you should overstate the risks in the


      consent document.  Although we do not feel that


      this drug presents any risk of addiction, the


      parents should know that, in fact, it's classified


      as a drug of abuse, with an important distinction


      being made by our experts between substance abuse


      and addiction.  It's one thing to say take




      dextroamphetamine to be able to stay up for your


      exams in college, but that doesn't lead to


      addiction because generally you don't then want to


      take it when you plan to fall asleep during


      vacation.  And, of course, both permissions.


                Now, there were some specific questions


      that we were asked to respond to, and I think for


      these questions, perhaps I'll just read our answers


      so that you get it clear.


                What are the benefits, if any, to the


      subjects and to children in general?  There is no


      direct health benefit to the children included in


      the research.  The protocol addresses the question


      of a unique central response to stimulants in ADHD,


      utilizing a better research design than previously


      published studies and controlling for performance


      differences.  As such, the protocol may be able to


      untangle clinical state and trait--meaning genetic


      relatedness--differences through the use of


      monozygotic and dizygotic twins who are discordant


      for ADHD.  Now, more speculatively--and this was


      part of the discussion--the results may improve our




      understanding of ADHD in order to enhance


      diagnostic precision and avoid misclassification


      and overtreatment.


                Now, the types and degrees of risk that


      this presents to subject, I've discussed a fair


      amount of that above, and, again, we thought that


      all of the procedures other than withholding of the


      medications and the blind administration of study


      drugs were minimal risk, and those two were a minor


      increase over minimal risk.


                In terms of whether the risks are


      reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits,


      this is a key point.  For all subjects enrolled in


      the research, the risks to subjects are reasonable


      in relationship to the importance of the knowledge--i.e.,


      the benefit to children in general--that may


      reasonably be expected to result.  However, it is


      only for the children with ADHD that the research


      is likely to yield generalizable knowledge which is


      of vital importance for the understanding of the


      subjects' disorder.


                For you regulatory junkies, you'll know




      that I'm reading language that is contained within


      the regulations as well, but the important thing is


      then that children without ADHD do not have a


      disorder or condition, which is why this then could


      not be approved by the local IRB, although the


      brain response of children without ADHD to a single


      dose of dextroamphetamine is an important part of


      the generalizable knowledge to be gained in this


      research based on the first step of the comparison.


                So we thought it did present a reasonable


      opportunity to further the understanding,


      prevention, or alleviation of a serious problem


      affecting the health or welfare of children.


                So, with that said, the determination of


      approval categories that the subcommittee felt was


      appropriate was that the interventions and


      procedures included in the research can be approved


      for the children with ADHD under 45 CFR 46.406 and


      21 CFR 50.53.  That's the category that says no


      more than a minor increase over minimal risk; that


      basically the experiences are reasonably


      commensurate with those inherent in their




      condition; the intervention is likely to yield


      generalizable knowledge about the subjects'


      disorder or condition, which is true for the ADHD;


      and then that there are adequate provisions for




                Now, because of the lack of a condition in


      the kids without ADHD, we felt that it could not be


      approved under those three categories consistent


      with what the IRB found.  But we did feel that it


      presented a reasonable opportunity to further the


      understanding of a serious problem; that it would


      be conducted in accord with sound ethical


      principles; and that there are adequate provisions


      for soliciting assent and permission.  And as such,


      we recommend that the involvement in the research


      of children without ADHD is approvable, assuming


      all of the required modifications are made, under


      46.407 or 50.54.


                Then one final point.  It had been brought


      up in some of the public testimony, the applicability of a


      particular case known as Grimes v.


      Kennedy Krieger Institute.  Whereas, normally or




      often we might anticipate that the kinds of studies


      that come before us are going to be multi-institutional,


      multi-site, and multi-state and


      we're not going to want to get into the business of


      commenting on the legal interpretations of all of


      those different environments, we have the unique


      situation here where this is a single site located


      within Maryland, and this is a fairly high profile


      court decision.  So prior to the meeting, I had


      asked for clarification by both FDA and OHRP


      attorneys about the applicability, and the feeling,


      which I agree with and I think some other


      knowledgeable members of the subcommittee that I've


      talked with also agree with, is that the holding is


      not applicable for two reason:  One is NIH is a


      federal enclave and not subject to state law; and


      second is when this case was considered,


      reconsidered, the Maryland Court of Appeals stated


      that "the only conclusion that we reached as a


      matter of law was that, on the record currently


      before us, summary judgment was improperly


      granted."  So attorneys have a term called "dicta,"




      which means basically the judge expressed opinion


      on other matters, but, in fact, those other matters


      are not binding as law.  So for those two reasons,


      it was felt that we did not need to get into the


      issue of the applicability of this particular case


      as a subcommittee.


                So, with that summary, I guess how about


      questions about the document, the protocol and the


      like, and then after that, I certainly would be


      interested in any more general questions about the


      process, if that's a reasonable approach.


        T1B                 DR. CHESNEY:  We actually have a visitor


      this morning.  Dr. Bern Schwetz is the Director of


      the Office of Human Research Protections, and I


      wondered if we could call on him to come and make a


      few statements before we invite questions.


                DR. NELSON:  Sure.


                DR. SCHWETZ:  Thank you very much, Dr.


      Chesney.  I just wanted to express my thanks for


      FDA and this Advisory Committee creating the


      opportunity to do this joint review in one process


      rather than have the FDA and OHRP going in separate




      ways to review a protocol of this kind where


      there's joint jurisdiction.  So particular thanks


      to Dr. Nelson for chairing this review and this


      subcommittee.  In our opinion, the process went as


      we had hoped it would, with a very smooth review,


      but probably more importantly, a thorough review


      and a recommendation that we feel is a good


      recommendation coming to this Advisory Committee


      for your final review and hopefully approval.


                The review was done in a timely manner,


      and that was a challenge considering that this is a


      new committee, a new subcommittee, but it was done


      in a timely way.  And I think it was done with an


      appropriate cast of experts.  So we're very pleased


      with this process and, Dr. Chesney, with your


      permission, we're hoping that in those cases where


      we have joint jurisdiction over a protocol in the


      future that we'll be able to bring it back and


      handle it this way.


                So thank you very much.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you for your comments,


      and maybe you could stay here just for a moment,




      and we'll ask now for any questions of the new


      committee members for either Dr. Goldkind, Dr.


      Nelson, or Dr. Schwetz.


                Dr. Maldonado?


                DR. MALDONADO:  I just have a quick


      question.  Dr Nelson, I see that on page 1 you made


      the statement--and I basically also agree that you


      did a great job with this review.  You listed the


      minor increase over minimal risk, which I agree are


      just a minor increase.  But then on page 2, you


      gave a--maybe I am just overreading this, but the


      subcommittee strongly encourages the investigators


      to narrow the age.  I know you focused on that, and


      I may have missed it.  My understanding is this is


      a single-dose study.  I don't know what the


      concerns will be with single-dose for neurodevelopmental


      stages with a single dose, low dose.


                DR. NELSON:  The issue is not the impact


      of that dose.  There might be a response difference


      that you could see, but the question is teasing


      apart--there is a debate on previous studies that


      have been done of structural MRI scans, and there




      are actually two previous studies of functional MRI


      scans where the question is whether or not some of


      the differences that may be seen are not related to


      any underlying biological differences, neurodevelopmental


      differences, but, in fact, the kids


      with ADHD had been chronically exposed to a


      medication which--I'm not a neuroscientist.  I


      guess I would characterize it as whether it's


      created some element of remodeling of those


      systems.  And so try and eliminate that confounder,


      the feeling was if they would narrow the age range


      and then try to either get treatment-naive, which


      may be difficult, or at least treatment-uniform at


      lower doses which would give you hopefully a lower


      duration of exposure, that you might be able to


      begin to tease apart those two issues.  That was


      the scientific discussion among the experts.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, Dr. Fant?


                DR. FANT:  Yes, this question may be a bit


      naive, but it quickly comes to mind, especially


      from the standpoint of taking the kids off the meds


      for a couple of days and trying to ensure treatment




      naivete and the question that that may have on


      their response.


                And so the question is:  Are there any


      over-the-counter stimulants or food additives that


      could potentially interact with their response and


      somehow muddy the data?  And if so, is that being


      controlled for or addressed in the protocol?


                DR. NELSON:  The answer is yes.  I mean,


      one of the discussions, of course, by the IRB was


      whether caffeine and the element of caffeine


      consumption could be used as a judgment.  So there


      are some confounders and the need to collect that


      data, and it would be sort of self-defeating if


      over the weekend you take the kid off of his


      medication and then he drinks, you know, a couple


      of cases of Jolt Cola--which I don't even know if


      it's still made or not.  I have no stock in that


      company.  No conflict of interest on that


      recommendation.  Or Mountain Dew.  I think Mountain


      Dew has a lot of caffeine in it.  So, yes, they


      need to pay attention to that.


                DR. FANT:  And even with adolescents who




      may be concerned about weight and appearance and


      that sort of thing, some of the additives that are


      contained in supplements in GNC at the mall, you




                DR. NELSON:  Right.


                DR. MURPHY:  So, Dr. Fant, was that a


      question or just a recommendation, I guess is what




                DR. FANT:  Well, it's a concern because if


      we're talking about giving a drug to, quote, normal


      kids, you really want to ensure that the data is as


      clean, as interpretable as possible.  You wouldn't


      want to muddy the waters on something that could


      have easily been avoided.


                DR. MURPHY:  I think that, you know, if


      there are recommendations that this committee would


      like to make, that's appropriate.  And we wanted to


      make sure that that was--


                DR. NELSON:  I see that as just a


      refinement of the recommendation to make sure your


      subject populations are as uniform as possible.  So


      it's certainly consistent with our direction.




                DR. CHESNEY:  But we maybe should add a


      sentence or two, Skip, just to--I thought that was


      an excellent point if somebody does--I don't know


      how long those stay in the bloodstream, but if


      that's their breakfast and then they show up for


      the fMRI, there may be a confounding variable.


                Yes, Dr. O'Fallon?


                DR. O'FALLON:  Did you recommend that they


      collect that information?


                DR. NELSON:  No, but we can add a sentence


      to that.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Okay.  I think it would be


      helpful to make sure that they elicit that




                DR. CHESNEY:  Deborah, you were next.


                MS. DOKKEN:  I first want to compliment


      Dr. Nelson's subcommittee.  I mean, not only did


      you do a thorough job, but I could fully understand


      what you were talking about, and I was glad that


      you included the issue of compensation and the


      potential pressure on the twins in the assent






                I was also glad that at least in some way


      you directed attention to the permission and assent


      forms and talking about the chronology of the


      procedures.  But I had a further question about


      those forms, which, frankly, I don't know what


      their rating is in terms of reading level, et


      cetera.  But they certainly to me were not easy to


      read and, in fact, were mixed.  Sometimes they used


      almost simplistic language; then you know, the next


      sentence--did you talk at all about just the forms


      themselves and the language beyond the chronology




                DR. NELSON:  Yes, we did.  But that's just


      captured on page 5 under age where we just say


      there's technical language would is not explained


      in lay terminology.


                I think two points on the process:  A,


      this still then needs to go back through the NIMH


      IRB, plus it has two offices, not just one now,


      that will recognize that for this to be finally


      approved would require that kind of changes in the


      documents.  And I'm absolutely confident that with




      OHRP and FDA's involvement in making sure that


      these requirements happen is that they will be in


      more understandable language.


                My own philosophy is there's no reason for


      us to sort of nickel-and-dime the actual text, but


      that was discussed.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Could I just add, there was


      a great deal of discussion about the protocol and


      about the consent form, and, in fact, one of the


      committee members asked if this was a draft of the


      consent form.  And the folk from the NIMH


      apologized and they said that they got so busy


      addressing the issue of whether this would have to


      come to a subcommittee that they hadn't really paid


      that much attention to the consent form, but that


      they would do that.


                Dr. Newman?


                DR. NEWMAN:  I also want to compliment the


      committee on a really very impressive, thorough


      review.  And I have three points.  One is just a




                Looking on page 7, comparing Parts a) and




      b), under--I'm just trying to figure out how--I


      have reservations about the value of the research


      to kids with ADHD.  I really--it's very hard for me


      to picture how this research will be useful, but


      maybe that's just due to my limited scientific


      knowledge.  It says under C, the procedure is


      likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the


      subjects' disorder or condition, which is vital


      importance for the understanding or amelioration.


      And I really couldn't go along with this being of


      vital importance.  But then under B it says it


      presents a reasonable opportunity to further the


      understanding, and I could go along with that.  So


      I'm not clear on which of these two is the standard


      that this research has to pass.


                DR. NELSON:  You point out an interesting


      ambiguity in the regulatory language for which


      there is no specific guidance about how one


      interprets "vital importance" or "reasonable


      opportunity."  My own view is that it needs to meet


      both, that you would not want reasonable


      opportunity to be a lower standard.  And the issue




      of vital importance is fundamentally subjective.


      And from that standpoint, there was a recognition--and


      that's why I put earlier on the notion that


      more speculatively.  I mean, this is what--I would


      characterize this as sort of a basic science


      question about the response and the neurodevelopmental sort


      of receptor physiology.


                If, in fact, there is no difference, it


      would have an impact significantly on the


      understanding of ADHD, and if there is a


      difference, it would impact significantly, and then


      might, not in this protocol but down the line,


      potentially drive diagnostic and therapeutic


      differences.  One thing I learned is there are


      individuals who are touting different structural


      scanning tools for diagnosis of kids with ADHD, et


      cetera, that many felt, in fact, were not evidence-based.


      And so after hearing that discussion, the


      subcommittee members felt that it did meet the


      regulatory standard both for vital importance and


      reasonable opportunity.


                There was no, if you will, easily defined




      paradigm for that.


                DR. NEWMAN:  Okay.  Well, that sort of


      leaves me uncertain.  Let me go to my next


      question, which was in the consent form they


      specifically addressed the issue of potential


      adverse effects of the MRI in terms of identifying


      some little something which then people go, oh, we


      wonder what this is, maybe you should go have that


      checked out, but that not being covered by the


      research study and the family may or may not have


      medical insurance to cover that.  And I believe


      that's more than minimal risk.  That's something


      well beyond the range of what people experience


      every day, the possibility of having some brain


      abnormality uncovered, which then you have to


      figure out how to deal with.  So I wonder why that


      wasn't considered, you know--


                DR. NELSON:  It was.  I didn't include it


      in here because the data actually is that out of


      3,000 scans, they've only found four abnormalities.


      And of those four, two were benign cysts and two


      were actually early diagnosis of tumors where the




      child benefited from that.  So there was a


      discussion in the subcommittee about the


      implications of using a screening test in a


      population that--you know, being a statistician,


      you can understand the sensitivity and specificity


      issues.  But after that discussion and the fact


      that it's being conducted--it's not a diagnostic


      reading of the functional MRI.  It's a separate


      diagnostic MRI scan that, after hearing the


      discussion, we felt that it was appropriate to


      consider that under that category.


                So they have enough data, I think, to sort


      of--at least reassure me that they're not going to


      be turning up a lot of things that end up with


      unnecessary testing.


                DR. NEWMAN:  If I were a parent trying to


      make an informed decision about participating in


      the study, those data would be very helpful to me


      to know what--to say this may happen, but they


      don't give any numbers on how likely it is to


      happen and what might be found.  And so, you know,


      I just think it's hard to ask someone to consent to




      something, you tell them that risk, but you don't


      tell them how big it is.  So I think that would be


      helpful for them.


                And my last question was just about the


      financial compensation.  For the controls, you


      know, it sounds like this may take several hours


      out of the parent's day, and so, you know, having


      tried to get people to enroll in studies before,


      you know, I don't know whether there have been


      pretests or what it would take.  But if you're


      going to ask someone to bring their normal child in


      and get a lot of stuff done, you know, to me I


      think maybe $100 or $110 split between parent and


      child might not be enough to get people to want to




                DR. NELSON:  No, it was not split between


      parent and child.  That would be wages for the


      child, and the investigator actually said--and this


      did influence the committee--that she did not


      anticipate any problem with enrollment even if the


      compensation and stipend was zero.  I'm just


      telling you, that's what she said.




                DR. CHESNEY:  Could I just also comment


      for Dr. Newman?  It was suggested that they publish


      the fact that they had only four abnormal MRIs out


      of 3,000, which is certainly not within the realm


      of most of our experience where MRIs show you all


      kinds of things that you don't want to know.  So


      that suggestion was made.


                We had a lot of discussion about the


      science because it's a very--to me it was a very


      complex study to understand, and a lot of it was


      based on the study by Viga (ph) et all that was


      published in '98 or '99.  And I thought--it wasn't


      until the very--long into the meeting that Dr.


      White, who's a child psychiatrist with a lot of


      familiarity with functional MRI scanning, pointed


      out the importance difference with respect to the


      performance task in this study as compared to the


      one published in '98 or '99, which had led to


      perhaps some erroneous conclusions.


                So I think that after a lot of discussion


      we finally became convinced that the science was


      important, if that's of any help.




                Any other questions or comments?  Dr.




                DR. O'FALLON:  I was just wondering about


      the pregnancy exclusion.  I didn't look at the


      consent form closely enough to see.  Presumably


      they are excluding on the basis of pregnancy.  Is


      that it?


                DR. NELSON:  They are.  It wasn't very


      well described in the consent form, which was our




                DR. O'FALLON:  Okay.  Well, but that's the


      point.  So they have to--so they do have to take


      this--they have to have a pregnancy test.  Now, I'm


      just curious.  How do they think they're going to--I mean,


      how do they plan to deal with exclusion


      basically on pregnancy alone when they don't--they


      can't tell it to the parent?


                DR. NELSON:  They didn't outline that,


      but, I mean, I'm confident that they can come up


      with a procedure.  We're just asking them to do


      that, and I'm sure OHRP will make sure it's a good






                DR. O'FALLON:  Okay.  I wonder how they


      are going to do it.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Very important points.


                Any other--Dr. Newman?


                DR. NEWMAN:  Let me just explain what my


      reservations are about the value of the research,


      and maybe you can reassure me.  It seems to me that


      ADD is a clinical diagnosis, and in making the


      diagnosis, one of the main decisions that you're


      trying to guide is whether to begin stimulant


      medication.  And if you begin stimulant medication,


      you want to see whether it helps the child and


      monitor that and discontinue it if it's not working


      and continue it if it is.


                And I just cannot visualize how an MRI


      scan would ever sufficiently predict a child's


      response to medication to be clinically useful,


      because, I mean, they may well find some


      statistically significant differences where the


      something or other is, you know, a half a standard


      deviation different in one group than the other, or


      maybe they're quite different.  But the fact is




      whatever they find, the question is really whether


      this child would benefit from treatment or not.


      And, you know, the way you determine that is


      whether--either trying the treatment and seeing if


      it helps, or if you were going to do a study to see


      whether imaging helps, you would see whether


      imaging predicts response to treatment, not whether


      imaging predicts or is associated with someone


      having received this clinical diagnosis.


                So I am a little bit worried if it does


      show a difference that this will spawn a whole


      imaging industry of people wanting to get their


      children's heads scanned to see whether they really


      have it or not, which I think would just be going


      in the wrong direction.


                DR. NELSON:  I guess two comments.  This


      has nothing to do with the clinical response of the


      children.  There is no benefit.  It has nothing to


      do with that.  Whether or not it--if it does show a


      difference, appropriately designed, it would spawn


      a functional MRI industry I think is speculative


      and, in fact, is explicitly, if you at Subpart A,




      excluded from what an IRB ought to consider.  The


      long-term policy implications of research is not


      something that IRBs are supposed to consider, and I


      wouldn't necessarily import it under vital




                The question is whether or not there are


      structural or functional differences, and


      presumably based on receptor density, et cetera--it's not my


      area so I'm just saying things that you


      could have read in the protocol and listening to


      the scientists.  And as a basic science question, I


      think that's an important one.  And how it might


      then impact down the road in terms of understanding


      whether there's a differential or similar response


      to stimulants, I mean, the literature is quite


      mixed in terms of reading some of the background


      material in the protocol.


                So there is no connection in doing this


      with determining why they might respond clinically.


      There is no--and, in fact, many of our recommendations were


      meant to prevent that confusion


      from being in the minds of the participants by




      removing any semblance of benefit from the sort of


      surrounding aspects of the science.  But, you know,


      I think ADHD is a controversial area, and it's


      partly why we felt this needed to be looked at


      carefully and then done well, because I think the


      positive or negative results could have an impact


      in different directions.


                DR. CHESNEY:  I think Skip expressed it


      very well.  The purpose of the study was not to


      have any clinical diagnostic value or clinical


      implications.  The purpose of the study is really


      to understand, as Skip said, the neurophysiology


      and neurochemistry--to try to understand the


      neurophysiology and neurochemistry of ADHD better,


      and because of the twin aspect, to see if there are


      any genetic aspects.


                Dr. Maldonado?


                DR. MALDONADO:  A quick question that goes


      beyond this study, but it's in the context of ADHD.


      One of the premises that I think a lot of


      researchers' work is under that if the studies can


      be done in adults, don't do it in children.  And




      now adults are being diagnosed with ADHD.  Has


      something similar been done in adults or can be


      done in adults, you know, consenting adults, so you


      don't use this area of consent of children?


                DR. NELSON:  Two points.  That specific


      question was raised by the subcommittee.  There


      have been similar but not identical studies, but


      it's clear that the adults are different in this


      regard and that the information that you would get


      would be of no use to this issue.  And that


      discussion actually is why you may even--in the


      discussion it was clear that the scientific


      arguments might push you in the direction of using


      actually the 9 to 12 age group as opposed to the


      older age group because there may even be those


      kinds of adult changes when you get into sort of


      late adolescence.  But we felt that that was not


      clear enough that we would make a stipulation as


      opposed to recommendation.


                So I think that is an important principle,


      and it was asked and answered in the negative, that


      adult information here would be of no use to




      answering this question.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Schwetz, did you have


      any additional comments about the questions from


      the committee?


                DR. SCHWETZ:  No, I don't have anything


      else to add.  Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. O'Fallon, you look like


      you were--


                DR. O'FALLON:  I hesitated simply because--but I'm


      a mother and not an M.D.  I've had an MRI.


      I don't know what--for my neck.  I was wondering


      what a functional MRI for the brain involves for


      the child.


                DR. NELSON:  Nothing different than an MRI




                DR. O'FALLON:  But the question is they


      are enclosed, so there is the issue of




                DR. NELSON:  Correct, but they have


      screening procedures for that.  There's no issue in


      that.  The kids are actually less claustrophobic


      than the adults.




                DR. MURPHY:  Skip, why don't you describe


      the screening procedure--


                DR. NELSON:  They have a training MRI scan


      which is--and they make--you know, first they've


      got to make sure the kids can do these tasks, so


      they use the stop task and a training MRI scan.


      They have a whole sort of session.  I mean,


      everybody--if a kid doesn't want to do it, then


      that's the end of it.  You know, their procedures


      are excellent with respect to that.  The issue is


      not that they're not doing it.  The issue is they


      just didn't describe it in the protocol.  They


      described it quite completely in the discussion on




                DR. MURPHY:  I think as a risk what you're


      trying to get at is that those kids that are going


      to have that impact of anxiety, psychological fear,


      will be--will not be enrolled.  In other words,


      that's where the screening procedure would help


      select those children out.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Yes, but, of course, the


      screening itself could cause this--I mean, they




      could precipitate this anxiety.  I don't know what--at the


      time of my MRI, I was told that there's a


      fairly high percentage, like 25 percent of adults,


      anyway, that experience--well, that's what I was


      told, when I was told about it, that experience




                DR. GOLDKIND:  Could I speak to that?


      They actually show the kids a video, and they have


      a very well organized approach, even before they do


      the screening program that was described to us on


      Friday.  Additionally, they said that because


      children are smaller than adults physically, they


      are not as confined.  They don't have the feeling


      of claustrophobia that adults do based on physical


      size and also based on psychological orientation.


      Generally speaking, children don't have as high a


      claustrophobia rate as adults do.


                So for all those reasons, the subcommittee


      felt that it was a minimal risk intervention.  And


      then as Dr. Murphy said, if a children demonstrates


      hesitation at any step along the way prior to


      getting to the actual enrollment, they're excluded.




                DR. NELSON:  Twenty-five percent sounds


      quite high to me, anyway, even for adults.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Maybe it's because of the


      practice of ours.  We have a whole lot.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Let me ask, not seeing any


      further hands being raised, does the committee feel


      that they are comfortable endorsing this summary of


      the events of Friday?  We're not required to take a


      vote on this.  Unless there is somebody who is not


      comfortable endorsing this, we would like to pass


      on to Dr. Murphy the committee's endorsement.


                [No response.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  Not seeing any hands being


      raised, I think that we can--yes, Dr. Nelson?


                DR. NELSON:  I just want to ask, you know,


      in terms of adding the issue of collecting data and


      trying to exclude caffeine and other stimulants


      under the design recommendation and the discussion


      of the communication of the risk of inadvertent


      findings on the diagnostic MRI scan, can that just


      be made by office staff?  Or do you want me to just


      do it myself and give it to you?




                DR. JOHANNESSEN:  We can do that.


                DR. NELSON:  Okay.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much, Dr.


      Nelson, for chairing this--


                DR. MURPHY:  We have one more question


      over here.  Would you like to please identify


      yourself for the committee and ask them this




                DR. STITH-COLEMAN:  My name is Irene


      Stith-Coleman from OHRP.  What I would suggest is


      that if--in terms of the additional statement,


      could you clarify if you recommend that it be a


      recommendation or stipulation?  That would be of


      help to OHRP.


                DR. NELSON:  The first one about caffeine


      or other stimulations is going to go under the


      design recommendation, not stipulation.  And then


      the comment about communication of risk, one of our


      discussions at the meeting was whether they, you


      know, have all the data, but I think the


      recommendation that they communicate that


      information in a meaningful fashion to parents




      would go under the diagnostic MRI scan, which fits


      under a stipulation.  The only thing that's a


      recommendation to consider, which they could then


      come back with arguments for or against, is number


      3.  Everything else is stipulations.


                DR. MURPHY:  That was helpful.  Thank you.


      This is a new process.  As Dr. Schwetz said, we're


      very enthusiastic about the fact that we aren't


      setting up a process that would almost engender or


      increase the possibility of having differing


      recommendations if you empanel two different groups


      and have two different sets of experts.  There's


      always a probability that you going to get two


      different sets of answers.  So I think that--however, it's


      been very helpful to hear the


      comments from this group, and I think that at this


      point, Dr. Schwetz, what we need to make a cut on


      is where recommendations would just go straight up


      forward via both of these mechanisms versus if


      there were some major concerns, what we would do in


      that situation.  I think we're not at that level


      right now, but that is certainly something we would




      want to consider for the future.




                DR. NELSON:  Just one other point that I


      think, as word goes out, might be surprising to


      many IRBs, although I realize that it's, in fact,


      the correct interpretation of the regulations, many


      IRBs do not think simply because you're using an


      FDA-regulated product in a clinical investigation


      or in the research that it's an FDA--that the FDA


      has oversight.  You know, both of these products


      are being used in accord with clinical


      recommendations at doses that are being done


      clinically.  And I think that to many IRBs might be


      a surprise.  So just to alert you to that as this


      word might trickle out.  I do know that the FDA


      does have jurisdiction, even if it's an approved


      drug being used in a clinical investigation.  But


      many IRBs don't think that--or don't know that, I


      should say.


                DR. MURPHY:  And it's new for the agency,


      so actually it's something that we are making sure


      everyone within the FDA is aware of also.  So I'll




      just give you that sort of forewarning.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very, very much to


      everybody who prepared for Friday's presentations


      and for the process, Dr. Nelson for chairing it


      all, and Dr. Schwetz and the other members of the


      OHRP who were there, but who also took the time to


      come today.  We very much appreciate your time.


      And thank you to the committee for your questions.


      They were very, very perceptive given that you


      hadn't been at the meeting Friday.  You really


      raised some very important and additional issues.


                I think I will move on to--


                DR. MURPHY:  I just have one last person I


      wanted to thank, and that's Terry Crezenzi (ph) and


      Sara Goldkind, working with OHRP, spent many, many,


      many weeks and months putting this process


      together, and just because she made the terrible


      decision to leave us and go on detail elsewhere, I


      wanted to make sure we recognize the contributions


      that she has made to this process.


                Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  We don't know




      about all the behind-the-scenes work, so thank you


      very much for clarifying that.


                All right.  Well, moving on to the next


      section of today's meeting, let me introduce Dr.


      Solomon Iyasu, who is a pediatrician and medical


      epidemiologist.  He was with the CDC for 13 years


      leading the Infant Health Program there.  And here


      at the FDA, he's a medical team leader in the


      Division of Pediatric Drug Development and a


      medical epidemiologist in the Office of Pediatric


      Therapeutics.  I don't know how you all keep track


      of who you are.


                Today's talk will provide an overview of


      the BPCA mandate for adverse event reporting, the


      review process, and FDA's adverse event reporting


      system.  Dr. Iyasu?


                DR. IYASU:  Good morning.  It's a pleasure


      to be here and present to you the adverse event


      report for several products that have been given


      pediatric exclusivity.


                The Best Pharmaceuticals Act for Children,


      which was enacted in 2002, does have a provision




      for mandatory reporting of adverse events for


      products that have been given exclusivity.  Under


      Section 17 of that act, FDA is required to review


      adverse event reports during the first one year


      after exclusivity is granted to a particular


      product.  And once that review is done, then the


      FDA will report a summary to the Advisory


      Subcommittee, which now is a full committee, for


      their review and recommendations.


                The review process that we have


      implemented at FDA for drug products includes a


      very close collaboration between the Office of Drug


      Safety, which does the primary review of the


      adverse events reported for the one-year period,


      and then also the Division of Pediatric Drug


      Development, who would be participating in this


      review, and then finally the Office of Pediatric


      Therapeutics, which is the new office which has


      overall responsibility over adverse event reporting


      for pediatric issues.


                Just to outline to you what we've been


      doing over the last two years in terms of the




      review process, we have implemented sort of a


      process which includes and defines responsibilities


      for each of the participating offices.  The Office


      of Drug Safety has responsibility for reviewing the


      adverse events reported during the one year and


      also has responsibility for immediately discussing


      any serious unexpected events including deaths with


      the Office of Pediatric Therapeutics and also the


      Office of Counterterrorism.  And, finally, it has a


      responsibility also for submitting the written


      safety review and sharing them with OCTAP, which is


      the pediatric group, and the Office of Pediatric


      Therapeutics, and, more importantly, with the


      review divisions that are responsible for these


      particular drug products.


                Then OCTAP, which is Office of


      Counterterrorism and Pediatric Drug Development,


      and OPT have joint responsibilities for also


      notifying the Office of Drug Safety once


      exclusivity determination is done for any products,


      so that the tracking could start then for a period


      of one year after that date of determination.




                The medical officers within these two


      office also have roles in reviewing the ODS reports


      that are submitted, and then also looking at the


      individual adverse event reports, the MedWatch


      reports, and also preparing summaries and


      presentations for this committee.


                We try as much as possible to focus the


      adverse event presentations on issues, safety


      issues that may have arisen during the review


      process so that the committee's time is better


      spent on important issues.


                We have also developed, in collaboration


      with the Office of Drug Safety, a template for


      summarizing the review, and the safety review


      includes an executive summary that sort of


      highlights what the issues are from the review.  We


      also include in that template a review of the


      adverse event reports for adults and pediatric


      patients from the original drug approval date up to


      the time that the drug has been reviewed for the


      exclusivity process.  So it's a longer view, but


      it's an overview, really, trying to see what the




      number of reports have been for adults and in


      pediatrics, and also trying to get a handle on


      whether--how many of them were actually U.S. origin


      and how many of them are actually foreign reports.


                Then for the more focused pediatric


      review, we have a detailed template which I'm


      highlighting here were the issues of the specific


      reviews that are done by the Office of Drug Safety.


      We expect counts and labeling studies of the top 20


      most frequently reported adverse events within the


      pediatric population as well as adults, but we


      focus more on the pediatric issues.  We also try to


      get from the MedWatch reports the summaries of the


      demographics, age, gender, distribution of the


      adverse event reports for the one-year period,


      including a description of the serious outcomes,


      indications, and doses that may have been


      associated with these adverse events.


                Then there is an evaluation of whether


      these adverse events reported during the one-year


      period are unexpected events or are they unique to


      pediatric patients and not reported in adults.  So




      there's an evaluation that's done sort of comparing


      adult and pediatric reports.


                Also, an evaluation of whether there is an


      increased frequency of non-pediatric adverse events


      in this population, but this is done for the one-year


      period.  And then, finally, sort of developing


      adverse event profile for that particular drug


      product, which will then sort of highlight what the


      issue is, if there is an issue that has developed


      during that review process.


                We also have for the denominator data,


      trying to understand what the exposure us in the


      pediatric population, we use various databases that


      are available to FDA, which I'll briefly describe


      later on, which estimate drug use in the outpatient


      setting for this drug product, as well as for the


      inpatient population.


                The role of the Pediatric Advisory


      Committee is really to assess and discuss the


      presented adverse events.  We've been doing this


      now for almost two years.  And if appropriate,


      recommend additional pediatric review and/or any




      regulatory action if deemed appropriate.


        T2A                 The role is evolving.  This is a new


      committee, and there may be other responsibilities


      or even roles that would be defined as we go into


      having more experience with this process.


                Now, I want to sort of give you a brief


      overview, top-line view of what the adverse event


      or the Postmarketing Drug Surveillance Program


      includes and the various components that may be


      tapped to assess drug safety.  The cornerstone


      about this is, of course, the passive surveillance


      system, which you've heard about so much in


      previous presentations, which is the Adverse Event


      Reporting System, which includes adverse event


      reports, spontaneous reports, and manufacturer


      reports that are sent to FDA.


                I also mentioned sort of the--on the


      denominator side sort of trying to assess exposure,


      the drug utilization databases that FDA has access


      to, which include outpatient, inpatient, and some


      longitudinal data.


                Other databases that may be tapped also




      for evaluation of adverse events, external health


      care databases which may includes claims databases


      from special populations or from the general


      population, and then there is also information sort


      of a repository of background incidence rates on


      different adverse events or conditions that may


      come from hospital discharge surveys or from the


      literature that we may actually tap in our




                Then, finally, there are some active


      surveillance systems that look into possible drug-associated


      adverse events.  I'm not going to go


      into detail about this, but the DAWN is the Drug


      Abuse Warning Network, and then NEISS is the


      National Electronic Injury Surveillance System,


      which is run by CDC, and TESS is the Toxic Exposure


      Surveillance System, which is run out of the Poison


      Control Centers.


                Now, just to give you an overview of the


      most pertinent one, which is the AERS database, as


      some of you probably know.  It originated in 1969


      as the Safety Reporting System.  It currently




      contains more than two million adverse event


      reports in the database, contains drug and


      "therapeutic" biologic adverse event reports, with


      the exception of vaccines which has a separate


      reporting surveillance system.


                Just to give you some idea of what reports


      are, they are mostly voluntary/spontaneous reports


      that may come from health care professionals,


      consumers, patients, or others.  But also a large


      majority of them are actually mandatory reports


      that come from manufacturers required for


      postmarketing reporting purposes by law.  All


      adverse drug experience information obtained or


      otherwise received from any source, foreign or


      domestic, will be included in this.  And to give


      you more detail, there will be more detailed


      discussion later on about this.


                But in 1993, the whole Adverse Event


      Reporting System was redesigned and the MedWatch


      form was developed.  You probably can't see this


      slide, but in your handout you probably can


      identify some of the design aspects of the MedWatch




      system.  But, in short, this is the form that


      unifies in terms of reporting for drugs and also


      for biologic products and also for devices and


      dietary supplements.


                Now, by law there are definitions for


      different kinds of reports.  What manufacturers


      must report is defined under 21 CFR 314 that


      includes all adverse event reports from commercial


      marketing experience, postmarketing studies, and


      scientific literature.  And this may include all


      domestic spontaneous reports that must be reported


      to the FDA.  In terms of foreign or literature


      reports, all serious, unlabeled events are


      mandatory in terms of reporting.  And it may


      include also study reports which may be serious,


      unlabeled, or any adverse event with a reasonable


      possibility that the event may be related to a drug




                Adverse drug experience is also defined by


      the regs.  Any adverse event associated with the


      use of a drug, whether or not considered drug-related--this


      is an important point--has to be




      reported.  This may include accidental or


      intentional overdose or occurring from abuse or


      drug withdrawal or failure of expected


      pharmacological action.


                Now, I mentioned before the serious


      adverse events, and there is a regulatory


      definition as well for this:  any event occurring


      at any dose that results in any of the following


      outcomes.  And this has been mentioned several


      times in yesterday's presentation.  Some of you


      were not there, but this may include deaths or


      life-threatening adverse events or something that


      results in hospitalization or prolongation of


      hospitalization or persistent/significant


      disability or may result in a potential congenital


      anomaly or birth defect or requiring intervention


      because of an adverse event associated with a drug.


                Also, there's a definition also according


      to the regs for unexpected adverse drug events or


      experience:  any event not listed in the current


      labeling of the drug product, including events that


      may be symptomatically and pathophysiologically




      related to a labeled event, but differ because of


      greater severity or specificity.  So examples may


      be like hepatic necrosis versus hepatitis.  So


      there is a regulatory definition as well for those.


                Now, just to briefly go over the strengths


      of the AERS system, it includes all U.S.-marketed


      drug products.  It's simple because it's passive


      surveillance.  It's less expensive than having an


      active surveillance system, which may be very


      expensive.  It provides for early detection of


      safety signals, and especially good for rare


      adverse events.


                There are some very significant


      limitations of the AERS system.  Underreporting is


      a serious problem, but this varies from drug to


      drug and also over time.  Reporting may be more


      during the early phases of the marketing and may


      taper off later on.  If there is media attention or


      public attention on a particular safety issue,


      reports may go up.  Or it depends on what kind of


      drug it is, whether it's OTC or prescription drug.


      You may not get as many reports for OTCs and so on.




      So there is a problem with underreporting.


                Then there are also issues about quality


      and completeness of reports.  That also varies, it


      often may be poor.  You may not get information


      maybe that would help you assess temporality of the


      drug exposure with the event.  You may not get


      information on concomitant medications or may not


      get very good medical history of the patient from


      whom the adverse event is being reported.  So that


      is an issue which is sort of common to all passive


      surveillance programs.


                Another important aspect in terms of


      limitations, the limited ability of the system to


      really estimate, help estimate true adverse event


      risk rate because the numerator is uncertain


      because of underreporting, which I mentioned, and


      also the denominator must be estimated or it's


      projected from sort of drug use databases that we


      have, virtually--may be difficult for some


      inpatient or OTC drugs.


                I'll just briefly go over the outpatient


      drug use.  I'm doing this for the benefit of the




      new members to sort of give you what the sources


      are.  For outpatient drug use, we mainly tap into


      the IMS Health System.  One database is National


      Prescription AuditPlus, which provides an estimate


      of the number of prescriptions from retail


      pharmacies.  The point on this limitation is that


      it does not include information on gender or race


      or age.  So the information is limited, but it can


      give you an estimate of what the outpatient


      prescription volume is.


                The other database, which is also an IMS


      Health product, is the National Disease and


      Therapeutic Index, which is a survey of 2,000 to


      3,000 office-based physicians and really measures


      mentions of drugs during that encounter and


      includes a variety of specialties.  But one


      disadvantage is that the diagnosis cannot be linked


      to the drug use.  And the projections may be


      unstable, especially when use is very limited in


      some pediatric--for some drugs in the pediatric




                Another source for outpatient drug use is




      the National Sales Perspectives, which is also an


      IMS product.  This is really a measure of the


      volume of drugs that are sold from the


      manufacturers to various distribution channels.


      This may include retail outlets and non-retail


      outlets.  This is sort of a surrogate for use if


      you see that what is actually moving to the retail


      pharmacies or channels is really representing what


      is actually being used by patients.  But also an


      important limitation is that we don't have


      information on age and gender in this database, so


      we're not able to be more specific.


                For inpatient drug use, we have several


      databases.  One is AdvancePCS, which is based on a


      large prescription claims database of the insured


      population.  That includes about 75 million


      patients.  But we don't have a projection


      methodology to sort of estimate it on a national




                Premier is another database which comes


      from approximately 450 acute, short-stay, non-federal


      hospitals.  The projection methodology is




      available.  It may not be very good for some drugs,


      so it is selectively appropriate in terms of making


      national projections.  Again, the estimates cannot


      be linked to diagnosis or any procedure, and


      importantly, it misses the drugs that may be


      administered at the hospital outpatient clinics,


      especially come to mind oncologic drug products.


                The last database that we have utilized is


      Child Health Corporation of America, which includes


      really just pediatric hospitals, and the data come


      from about 29 free-standing children's hospitals


      distributed around the country.  An important


      limitation is that this is--we don't have a


      projection methodology to estimate at a national


      level, so whatever we get in terms of this


      database, although it may be specific to the


      pediatric population, is not representative of what


      the national experience may be.


                Now, having gone over this overview, I


      just wanted to touch upon the drug products that


      we've reported on under the mandated BPCA review


      process.  We started our first presentation in June




      2003, and we covered several products at that time.


      The second one was October, the third one was


      February, and then June.  So we've had four major


      adverse event reporting that we've done for over


      maybe 22 products, and today's presentations will


      be an extension of that.


                Just to give you examples of some of the


      outcomes of the prior Pediatric Advisory


      Subcommittee meetings, we've discussed very


      important issues including SSRIs and SNRIs in


      relation to suicidal behavior and then class


      labeling for neonatal withdrawal, again, with SSRI


      products.  That was actually a subject of


      discussion in the last AC meeting, subcommittee


      meeting.  And then we have also discussed the


      fentanyl transdermal products, which have been


      associated with inappropriate use that may have


      resulted in some pediatric deaths, and there were


      some specific recommendations that were provided by


      the subcommittee for FDA regarding these drug


      products.  So the mandated adverse event reporting


      has had important implications in terms of focusing




      our attention on some of the safety issues.


      Despite its limitation of being just for one year,


      it's really brought attention to looking at safety


      issues in the pediatric population.


                Now, just to give you an overview of what


      is going to happen today the way it's laid out, we


      are going to have presentations on several drug


      products, as you can see in the agenda.  Dr. Hari


      Sachs is going to be presenting the one-year


      adverse event reports for ofloxacin, and


      alendronate, and Dr. Susan McCune will be presented


      on adverse events regarding fludarabine, and Dr.


      Jane Filie will be presenting on desloratadine.


      And then we'll have a break, and in the next


      section we will have several presentations which I


      will introduce later in more detail, but we have


      adverse event reports for fluticasone- or


      budesonide-containing drug products.  And there


      will be a one-hour slot for this presentation.  In


      regard to the drug products containing fluticasone,


      we'll be addressing that.


                There is also a question that we have for




      you to consider, so I wanted you to think about


      this while the presentations are going on.  We'll


      ask you this question, and then we'll be very


      looking forward to your recommendations regarding


      these products.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  That


      was extremely helpful to me, reviewing the


      databases.  You've probably done that many times


      before, and I didn't remember, but it's very, very




                Any questions from the committee?  Yes,


      Dr. Nelson?


                DR. NELSON:  I agree you've taken a system


      that doesn't provide a lot of data and tried to


      make it as best as possible.  I guess this is a


      comment that perhaps at some future meeting we may


      want to discuss what we could do in the future


      perhaps to try and get a better handle on safety.


      The reason I'm concerned is if you think about the


      expanse of the past two days, all of those drugs


      were labeled for suicide as an adverse event, and


      most individuals, apart from the signal that came




      out of the requested exclusivity trials, would


      think that, in fact, that's potentially unrelated


      to the drug and related to the disease.  And so


      none of that data emerged out of this.  What it


      emerged out of is a review of the exclusivity


      trials themselves.


                And at some point, I think it would be


      worth just discussing as a general topic, apart


      from the--you know, as we've done on individual


      agent can we do better than this system and what


      would that look like.  And I'm not sure what the


      answer would be in terms of that, but I'm struck--my


      impression is that we wouldn't have seen the


      signal that we saw that led to the past two-day


      meeting using this system.  And the only way that


      came up was with the request to exclusivity




                DR. IYASU:  Yes, well, let me make a


      comment.  As you recall, since you've been involved


      in this committee a couple of years, we did a


      report on suicidal ideation and also suicidal


      behavior associated with drug products like




      Citalopram and Paxil in the past.  Now, we know the


      limitations of the system in terms of trying to get


      a handle on what the rates are or, you know, the


      estimates of the risk on this adverse event.


      Nevertheless, I think the AERS system, the best it


      can do is that it can sort of identify some adverse


      events that may not have been detected during the


      clinical trial, but sometimes it's also possible


      that if you see it in the clinical trial setting


      and you see it also in the one-year post-exclusivity period,


      then it sort of raises a




                So, actually, I want to go back to what


      happened early last year when we were talking about


      Paxil.  The discussion of the clinical trial data


      was done in conjunction with the adverse event


      report, so it was supportive in the sense of us--you know,


      mandating us to look more carefully at


      the clinical trial data because we were also seeing


      these reports in the Adverse Event Reporting




                So I would say that the AERS system cannot




      give you an estimate, but it can just focus you or


      even help you look more closely at clinical trial


      data if you do see these kind of events.


                DR. MURPHY:  Skip, I think what you're


      bringing up is a really important question, and


      actually, I was going to say this at the end of the


      meeting, but after we do maybe one more meeting


      with the new committee with this process, you will


      see we have already internally decided--and Dr.


      Lumpkin is now my new boss, and we want to


      internally review, including, you know, Office of


      Drug Safety, New Drugs, and other Centers, have an


      internal review of how to enhance the way we go


      about the safety reporting, because it's very clear


      to us that Congress wants us to be able to make


      valid reviews, if you will.  We're all telling you


      there are problems with this system and we all


      know, so how can we enhance it?  And I think the


      prior committee has seen that we've gone from just


      reporting AERS and what's in the label, to going


      back to the actual original clinical trials,


      looking at signals in those clinical trials and




      trying to tell you what was seen then, what's seen


      in AERS.  So we really do agree that we need to try


      to develop the most robust way of doing this.


                Now, having sort of laid bare the fact


      that we all think this is not the best system and


      we want to make this a useful process, I will tell


      you that just having the process has an impact that


      you don't see.  Okay?  You know, having been


      mandated and going to a division and saying this


      product is coming up for review and we need--it


      means the divisions, ODS, everybody has to go back


      and look at this material.  And as Dr. Iyasu was


      saying, Paxil was a--I think we mentioned to you,


      we delayed actually presenting that because of all


      of the activity that was going on.  And when we


      looked at the AERS system, we saw some actual


      concerning things.  Now, we couldn't make any


      attribution, but compared to the other products--and you


      have to do all those--you know, the other


      products weren't used as much, et cetera, there


      still were some things that were concerning.


                So I think we feel that the process, even




      as it is right now, has served some useful


      purposes, but that clearly we would like to enrich


      it and make it more robust and make it more


      scientifically useful for the committee to


      understand, because, otherwise, what we're always


      doing is putting pieces--you know, we're taking


      pieces of data and trying to make sense out of


      these pieces of data.


                So the intent is that we will be coming


      back to you, and as I said, we'll see, you know,


      how the next meeting or so goes, give the new


      committee an opportunity to see this and provide us


      additional--and probably come to you as a complete


      subject unto itself, a topic for the committee, how


      to better do this process.


                DR. NELSON:  And just to--my comments are


      meant to be critical in the positive sense.  The


      progress since when I remember first hearing some


      of this data two years ago has been phenomenal in


      terms of what's been able to be accomplished with


      all the warts and pimples of the existing data.  So


      just to say that.




                DR. IYASU:  Thank you.  I appreciate the


      comments, and we're always open to suggestions to


      make it even better and make it more useful.


                DR. CHESNEY:  I think Dr. O'Fallon and


      then Dr. Ebert.  No?  Dr. Ebert.


                DR. EBERT:  This is somewhat related, and


      I wonder whether the agency has considered this as


      well.  But a lot of what you've focused on have


      been, of course, adverse events that have happened.


      But I'm wondering whether there is also the


      opportunity to screen for medication errors that


      occur and whether that entire--it may be a slightly


      different database, whether that's through IMSP,


      for example, and whether there may be systematic


      errors that occur in treatment of pediatric


      patients as opposed to adult patients, whether it's


      product selection or selecting the wrong product


      because it looks similar to another substance, for




                But it seems that there's obviously been


      an increasing public outcry for making sure that


      our medical practices are also safe in addition to




      these adverse effects that occur.


                DR. IYASU:  I think that's an important


      point.  Again, AERS has limitations in that area,


      but, nevertheless, I recall in one of the


      presentations we had an issue with medication error


      involving two products, one was Zoloft and Zyrtec,


      and that came out loud and clear, I think, in the


      adverse event review, and there may be others also


      that may be picked up.  Yes, that's an important




                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Maldonado?


                DR. MALDONADO:  Yes, I have a couple of


      questions of process or actually what you said that


      one of your list of five items there was unique and


      unexpected pediatric AEs, and I just kind of went


      through some of the presentations.  Is that data


      going to be presented in a way that we can actually


      see if there is excess pediatric risk in the use of


      these drugs, an excess compared to adults?


      Typically most of these drugs that are used in


      adults tend to advertise more than in children, so


      seeing a list of adverse events in children, maybe




      because I'm used to seeing it, without the context


      of knowing is this an excess risk?  Are children


      suffering an excess risk of X adverse event?  Or is


      this just the background that you see in the use of


      the drug?  That's one thing.  And I haven't seen


      that in previous presentations.


                And so I come out of the meetings, okay,


      yes, I saw several adverse events and some of them


      very horrible adverse events, but it doesn't give


      me a sense is this something that is a red flag in


      pediatrics that needs to be looked at more closely?


      That's probably why Dr. Santana asked for the adult


      data on SSRIs yesterday, and not so much to look at


      the adult data but is an excess risk there in




                And the other thing, in your last slide


      you said keep in mind the off-label use of


      fluticasone.  What exactly is it you want us to


      focus on when the presentations come so we're alert


      to that?


                DR. IYASU:  Are you talking about the






                DR. MALDONADO:  Pardon me?


                DR. IYASU:  Are you talking about the




                DR. MALDONADO:  Yes, the last slide.  I


      just don't know what you want us to focus on.


                DR. IYASU:  I think the focus would be for


      you to consider the presentations regarding these


      drug products, and there will be a series of them,


      and then to get your input as to whether there is


      any additional labeling concern or information that


      you would like to include in the label, concern


      about the drugs as--the use of the drugs as labeled


      currently.  So there is a concern about that.  Of


      course, you have the label that is included.  So


      it's as labeled now, they have been used in


      different ways, and is there any concern regarding




                DR. MURPHY:  Sam, they're going to present


      what they think the adverse event, if you will, is,


      what they've done to deal with it, what's in the


      label now, and does the committee think that's


      adequate.  So it's really--you're right.  You don't




      have any information to answer that question.


      They're just trying to show you where they're going


      with the information they're going to present.


                DR. IYASU:  The context for that question


      will be clearer, I guess, once the presentations


      are done.  But to go back to your first question


      about the unexpected--or regarding whether adverse


      events are occurring in excess in pediatrics as


      opposed to adults, I think that's an important


      question, and we haven't really done this for the


      products.  We do a top-line review for the one-year


      period, and then most of the review has focused on


      whether the same adverse events have also been


      reported in adults.  And we do sort of that kind of


      comparison based on how frequently the adverse


      event terms, as we call them, are reported.


                When there is an issue that may be


      considered to be critical, then we would like to do


      sort of additional cultivations trying to see what


      the background rates are, and then also look at


      what the reporting rates are.  We haven't done that


      except, I guess, for SSRIs.  But for other




      products, that's something that can be done, but,


      you know, you must know that there are a lot of


      caveats in trying to come up with a reporting rate


      or relative reporting rate for these drug products.


      But when there is a need to do that, we will


      actually do that.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson has a question


      for you.


                DR. NELSON:  Actually, just a comment on


      that.  Knowing the deficiencies of the system for


      being able to get the denominator, it's not clear


      to me that we necessarily need to look at the ADER


      system in adults and compare them, and you're sort


      of comparing information where you don't know the


      denominator in either case.


                If you're comparing it to the data that


      obtain in clinical trials and look beyond just the


      pediatric data in clinical trials to the adult data


      in clinical trials and look at it in that context


      and see if there's anything, it's different as a


      signal for adults, probably that would be useful


      data because then you can actually establish




      frequency for adults because we have a hard time


      establishing frequency in pediatrics using this


      data, which is the main problem with it.


                So I wouldn't encourage you to try and do


      the thing that we can't do in kids in adults, too,


      but if the comparison is made with clinical trials


      where you can have that denominator, then that


      might--then I think that would probably be useful




                DR. MALDONADO:  I was referring actually--I've


      seen some drugs presented that I'm very


      familiar with, and what I've seen here presented,


      it's not very dissimilar to what I see outside this


      room, meaning that the same adverse events actually


      in absolute numbers, much larger in adults.  So my


      question when I see those presentations here, is


      this a signal in pediatrics?  Should it be worried


      to--and I'm not saying that we should look at the


      data.  I mean, I think they do a good, a much


      better job looking at the data.  That's what they


      do for life.  But it's to identify for us excess


      risks, because those are the ones that you really




      have--and I know it's difficult.  I know it's


      difficult.  But just looking at that list without


      the context, it leaves me like, yes, I'm not


      surprised that this is happening, this is happening


      in adults 10 times more or 20 times more.


                DR. IYASU:  I think you make an important


      point there, and we just have to live with the


      limitations of the data.  What we can do, when it's


      an important issue, serious adverse event, we can


      go out on a limb and go to other databases like


      Claims database, which has its own set of


      limitations and caveats.  So there are many avenues


      that you can go, but reporting rates or relative


      reporting rates are the best that we can do with


      this limited data set.  We have refrained from


      doing that because of the limitations in terms of


      defining the actual numerator that you use, and


      also the denominator, especially for pediatric.  So


      we may--we're concerned about sending the wrong


      signal as to the relative safety of certain drugs


      if we don't have--if we're dealing with uncertain


      denominators and uncertain numerators.  So that's




      where, I think, the problem is in trying to assess




                So what we've done is if there is really


      an issue, then our best resource is really the


      clinical trial data.  And what we've done is the


      initial sets of presentations that we've done for


      adverse events for these drugs did not include a


      review of what was actually in the clinical trials


      done for exclusivity.  Now all our reviews include


      summaries of the exclusivity trials and what kind


      of safety signal this might have resulted that may


      be similar or been supported by the adverse event




                So we're trying to strike a balance here


      and trying to give you the best information that we


      have with all the limitations for interpretation.


      So I can't say anything more than that.  If there


      are other suggestions from the committee, we'll be


      very glad to consider them to improve the system.


                Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  I think it also doesn't


      address the issue of the drugs that didn't go




      through exclusivity.  But I think in your spare


      time, if you could develop a national database that


      would capture this inform for us.




                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. O'Fallon?


                DR. O'FALLON:  This brings us back to the


      problem--clinical trials provides the very best


      data we have, no question about it.  You know, I'm


      a lover of clinical trials.  But there's all those


      comorbidities that are excluded that are


      encountered, and a good chunk of the patient


      population are excluded often from these clinical


      trials.  And so the question is:  If there are a


      lot of adverse events being encountered by kids


      being treated with these things but they're not in


      clinical trials because they keep getting ruled out


      due to the exclusion criteria, does the adverse


      events--the MedWatch, does that capture those?  If


      the parents are screaming, do those--like those


      people that were the public presenters on Monday,


      are their cases ending up in MedWatch?


                DR. IYASU:  Well, consumers also, you




      know, send their reports through the MedWatch


      program.  Health professionals do.  But as I said


      before, 80 percent--or more than 80 percent or 90


      percent of the reports are actually from


      manufacturers.  Some of them may actually have been


      reported directly to manufacturers from health


      professionals, and then they are transferred to us.


                The extent of the reports of adverse


      events or experiences of adverse events by patients


      directly is variable.  It's small, actually.


      Probably it's very underreported.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Yes.


                DR. IYASU:  So we really don't have a way


      of capturing that through a passive system such as


      AERS, unless you go and do an active surveillance


      system, which is a resource issue.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Yes.


                DR. CHESNEY:  I think unless there are any


      other pressing questions--we're about a half-hour


      behind, so maybe we need to move ahead.  Dr. Iyasu


      is going to introduce our next speaker.


                DR. IYASU:  Thank you.  Our first speaker




      for this section of adverse events is Dr. Hari


      Sachs.  Hari is a professor of pediatrics with over


      15 years of experience in private practice.  She


      also served on the FDA Non-Prescription Drug


      Advisory Committee and is one of the FDA liaisons


      to the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on


      Drugs.  She will be presenting the adverse events


      for ofloxacin and alendronate.


                Dr. Sachs?


        x                   DR. SACHS:  Thanks again for that kind


      introduction.  Forgive me, I'm a little


      mechanically challenged, so if I screw up this


      presentation, at least the mechanics of it, bear


      with me.


                I'll be discussing the adverse events for


      ofloxacin, trade name Ocuflox, which is an


      ophthalmic anti-infective that was approved in July


      1993 for the treatment of conjunctivitis and


      corneal ulcers due to susceptible bacteria in both


      children and adults over one year of age.


      Depending on the condition, one to two drops of


      ofloxacin applied to the eye at frequent intervals.




      The exclusivity was granted in March 2003 based on


      studies of neonatal conjunctivitis, although


      ofloxacin is not approved for that purpose.


                As you can see from these statistics,


      millions of prescriptions for ofloxacin were


      written for both adults and children during the


      one-year exclusivity period.  Pediatric patients


      accounted for almost one-third of these


      prescriptions.  And, in fact, pediatricians


      prescribe almost as much ofloxacin as


      ophthalmologists, and not surprisingly, the most


      common indication is conjunctivitis.


                Now I'll look briefly at the studies


      performed for exclusivity, and as you can see, they


      are posted on the Web.


                The pivotal study was a one-week, active


      control trial which compared ofloxacin and


      trimethoprim sulfate treatment of conjunctivitis in


      infants less than one month of age.  The clinical


      cure was based both on resolution of discharge and


      erythema by  (?)  lamp exam and microbiology cure.


      The safety of ofloxacin is comparable to that which




      is seen in older patients in previous trials.  But


      although the clinical cure rate for ofloxacin


      exceeded the active control, neither of the two


      drugs exceeded the historical control, and,


      therefore, the study was--it was deemed that this


      was not an approvable indication.


                Note that the vehicle that's used that's


      the historical control does contain benzyl


      chromium, which has antibacterial properties.


                The submitted data from this trial doesn't


      really allow us to figure out why the cure rate was


      low, why this study didn't seem to work.  But


      potentially there are factors related to the design


      or conduct of the trial, the bacteriology of


      neonatal conjunctivitis, or perhaps the time course


      of it, or maybe a combination of all these factors.


                In discussing the relevant safety


      labeling, I'm going to highlight information that's


      either pertinent to pediatrics or the adverse


      events.  Ofloxacin is a Pregnancy Category C drug


      since there are no studies in pregnant women and


      there are some effects on animals.  It is




      potentially excreted in breast milk.  Under the


      Pediatric Use section in precautions, there's a


      statement that although the oral form of ofloxacin


      has been associated with arthropathy in juvenile


      animals, there is not an association for the


      topical form.


                There is a warning about allergic


      reactions, including anaphylaxis, which details a


      case report of Stevens-Johnson syndrome from the


      topical preparation.  Most adverse reactions to


      ofloxacin, however, are really mild and include


      ocular burning or discomfort and, very rarely,


      visual changes such as photophobia or blurriness or


      systemic symptoms may occur.


                Now that you're familiar with the label,


      let's look at the adverse events.  As you can see,


      there really are very few reported adverse events


      for ofloxacin in all ages.  And during the one-year


      post-exclusivity period, there were only three


      reports--or three events, actually, all unlabeled,


      two of which occurred in one adult and one that


      occurred in a pediatric patient.




                The pediatric event was a foreign report


      that is also found in the literature of corneal


      deposits in a 6-year-old who was receiving the


      ointment.  That's not available in the U.S.  And,


      in general, these types of corneal deposits


      actually resolved by themselves and are thought to


      be benign.  This patient was actually treated with


      scraping fairly early in the course.  The natural


      history actually is that it should have resolved.


                With such few events, we really can't draw


      a meaningful conclusion, and while this completes


      the one-year post-exclusivity adverse event


      monitoring, as mandated, we will continue our


      routine monitoring of adverse events for this drug.


                Are there any questions?


                DR. NELSON:  Just to repeat what I think


      I--you're unable to tell the ages of the pediatric


      use.  You can't tell how old the conjunctivitis


      prescriptions were?  In other words, is it being


      used on-label above one year of age, or is there


      any off-label use--


                DR. SACHS:  Most of the use was on-label. 




      There's one database that captured some of the use


      in kids under two, but it didn't separate out which


      were under one.  So it didn't help.  It is


      approximately 20 percent of the pediatric use for


      that, the lower age group.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.


        x                   DR. SACHS:  Switching gears from one


      system to another, I will now discuss the adverse


      events that occurred during the post exclusivity


      period for alendronate.


                Alendronate, or trade name Fosamax, is a


      biphosphonate which inhibits bone resorption by


      osteoclast, and it was originally approved in


      September 1995 for the treatment of osteoporosis in


      adult women.  Pediatric exclusivity was granted in


      April 2003 based on studies of children with


      osteogenesis imperfecta.


                Currently, alendronate is approved only in


      adults, and it's for the treatment of osteoporosis


      for both men and women, its prevention in women,


      and for Paget's disease.  The dosage varies from


      indication, and there are really no pediatric






                As you can see from these numbers,


      although Fosamax is widely prescribed in the U.S.


      for adults, and the use is increasing, the use in


      pediatrics is really minimal.  There's like 10,000


      prescriptions in pediatrics compared to 22 million


      for adults.  Alendronate is primarily used in the


      outpatient setting with the lion's share of


      prescriptions from internists, OB-GYNs, and family


      practitioners.  Pediatricians write very few of




                Osteoporosis and osteopenia were the


      primary indications for therapy in adults, but in


      pediatrics alendronate is used off-label for


      treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia either due


      to underlying disease, such as renal or connective


      tissue disease, or for its therapy, glucocorticoid


      therapy, for example,, fibrous dysplasia, and as


      you will see, osteogenesis imperfecta.


                I'll briefly discuss the results of the


      studies that were performed for exclusivity.


                Both pharmacokinetic and safety and




      efficacy and safety studies were performed to


      evaluate the treatment of severe osteogenesis


      imperfects, or OI, in pediatric patients ages 4 to


      18.  The PK studies found that the oral


      bioavailability of alendronate relative to the IV


      dose was really similar in both children and


      adults.  Exclusivity was granted based on


      submission of the 12-month analysis of this trial


      in pediatric patients with OI, and both doses that


      were used in the trial did significantly increase


      lumbar spine bone marrow density, which was the


      primary endpoint.  But, unfortunately, a key


      secondary endpoint was not reached, and that was


      actually the occurrence of fractures either by


      report or by x-ray.


                The adverse events in the one-year


      analysis appear comparable to those seen in adults,


      and it's hopeful that this trial--there's going to


      be more data coming in on a one-year extension of


      this trial.


                Once again, I'd like to highlight the


      relevant safety labeling for pediatric patients. 




      Alendronate is considered a Pregnancy Category C


      drug, with animal studies that have shown maternal


      hypocalcemia that sometimes leads to early


      delivery, and although there's no human data,


      theoretically there can be an effect on the fetal




                Due to significant gastrointestinal


      irritation, alendronate is contraindicated in


      patients who have a risk of esophageal emptying--excuse me,


      have a delay in esophageal emptying or


      risk of aspiration or cannot stand upright.  And


      patients with hypocalcemia or allergy are told not


      to take the drug.  Esophageal perforation,


      including ulcerations or erosions, are also


      described in the warning section of the label.


                Precautions include the recommendation to


      monitor calcium and vitamin D status.  And


      gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain


      or nausea, musculoskeletal pain, headache,


      dizziness, and taste perversion are the more common


      side effects that are seen.


                Now, since alendronate approval,




      paralleling the relatively small percent of


      pediatric use, pediatric adverse events really


      represent only a very small percent of adverse


      events.  There were 17 total reports for pediatrics


      out of 18,000 total reports.  And this is kind of


      indicated in the post exclusivity period as well,


      with only four pediatric case reports that were


      unduplicated.  And there were no deaths.


                The four reports include two cases of


      hepatocellular injury, one patient that suffered a


      drug-drug interaction potentially, and one infant


      that had hypocalcemia and prematurity.


                Hepatotoxicity was noted in two children


      that were treated for steroid-induced osteoporosis,


      and the details of their cases are reported on this


      slide.  But, briefly, liver dysfunction was


      temporarily associated with the onset of


      alendronate therapy and resolved after its


      discontinuation and treatment with pulse steroids


      in both patients.  One patient did have underlying


      liver dysfunction, and the other patient was on






                The drug interaction occurred in a 7-year-old with


      JRA who was taking cyclosporine, and after


      starting alendronate, the cyclosporine levels


      decreased, and his disease flared.  Once the


      alendronate was stopped, the cyclosporine levels


      returned to normal.  There was some fluctuation in


      baseline levels, so the exact interaction is


      unclear--I mean baseline levels of the


      cyclosporine, that is, before the alendronate was




                The last case was the prenatal exposure


      which describes hypocalcemia, hypocortisolism, and


      prematurity in a male infant that was born to a


      woman with multiple medical problems, including


      gestational diabetes, and who was on multiple


      medicines.  Hypocalcemia is known to occur in


      premature infants, infants of diabetic mothers, and


      several of these therapies, as well as potentially


      with alendronate.


                So, in conclusion, only a handful of


      adverse events were noted.  Most did have


      confounders or insufficient information to ascribe




      causality.  We did look at a preliminary analysis


      of the adult hepatic events, and that does not seem


      to raise any concerns.  And this will complete the


      mandated reporting for alendronate from BPCA, but


      we will continue its routine monitoring.


                Are there any questions?


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Maldonado, and then Dr.




                DR. MALDONADO:  I observed that in the


      ofloxacin you had only one adverse event, and it


      was a different drug product, it was not the same


      drug product in the United States?


                DR. SACHS:  Right.  Well, it's the


      ointment form as opposed to we just have drops.


                DR. MALDONADO:  So it's a different drug




                DR. SACHS:  Correct.


                DR. MALDONADO:  And in Fosamax, also the


      four reports were ex-U.S.


                DR. SACHS:  That's correct.  They were


      foreign reports.


                DR. MALDONADO:  Do you know if it's the




      same drug product, or is there a possibility that


      it is a different drug product?


                DR. SACHS:  I believe that it's the same


      drug product.


                DR. MALDONADO:  And the reason I ask, for


      those who are not familiar, you see internationally


      the same names, and sometimes they are different


      products actually, because the FDA approves drug


      products, not drugs or--and sometimes there are


      different components in the drug product.  So when


      you include them, actually that's good that you


      highlighted that, because that may be relevant to


      the adverse events.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson?


                DR. NELSON:  Just a question about


      labeling, but not in the safety and efficacy


      component.  I don't understand, if, in fact,


      there's been a pharmacokinetic study, why we would


      say that the pharmacokinetics have not been


      investigated in patients less than 18 years of age.


      I mean, that's what the label says.  Wouldn't we


      normally include some pharmacokinetic data even if




      we don't think safety and efficacy has been




                DR. MURPHY:  No.


                DR. NELSON:  Why?


                DR. MURPHY:  Because you're giving it an


      implied approval.  You're giving the dosing.  Now,


      if the--not always.


                DR. NELSON:  Well, we can--


                DR. MURPHY:  Let me--you know, that's a


      whole big discussion, and you heard we have this


      tension between trying to inform and not providing


      a marketing freebie at the same time.  So if that


      pharmacokinetic study was done and found that there


      was, you know, something very different going on or


      some concern, then we could say on a dosing--I'm


      talking about past.  I'm talking about prior


      practice, okay?  So whether that's all going to


      change--you know, it's good to provide you feedback


      on this.  I just wanted to say that in the past one


      of the concerns that has been expressed has been


      any information you put in the label about


      pediatrics--I'm just starting from the big global




      concern--depending on what it is, if it's not a


      safety, you know, warning, in essence provides a de


      facto approval and/or an ability of the company to


      market it.


                As an example, they could go out and say,


      well, look, FDA put this information in the label


      about how to use it in kids.  So there is that


      balance of trying to make sure that it's clear if


      we put information in, in what context that


      information is put in the label.


                Now, I mean, please proceed to say you


      think we should have put it in the label; we're


      interested in hearing that sort of stuff.  But I'm


      just trying to provide why we routinely wouldn't


      put information that we obtain into the label.


                DR. NELSON:  Just a quick response.  I was


      heartened to hear from Bob Temple yesterday that


      that position was being readdressed.  I previously,


      until your comment, wouldn't have applied it to


      just basically the pharmacokinetic information.


      But I'll also point out that most people, myself


      included, get my information from personal device-based




      systems, which do include dosing data.  And,


      in fact, one of those two systems I have on my Palm


      actually included depression as an indication for


      an unlabeled use.


                So I appreciate the concern about


      encouraging it, but I actually think adding more


      information might, in fact, discourage it if there


      was an emphasis of making sure that information


      was, in fact, accurate and then transmitted


      accurately to clinicians.  I know that's a whole


      broader discussion, but--


                DR. MURPHY:  I think we need to hear that.


      I mean, that's what this committee is here for.


      You're looking at the pediatric perspective on


      this, and there has always been this tension.  And


      I think I've told this committee before, there are


      those of us who think we are mandated in some ways


      to put some of this information in the label.


      There have been others in the agency who have been


      very concerned about doing that.


                I think what you heard yesterday was a


      very different approach that's being considered. 




      So we do want to hear these comments.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Maldonado, then Dr.




                DR. MALDONADO:  I'm just going to give you


      a perspective, and Dr. Murphy is right, people may


      misuse the information.  I'm not saying that that


      wouldn't happen.  But, for example, the drugs that


      are being used off-label--and we know--and I'll


      just give you the perspective of one that I'm


      working--it's a company, and we rarely have the PK


      data.  And we now found out, although we believe


      that the dose being used off-label was the correct


      dose, and that's the dose that we use in the PK, we


      found out that that's incorrect, that children are


      being underdosed.  This is an antimicrobial.


                The clinical studies are ongoing, and they


      may be ready in five years, by the way, because of


      the long-term follow-up that we need to do.  In the


      meantime, people are using off-label this drug


      incorrectly.  And you're in the bind that you


      cannot communicate that because it may be perceived


      as, you know, promotion.  But you want to




      communicate it.  It's difficult.  I know exactly


      the concern that the FDA has because it can be


      misused.  But at the same time, not conveying it,


      it allows people to continue using the drug




                DR. NELSON:  Can't your solution be--I


      assume there's some academic investigators


      potentially involved at study sites, letting them


      release at least the PK data in a publication?  Or


      does that also violate--I mean, here it sounds like


      you might even have a moral obligation to put out


      that data.


                DR. NELSON:  Yes, the data has actually


      been published in a poster format so people who are


      more sophisticated in the area of infectious


      diseases already know that that's incorrect.  And


      that's as far as we've gone.


                DR. MURPHY:  But I think that this is a


      perfect example of the quandary, because as all of


      you know--and you heard yesterday--we have a


      history of putting things in the label that nobody


      ever finds anything about the information.  I mean,




      that's just the way life is.  And with our health


      care system the way it is right now, it's actually


      getting worse, one could say, I think, as far as


      physicians having time to access some of this


      information in a timely manner.


                But I would say, you know, if I were in


      the Anti-Infectives Division and the company came


      to me and said, oh, we've got this information, we


      want you to put it in the label, but we're not


      ready to submit our application yet to show you


      whether it's safe or efficacious, you can see what


      the problem is.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fant?


                DR. FANT:  One small point for completeness


      related to the case of neonatal hypocalcemia.


      You highlighted with an asterisk the drugs known to


      be associated with hypocalcemia, but it may be


      worth also putting an asterisk and highlighting the


      condition of diabetes itself in addition to the




                DR. SACHS:  Yes, I mentioned that.


                DR. FANT:  Oh, okay.




                DR. SACHS:  I just put the medications,


      but yes, oh, yes.


                Behind these presentations, actually, are


      a group of folks at ODS and in the divisions that


      contributed to the report, and I just want to kind


      of publicly acknowledge them as well:  Jennie


      Change, Renan Bonnel, Mark Avigan, Wiley Chambers,


      Gianna Rigoni, Judy Shaffer, and Michael Evans.  So


      there's actually a lot of people that go into these


      presentations that you don't see.


                I would now like to introduce Dr. Susan


      McCune, who is a neonatologist, whose previous


      experience has included academic neonatal practice


      at Johns Hopkins and Children's National Medical


      Center.  She recently received her master's degree


      in education and has worked on computer-based


      educational models for pediatrics.  She will be


      presenting the adverse events for fludarabine.


                On a personal note, it's a pleasure for me


      to be working with her again because she was, I


      think, my chief resident when I was a resident at


      Children's.  Things go full circle.




        x                   DR. McCUNE:  Thank you, Hari.


                It was an honor to work with Hari as a


      resident, and it's an honor and a privilege 20


      years later to work with her again at the FDA.


                As Dr. Sachs said, I'm going to discuss


      the one-year post-exclusivity report for the


      adverse events for fludarabine.


                In terms of background information,


      fludarabine, or trade name Fludara, is a synthetic


      adenine nucleoside analog that primarily acts


      through inhibition of DNA synthesis.  It is


      produced by Berlex Laboratories.  Its indication in


      adults is for the treatment of adult patients with


      unresponsive B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.


      Of note, there are no pediatric indications that


      are approved for this drug.  The original marketing


      approval date was April 18, 1991, and pediatric


      exclusivity was granted on April 3, 2003.


                I want to stop for a moment and talk to


      you a little bit about the background of oncology


      and pediatric drugs at the FDA, and I think this


      gets a little bit to some of the questions that




      you've been asking about because oncology drugs are


      a little bit different from some of the other




                There has been a special initiative at the


      FDA to increase pediatric drug labeling for


      oncology drugs and to prioritize the availability


      of new oncologic agents to pediatric patients.  To


      achieve this goal, three items that I'd like to


      point out for your attention:


                The first is the draft guidance for


      industry that's entitled "Pediatric Oncology


      Studies in Response to a Written Request" that was


      published in June of 2000.  The guidance is part of


      this initiative to generate new knowledge to assist


      practitioners and to provide early access to


      emerging new drugs.


                In addition, the Best Pharmaceuticals for


      Children Act that was signed into law on January 4,


      2002, established the Pediatric Subcommittee of the


      Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee and prioritized


      new and emerging therapeutic alternatives that


      could be available to treat pediatric patients with






                Another report entitled "Patient Access to


      New Therapeutic Agents for Pediatric Cancer," which


      was published in December 2003 and was a report to


      Congress, was a report that identified areas in


      pediatric drug development that could be improved


      to facilitate access to new agents.


                Now I'm going to focus a little bit on the


      trials that were done for exclusivity for




                Exclusivity was based on data that was


      submitted from two previously published COG trials:


      CCG-097 and CCG-0895.  CCG-097 was a Phase I dose-finding


      and PK study of a loading bolus followed by


      a continuous infusion of fludarabine in patients


      with acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, acute


      lymphocytic leukemia, and solid tumors.  CCG-0895


      was a Phase I/II dose-finding, PK, and


      pharmacodynamic study of a loading bolus followed


      by continuous infusion of fludarabine, then


      followed by a loading bolus and continuous infusion


      of Ara-C in children with previously treated acute






                I'm going to talk a little bit in detail


      about the first trial, which was CCG-097.  There


      were two groups of patients, first those with solid


      tumors and those with the acute leukemias.  The


      patients with the solid tumors reached a maximum


      tolerated dose because of dose-limiting toxicities


      that were hematologic--in other words,


      myelosuppression.  The patients with the acute


      leukemia, the goal was marrow ablation, so their


      maximum tolerate dose was not reached based on this


      toxicity--toxicity associated with the solid


      tumors, but their dose was limited by the concern


      for potential CNS toxicity that had been seen with


      adults.  Of note in this trial, there was one


      complete and three partial remissions in 26


      evaluable children with ALL.


                The pediatric adverse events that were


      noted in this trial and are included in the label


      are marrow suppression, especially of platelets,


      fever, chills, asthenia, rash, nausea, vomiting,


      diarrhea, and infection.  No peripheral neuropathy




      or pulmonary hypersensitivity was seen in these




                The second trial, CCG-0895, which I had


      previously told you was a sequential administration


      of fludarabine followed by Ara-C, was undertaken in


      31 patients either with ALL or AML.  Of note, in


      the patients with ALL there was a 33-percent


      complete or partial response, and in those patients


      with AML, there was a 50-percent complete or


      partial response.  This study was not able to


      provide data on the efficacy of fludarabine alone,


      but did provide efficacy and safety data for the




                I'd like to just point out--let me see if


      I can do it here--that this information from the


      first trial, CCG-097, has been included in the


      label as of October 2003.  There are two parts of


      the label that have been changed.  The first is the


      clinical pharmacology in special populations


      pediatric patients, which highlights that steady-state


      conditions were reached early.  And then in


      the precautions section, pediatric use, this is a




      description of that trial that I just told you


      about, followed by the treatment toxicity that I


      also pointed out to you.


                In terms of drug use trends in the


      outpatient setting or sales of fludarabine, this is


      considerably different from what Dr. Sachs


      presented to you with her millions of


      prescriptions.  Approximately 280,000 vials only of


      fludarabine were sold in the U.S. annually from May


      2001 through April 2004, with no significant


      increase seen after exclusivity.  And as Dr. Iyasu


      pointed out to you, this particular database is one


      that does not divide it up in terms of pediatric


      and adult use.  Just as you would expect,


      fludarabine was primarily sold to clinics and non-federal


      hospitals during the 12-month post-exclusivity period.


                In terms of drug use trends in the


      inpatient setting, where we do have some pediatric


      data, Premier data showed us that pediatric use


      accounted for 3 percent of discharges between 2002


      and 2003 in which fludarabine was billed.  And CHCA




      data demonstrated that from October 2002 through


      September 2003, there were 95 discharges associated


      with fludarabine, which were essentially unchanged


      from the previous year.


                Now I'm going to switch gears and talk to


      you about the adverse event reports for fludarabine


      in the one-year post-exclusivity period from April


      2003 to May 2004.


                The total number of reports for all ages


      were 300, with approximately a third of them


      occurring in the United States.  As expected,


      almost all of them were serious, and over a third


      of them involved deaths.


                In terms of the pediatric reports, all of


      them were serious.  There were ten unduplicated


      pediatric reports, only one of which was in the


      United States, and the outcomes for three were


      death, and seven were hospitalized, one which


      suffered continuing sequelae.


                Of those ten pediatric patients, the


      recorded use was for six preconditioning for bone


      marrow or stem cell transplant; for three, AML




      relapse; and for one, JMML with splenectomy prior


      to bone marrow transplant.  The age for these


      reports was predominantly in the 2 to 5 age range


      with six reports, one each in the one month to less


      than 2 years, and the 6 to 11 year age ranges, and


      two in the adolescent population.


                Dr. Maldonado, this may get to your


      question earlier.  These are all the adverse event


      reports for fludarabine in the one-year post-exclusivity


      period, both adults and pediatric


      patients.  As you can see, there are a significant


      number of adverse events.  Those that are


      underlined are actually unlabeled events, including


      increased bilirubin, abdominal pain, and then three


      related to either drug ineffective or disease


      recurrence.  In the pediatric population, the only


      unlabeled event was abdominal pain.


                I'm now going to give you a brief


      discussion of each of the ten pediatric patients


      followed by a summary of their categories and a


      comparison with the adult information in the label.


                There were three deaths.  The first was a




      four-year-old with ALL who received fludarabine for


      preconditioning for stem cell transplant.  The day


      after transplant, she developed fever, shock, and


      multi-organ failure.  This was one of the cases


      that also reported abdominal pain.


                An eight-year-old with ALL who received


      irradiation, fludarabine, and cyclosporine followed


      by stem cell transplant, who six days after


      transplant became febrile with a rash, generalized


      edema, tachycardia, abdominal pain, and cardiac




                Of note, one of the later cases is a


      cardiac tamponade patient.  We don't have


      additional information, but the tachycardia to over


      200 along with the edema could be possibly


      concerning for that as well.  But there is no


      additional information.


                And the third and final death is a 13-year-old


      with bone sarcoma of the rib who received


      fludarabine as preconditioning for stem cell


      transplant and then developed carcinomatous


      pleurisy and died of disease progression.




                In terms of the seven hospitalizations,


      there was an 18-month-old with hepatic veno-occlusive


      disease after bone marrow transplant for


      beta-thalassemia.  There was a two-year-old with


      relapsed AML who developed photophobia on the FLAG


      study, which is fludarabine, cytarabine, and


      granulocyte colony stimulating factor.  There was


      no photophobia noted on rechallenge.


                And then I want to highlight an additional


      visual disturbance in a three-year-old with


      relapsed AML also on the FLAG study that developed


      bilateral blindness, which resolved leaving some


      degree of blindness, and that's the sequelae that I


      spoke of.


                There was a four-year-old with AML relapse


      who developed encephalopathy and recovered.


                The only United States case is a four-year-old


      with JMML with splenectomy in preparation


      for bone marrow transplant, who developed fever and




                There was a five-year-old with AML after


      bone marrow transplant who developed aphasia,




      vigilance disturbance, and non-specific


      encephalopathy.  This is a foreign report.  It's


      not clear whether vigilance disturbance is a


      disturbance of state associated with encephalopathy


      or could potentially also be visual disturbance,


      although most likely just a disturbance associated


      with the encephalopathy.


                And then, as I previously mentioned, a 13-year-old


      with bone marrow transplant for aplastic


      anemia who developed cardiac tamponade and cardiac


      failure four days after transplant, who recovered


      with diuretics and pressors.


                So, in summary, there were ten clinically


      significant pediatric adverse events, and if you


      break them down into four categories, there was


      cardiac failure in two, cardiac tamponade in one,


      and cardiac arrest in two.  This is labeled for


      adults for edema and pericardial effusion.  The


      abdominal pain that I pointed out to you before


      that was not labeled in adults, it is labeled for


      nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, stomatitis,


      and GI bleeding in adults.  And as I pointed out,




      the two patients that had abdominal pain in the


      pediatric age range were those with multi-organ


      failure and death.


                There were two pediatric patients with


      blindness and optic nerve disorder, and this label,


      as I will show you in a moment, is labeled for


      visual disturbance and blindness in adults.  And


      encephalopathy is also labeled in adults.


                Just to give you an idea in terms of


      whether this is a different signal from what's seen


      in adults, I showed you the most common adverse


      events in terms of those that were more than 20.


      In this same period of time, all of these events


      were reported in adults in the range of three to


      five adult reports.


                And I just wanted to show you, this is the


      boxed warning for Fludara, and this gets at a


      couple of issues that were discussed actually


      yesterday.  This drug should be administered under


      the supervision of a qualified physician


      experienced in the use of antineoplastic therapy.


      In addition, it is labeled in the boxed warning




      that it is associated with severe neurologic


      effects, including blindness, coma, and death.


      Also labeled here are fatal autoimmune hemolytic


      anemia, and down here a warning about the


      combination of use with pentostatin and fatal


      pulmonary toxicity.


                So, in summary, there are labeled and


      unlabeled adverse events for fludarabine that have


      been reported.  There are a number of pediatric


      adverse events that were reported in the post-exclusivity


      period that were not recognized in the


      clinical trials that were done for exclusivity.


      These adverse events, however, have been labeled


      for adults.  These serious adverse events include


      encephalopathy, blindness and other visual


      disturbances, and cardiac tamponade and failure.


      These patients tend to be on very complicated, pre-


      transplant regimens that involve multiple


      medications and immunosuppression.  I just want to


      note that this completes the one-year post-exclusive adverse


      event monitoring as mandated by


      BPCA.  But the FDA will continue its routine




      monitoring of these adverse events for this drug.


                Any questions?


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.


                Comments, questions?  We need Dr. Santana,


      who is in Oslo.


                Any other comments?  Dr. Murphy, are there




                DR. MURPHY:  I think, you know, this is


      just one of the things we'll be looking at in the


      future when we review these and we don't think we


      see anything going on.  How much information do you


      want?  Do you want us to present it?  Do you want


      us to send it to you beforehand?  When we say we


      are going to no longer do--when we say this


      completes the exclusivity reporting, it means that


      this process will no longer occur, and that we are


      basically telling you that we think that that


      appears to be an appropriate outcome, unless you


      tell us something differently than that.  We'll now


      go back to the usual process of just the Office of


      Drug Safety doing their reviews and we won't be


      reporting this to you.




                So I did want to make that clear to the


      new committee members.  That's what that means when


      we say that.  We don't have any specific questions


      for this product.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fant?


                DR. FANT:  Yes, just a question.  Out of


      curiosity, how did the signals that emerged from


      the use of this drug, given the complex nature of


      the disease and the drug regimens that these kids


      are on, compare with the signals that emerged in


      previous reports for some of the other drugs?


                DR. McCUNE:  For the other oncologic


      agents or other drugs in general?


                DR. FANT:  Well, the other oncologic


      agents in these types of patients.  Any way to sort


      of get a sense of whether there's something unique


      about these signals versus the others?


                DR. McCUNE:  I actually reviewed two


      oncologic drugs the last time we presented for this


      committee, and I think the process that we're


      really looking for is what you all have pointed


      out:  Are there substantial differences from the




      adult population?  Are there substantial


      differences from what's in the label that should be


      potentially added to the label?  Although that's


      very difficult given all the confound--the small


      numbers of patients and the confounding.  And I


      think that it becomes very difficult because most


      of these drugs are not used except in patients who


      have recurrent disease, so they have disease


      progression.  They're also on multiple other drugs


      and multiple other regimens.


                So it can be difficult to pull out a


      signal.  That's why we very carefully look at each


      one of these adverse event reports to try to see if


      maybe there's something more there or if there's a


      relationship that does not show up in the label for


      the adults.  And so far, with the three drugs that


      we've reviewed in the last year, I haven't seen a


      substantial difference.  They're very low numbers


      of usage for the drugs in general in the


      population, 200,000 versus millions of


      prescriptions.  And then the pediatric use in that


      is very low.  Because of that low number, that's




      why there's been this initiative to try to get drug


      labeling for oncologic drugs because, otherwise, we


      wouldn't have the data to be able to do labeling or


      to be able to get these drugs to the population




                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Ebert, and then Dr.




                DR. EBERT:  When you identify adverse


      events that have not been seen previously in


      pediatrics but have been seen in adults and are in


      the labeling, is the implication that the labeling


      does not need to be modified or that it does need


      to be modified?


                DR. McCUNE:  In general, when it's been


      stated in the label for adults, that's considered


      labeling.  If there were something where there was


      a substantial signal without the confounding


      variables, that would be something that could be


      discussed.  But, in general, unless there's a very


      strong signal that is different from what's seen in


      the adults, the label is considered to be adequate.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  I had that same




      question, so thank you.


                Dr. Nelson?


                DR. NELSON:  Just a comment before leading


      up to a question.  I noticed the significant amount


      of pharmacological information in the label, as you


      pointed out, in terms of pharmacokinetics, and I


      speculate I know part of my comfort level with the


      use of these drugs is the fact that in the United


      States 90 percent of the children are treated on


      protocol, and the chances of this being used off-label are


      exceedingly low.  Is that different in


      Europe?  Is this either labeled or do they have--I


      mean, I'm just wondering why this seems to be used


      more frequently.  Maybe, you know, in that case, I


      assume it's not labeled for a pediatric indication


      in Europe, but they must not have as much of a


      control over what happens to where someone's


      obviously using it for bone marrow transplant




                DR. McCUNE:  I don't know the answer about


      labeling in Europe.


                DR. MURPHY:  That's one place we haven't




      looked.  But I do think that you're making a good


      point.  There has been a concerted effort within


      the FDA, working with both NCI and the American


      Academy of Pediatrics, to address the issue that


      was being brought up here.  But the fact is that


      you won't have these products in Phase III trials


      for children.  I mean, that just is not the process


      that happens for oncology drugs, though they're


      almost all--most of the children are in trials.  It


      has to do with the paucity of, you know, the


      population and the ability to actually conduct


      Phase III trials.


                I know this seems schizophrenic, so I


      just--so dealing with that issue, the quandary was


      we would never have products labeled for kids who


      have cancer which--yet we would have a tremendous


      amount of information.  So there was an entire


      process and a number of meetings to look at how can


      we make the information available that is developed


      for this population.  That's why there's a guidance


      on how to do that and how you can--and encourage


      the development of these products and research into




      these products for children.  And that's why the


      statement was that you don't actually have to have


      the product approved for children for certain


      indications to get this information into the label.


      But it is, you know, a product, a disease-specific


      process, and it's appropriate that information will


      go into the label for the oncology drugs.


                DR. NELSON:  But I guess if the comfort


      level in doing that is because there won't be the


      opportunity given the professional organization for


      extensive off-label use, then I guess as a group at


      some point in the future we should tackle about how


      one could discourage off-label use while at the


      same time providing information.


                DR. McCUNE:  That's one of the reasons why


      I wanted to point out in the boxed warning that it


      does state that a qualified physician using anti-neoplastic


      therapy be the one to administer the




                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. O'Fallon?


                DR. O'FALLON:  Well, you know, this is a


      real quandary because you're absolutely right that




      the vast majority of children are on these studies,


      which is wonderful because they are being monitored


      very carefully.  The ones that don't make it on to


      the protocols are usually, in my opinion, ones with


      comorbidities or some--or there's such an advanced


      disease.  So they're starting to treat them with


      these things.


                I'm wondering if given the fact that a


      year doesn't--given the fact that there isn't a


      huge population of off-label use out there, a


      year's data doesn't give us very much of a chance


      to see off-label problems.  Do you see what I mean?


      If they're treating--a million kids were treated


      with something in that year, then you've got a


      pretty good idea--a pretty good chance to pick up


      anything that was somehow missed in the clinical


      trial.  But if it's a very small number of kids


      that were treated in that year, then we really


      don't have very much of a chance of picking up


      anything either.


                DR. McCUNE:  The division continues to


      follow reports associated with the use of this




      drug, so it's not like we don't have any follow-up.


      But we just wouldn't come back to present it


      necessarily to you unless there was something that


      would be--


                DR. O'FALLON:  You don't diminish your


      surveillance.  You just diminish your reporting to


      us.  Is that what we're talking about?


                DR. McCUNE:  That's correct.


                DR. MURPHY:  Well, we diminish going back


      and reporting to you.  We don't go back and look at


      the, you know, trials that you've already seen.  I


      mean, since that process has occurred.  If


      additional studies had come in, you know, there


      might be an opportunity.  But I think the only


      thing I would say is that if there's something that


      concerns you in the report and it was combined with


      the issue of either a small population or, as some


      of you know from the prior committee, the


      exclusivity is granted before the approval


      sometimes.  That's changing because of the timing


      on the approvals, but there may not actually be


      much postmarketing in some certain situations.  If




      those situations--if you are concerned about


      something and either of those two situations


      exists, you could recommend that we come back and


      report to you relevant to whatever, you wanted more


      time to see what was happening.  I mean, that is an


      option I think this committee has actually utilized


      earlier on when we had a very short postmarketing




                But, again, I think just having a short


      postmarketing period wouldn't be the only reason to


      do it.  It would be because there was a question or


      some concern that you would like us to come back


      and report to you about.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Isn't the purpose of


      postmarketing to pick up something that probably--that could


      have slipped through the cracks on the


      studies?  That's all.  If we don't give ourselves a


      very good chance at doing that, we're not going to


      have a chance to pick it up as much.  That's all.


                DR. MURPHY:  Yes, I mean, and for the


      things you mentioned, I mean, the studies often--of


      course, the cancer studies--but, still,




      particularly in other studies, they're much more


      exclusionary, and when it gets out there, it's used


      in the broader population.  And as has been pointed


      out before, AERS is good over time picking up the


      rare, serious events that occur.  So if those are


      concerns that you have, then you could recommend


      that we continue to report to you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  Could


      I suggest that maybe we take a ten-minute break


      before the next speaker?  I did want to ask if


      there was anybody here for the open public hearing.


      Nobody has registered yet, but we just wanted to




                [No response.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  No.  So I think if we could


      come back in ten minutes at 10 after 11:00, and


      we'll continue on with all the subsequent


      presentations.  Thank you.




                DR. CHESNEY:  I think we're ready to get


      started.  It looked like we should be able to


      finish pretty close to our allotted time for those




      with appointments with planes, trains and


      automobiles at the end of the meeting.  So we'll


      move on to the next presentation.


                DR. McCUNE:  Thank you.  It gives me great


      pleasure to introduce Dr. Jane Filie.  Dr. Filie is


      a general pediatrician and pediatric


      rheumatologist.  After years of doing basic


      research on connective tissue disorders and


      genetics at the NIH, Dr. Filie was a pediatrician


      in private practice prior to joining the FDA.


                Today Dr. Filie is going to talk to you


      about desloratadine.


        x                   DR. FILIE:  Thank you, Dr. McCune.


                Good morning, everyone.  I would like to


      present the adverse event review for desloratadine


      during the one year post exclusivity.


                Desloratadine is an antihistamine by


      Schering Corporation.  It was originally approved


      in December 2001, and pediatric exclusivity was


      granted in February 2003.  It is indicated for the


      treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis in patients


      2 years and older, and for the treatment or




      perennial allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic


      urticaria in patients six months and older.  The


      recommended doses are listed on the slide.


                I would point some facts regarding


      loratadine, which is the predecessor of


      desloratadine.  Loratadine is approved for children


      2 years and older, whereas desloratadine is


      approved for children 6 months and older.


      Desloratadine is the major metabolite of loratadine


      and possesses similar pharmacodynamic activity.  It


      also has less extensive first-pass metabolism and a


      longer half life than loratadine.


                Now, the drug use trends for


      desloratadine.  It accounted for 15 percent of the


      prescription non-sedating antihistamine market from


      March 2003 to February 2004.  The total number of


      prescriptions increased slightly from 9.8 million


      to 10.2 million during the same period.  Pediatric


      prescriptions accounted for 1.3 million




                For pediatric exclusivity 246 children, 6


      months to 11 years of age were exposed to




      desloratadine in three two-week, double-blind,


      placebo-controlled safety studies.  The efficacy of


      the drug was extrapolated from the adult efficacy


      data.  The safety studies identified a subset of


      pediatric patients who are slow metabolizers of


      desloratadine, approximately 6 percent of all


      pediatric and adult patients, and 17 percent of the


      African-American patients.  There was no difference


      in the prevalence of poor metabolizers across age


      groups, and there was no significant difference in


      adverse events, laboratory tests or vital signs


      between the pediatric poor metabolizers and normal


      metabolizers who received desloratadine or placebo.


                The adverse events that occurred more than


      2 percent during the clinical trials, which


      included adults and children over 12 years of age


      are listed on this slide.


                In the pediatric clinical trials there


      were no adverse events reported that occurred more


      than 2 percent of patients in the age group of 6 to


      11 years of age.  The adverse events that occurred


      more than 2 percent in frequency greater than




      placebo are listed on the slide according to


      different age groups as well.


                During the one-year post exclusivity,


      there were 185 reports for all ages.  Among the 185


      reports there were 20 pediatric reports, 6 of them


      in the United States.  Among the 20 pediatric


      reports, there were five serious pediatric event


      reports and there were no deaths.


                The pediatric adverse events reported are


      listed on this slide.  Even though there were 20


      reports, these events do not add to 20 because some


      reports contained more than one event.  The


      underlying events are unlabeled events.


                I now proceed with a synopsis of the


      serious adverse event reports.  12 year old on


      desloratadine and nasal beclomethasone for


      unspecified allergy had bronchospasm and shortness


      of breath, hospitalized for an unknown period of




                An 11-year-old on 5 milligram


      desloratadine, unknown indication, developed two


      asthma attacks within one month requiring




      hospitalization.  The patient had five doses of the


      drug between the asthma attacks without difficulty.


                And a 6-year-old on desloratadine, 2-1/2


      milligrams daily for urticaria, presented with


      Kawasaki disease three months after the initiation


      of treatment.


                A 5-year-old on 1.25 milligrams


      desloratadine daily for cough and nasal secretion


      experienced somnolence, bradycardia, diplopia,


      dizziness and motor uncoordination, and this


      patient was hospitalized for 12 hours.


                Last:  a 2-year-old with a history of


      bronchiolitis and wheezing on desloratadine, 1.25


      milligrams, for coughing and rhinitis, who


      experienced status asthmatic as requiring


      hospitalization on two successive days.


                Notice that these were all non-U.S. cases.


                Although not reported as serious adverse


      events, there are a few adverse event reports that


      were clinically significant.  For example, a 5-year-old on


      desloratadine, 125 milligrams daily for


      rhinitis, experienced two days later somnolence,




      disorientation, and an unspecified extrapyramidal


      disorder, one week later became unconscious, and


      recovered one day after the drug was discontinued.


                Another relevant case was a 4-year-old


      girl on 2-1/2 milligrams of desloratadine daily,


      had been on the drug for a week from mosquito bites


      and no other medications, experienced spasms of the


      upper body which resolved weeks later after


      discontinuation of the drug.


                Lastly, a 3-year-old on desloratadine for


      8 days of a known dose and specified medication, no


      concomitant medications, experienced torticollis,


      and no other data was available.


                Also notice that these are all cases that


      occurred abroad.


                In summary, there were a few pediatric


      adverse event reports during the pediatric


      exclusivity period.  There are no new safety


      concerns regarding the use of desloratadine in the


      pediatric population.  This completes the one-year


      post exclusivity adverse event monitoring, as


      mandated by BPCA, and the FDA will continue its




      routine monitoring of adverse events for this drug.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Any questions?  Yes, Dr.




                DR. NEWMAN:  I have two questions.  You


      listed a whole of kind of common pediatric things


      that were listed as more commonly occurring with


      medication than placebo.  Were any of those


      statistically significant?


                DR. FILIE:  Which--


                DR. NEWMAN:  This was in the exclusivity


      trial, the fever, diarrhea, upper respiratory tract


      infections, coughing, all of those things.  It's


      your ninth slide.  Greater than 2 percent in


      frequency, greater than placebo.


                DR. FILIE:  No.  These were really not so


      much different, and the range, the incidence of


      these side effects, adverse events, was around not


      more than 4 percent each, and they were not really


      clinically significant.


                DR. NEWMAN:  But all of these were more


      frequent with drug than with placebo?


                DR. FILIE:  Exactly.  Which slide are you




      talking about?


                DR. NEWMAN:  It's Slide 9.


                DR. FILIE:  Yes.  These did occur more


      than 2 percent, and more frequently than placebo.


                DR. NEWMAN:  And were there some sort of


      equal number of adverse effects that happened less


      often with medication than placebo?  I mean, I


      don't know how--if you look at 100 different


      things, and your standard is just more rather than


      statistically significant more, you'll find a




                DR. FILIE:  You're asking if there were


      some adverse events that occurred more frequently


      in placebo than with the drug?


                DR. NEWMAN:  Right.


                DR. FILIE:  Probably so, but I do not have


      the numbers.  I cannot tell you that, but this is


      what is expressed in the label.  Usually what they


      will have on the label is what occurs more


      frequently on the drug.


                DR. NEWMAN:  Unless you can tell how often


      it occurred with both and whether any of them are




      significant, this kind of labeling just doesn't


      really help at all.  It's not informative.


                DR. FILIE:  Yeah.  Would anyone like to


      add?  I would like to invite the Review Division if


      they would like to chime in and give any additional


      information.  But as far as I can tell without


      looking at the reviews, the clinical reviews right


      now, I don't have the numbers.


                DR. MURPHY:  I think what you're getting


      at is how we do adverse event reporting in our


      labels.  Is that the issue?


                DR. NEWMAN:  I'm just saying, you know, if


      you look for 100 different things and your only


      standard for reporting it is that it occurred more


      often with--I mean they're not going to occur at


      exactly the same rate with drug and placebo.


      They're not going to occur at exactly the same


      rate, so the fact that it occurs a little more with


      drug than placebo doesn't really indicate anything,


      you know.  The question is does it occur either any


      one outcome statistically significantly more, or a


      lot more, or if you add them all together and say,




      okay, any adverse event, was any adverse event, if


      you pool all these together, are one or more


      adverse events more likely with drug than placebo?


                As a clinician who sees a lot of kids who


      get antihistamines and sees all of these things on


      the list every day, I mean a lot, I suspect that


      this is not a real association, but then why put it


      on the label?  It just doesn't help me at all.


                DR. MURPHY:  What is done is if there are


      statistically significant differences in the


      trials, clearly that is put into the label, okay?


      But what is also then done--and one could argue the


      usefulness of that--but because trials are very,


      you know, as we've discussed, limited in number,


      limited in duration, limited in the population,


      what is also provided is additional information


      about adverse events that occurred more frequently


      in the treatment group than in the placebo group.


      I mean you're right from a mathematical point of


      view, but it is felt that because we know we're


      only looking at a limited amount of data that it is


      appropriate to define that which we think is




      clearly statistically significantly different and


      that which we think is just reported that was seen


      in the clinical trials.


                And actually there's been discussion of


      should we even be including those things that are 1


      percent--what percentage should we have a cutoff


      and how useful it is?  But that is some of the


      thinking behind why doing it, is that you don't


      really know what the entire context--I mean the


      entire spectrum might be, and this is the


      controlled clinical trial against placebo, and you


      know that in a population you're going to have


      background noise, so at least you can report


      against placebo what was seen.


                Is Badrul here?  Would you like to comment


      on how your division reports, particularly I think


      for the antihistamines.  But it gets to the bigger


      labeling issues.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  I'm Dr. Badrul Chowdhury,


      the Division Director in Pulmonary and Allergy




                What you're asking is a pretty broad




      question I think, is not necessarily applicable to


      this drug as a single entity that applies across


      how an adverse event is reported in the product


      label following clinical trials.


                The general practice is--I mean knowing


      it's a very limited database for a clinical trial,


      it's usually a few hundred to thousands, and you


      cannot really capture everything that has happened


      or could happen.  The practice generally is to look


      at the numbers that happened with the drug, look at


      the numbers that happened with placebo, and make


      some reasonable cutoff of event that is more


      commonly happening with drug than with placebo, and


      put the numbers then.


                Statistical influential statistics on


      adverse events is completely useless because you


      cannot really put a p-value against an adverse


      event and conclude it is significant or not.  It


      really isn't worth an observation.  And it is


      really during clinical practice that more and more


      is known, and adverse events, as it is reported,


      gets modified.  It is not uncommon for a drug to




      have an adverse event that you did not think of as


      being a drug-associated adverse event, but later on


      there's cases it bears out to be the case.


                DR. NEWMAN:  I would disagree with that,


      that there's no way that in practice anyone would


      pick up any of these adverse events as being drug


      related in the absence of a randomized trial


      because the background noise for all of these


      things is a lot.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Nobody's saying that is


      drug-related or drug-causes adverse events.  It is


      just that these were observed.  And add that to the


      interpretation of ultimate use because if you see


      something which is happening more commonly with the


      drug and not happening with placebo, I mean, it's


      not possible to go after each and every adverse


      event and try to make a cause and association if it


      is caused by the drug or not.  I mean, just cannot


      happen in development in the limited time period.


      We're just reporting what was seen.


                DR. NEWMAN:  Okay.  My guess is this is


      not the time to try to--




                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Oh, it probably is not,


      and this is really I think a more broader issue of


      adverse event reporting in the product label that


      comes out of clinical trials across drugs and


      across drug classes done specifically for




                DR. NEWMAN:  So maybe we could discuss it


      more at another time, but just as a consumer of


      this information, I find it pretty useless.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  I mean I would really not


      discount it to that of an extent because I mean


      there are also adverse events that are here which


      actually may even turn out to be meaningful.  I


      mean if I just pick an example for here, appetite


      increase.  Somebody can say it's completely


      useless.  But if you really go back and look at all


      antihistamines, it is not uncommon for some older


      antihistamines actually to cause persons to gain


      weight.  This was the case with older


      antihistamines.  Nobody would really link that


      association, but it is known that some older


      antihistamine which is not marketed in the U.S. any




      more, actually caused increased weight.


                And when you see in this report this


      appetite increase, I mean you can discount it being


      useless, but who knows?  It actually may in the


      future might turn out to be useful.


                So it's just a pure reporting of the


      number that were seen, not necessarily making a


      conclusion if that is associated with the drug or




                DR. MURPHY:  Again, it gets back to what


      do you think you're trying to achieve?  I think the


      thought here is that, again, this is the controlled


      trial against placebo.  You're going to have


      problems once it's out with all the confounders of


      background noise, and that it's appropriate to let


      people know in a controlled trial, this occurred


      more frequently than placebo, not making


      attribution.  But over time you may, as Badrul


      pointed out, we will come back and revisit that


      which has been labeled from controlled trials and


      see if it's becoming relevant or more relevant.  I


      guess better more relevant.




                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  I think this


      could be something that was readdressed, and Dr.


      Ebert and Dr. Nelson have questions.  I also.


                I've wondered, what stands out to me here


      is the movement disorders.  What do you make of


      that, and is that a common finding in other


      antihistamines.  I'm not used to using it to


      prevent them.


                DR. FILIE:  Usually it is not common to


      occur with antihistamines, but these are newer


      generations of antihistamines.  It was not


      described in the clinical trials either adults or


      children.  This was never described.  So this is


      why we brought it up as important, and again, we


      need to report the information as it is and the


      numbers as they are, but, yeah, it had not been


      described in the clinical trials for adults of


      children.  The earlier generations, like super


      heptadine, which was an older antihistamine, was


      known to cause some purposeless movements in rats


      in preclinical studies.  So again, this is


      something that I think we need to watch.




                We're looking at an ocean and these little


      signals pop here and there, and probably only with


      time and more numbers, we'll be able to make a


      better interpretation of this.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Dr. Ebert and


      then Dr. Nelson.


                DR. EBERT:  Could you provide a little


      more detail about the two cases of congenital




                DR. FILIE:  Certainly.  Let me see if she


      can pull this.  It's a back-up slide.  Can you find


      it?  It's called maternal exposures.


                These were two cases, and again, these


      reports have very little information.  They are


      very vague, and it's very difficult to make any


      attribution of congenital malformation and link


      this to the exposure to the drug.  As you can see,


      one baby was born with cryptorchidism and hernia


      and was exposed to desloratadine for five days,


      unknown gestational age, and the mother had


      concomitant use of amitriptyline.  And the other


      case was a baby born with a cleft lip and palate,




      and was exposed to multiple medications for an


      unknown length of time and unknown period of the




                So it's really very vague and difficult to


      make any assumption given even the background rate


      of the occurrence of these malformations.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson and then Dr.




                DR. NELSON:  I think you correctly


      observed that these are isolated events in an


      ocean, but I'd like to comment on the size of the


      ocean.  What strikes me is that these are non-USA


      reports that you're reporting, and that if we want


      to try to get some estimate of frequency that what


      we really need--and I guess I would be making Dr.


      Iyasu's job more difficult--the European Union, if


      that's where they're from, is a smaller market than


      United States, and in fact it may then reflect a


      higher frequency than we might think if we look at


      our 10 million prescriptions here.  We don't know


      then how many prescriptions were actually written


      for the population that's reporting these events.




                DR. FILIE:  That is correct.


                DR. NELSON:  And it also raises an


      interesting question whether their ascertainment


      system's better or whether their physicians are


      just more socialized into--I don't use that term


      politically--into reporting, etc.  But the data


      that is not comparable, we have isolated events out


      of a market that we don't have the denominator, and


      we have a denominator out of a market we have no


      isolated events.  So either we're much safer here,


      or what?  So comment.


                DR. FILIE:  Exactly, and I think you're




                DR. IYASU:  Could I make a comment here?


      I wouldn't presume to sort of evaluate how


      different our systems are.  I won't make a comment


      about that.


                But in terms of foreign reports, what we


      get is probably a very small percentage of the


      actual volume because the requirements are there


      for serious events to be preferentially reported


      from those serious sources.  There's no requirement




      to.  So there is also, you know, many--there's more


      focus on the serious events.  But in terms of


      exposure, I don't know of any database that we have


      access to at FDA that will sort of estimate what


      the exposure that was in Europe, although they do


      have their own databases as well.  And IMS has


      different streams that also is only probably making


      estimates in drug exposures in Europe.


                So I don't think we have the right


      databases to try to tease out what the differences


      are, but I think we need to be careful, wherever


      the reports come from, that if there is an


      opportunity to explore them further, that would be


      an important activity which you say you would make


      my job more difficult.  But I think this is


      something that we can entertain.


                DR. CHESNEY:  So you can add a European


      database to your American database in your spare






                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fant?


                DR. FANT:  Just one comment that stems




      from one of your case reports, and I think it just


      underscores the importance of these narratives, at


      least from what I can glean.


                In the 5-year-old, who basically over the


      course--two days after starting the medication,


      over the course of a week, developed somnolence,


      disorientation, unspecified extrapyramidal


      disorder, which seemed to progress over a week to a


      state of unconsciousness, and then recovered one


      day after the drug was discontinued.  What you told


      us was that one of the features of this drug was


      its relatively long half life.  So it's just kind


      of perplexing, just from a pharmacokinetic


      standpoint how such severe symptoms--now they may


      be connected; this may be a connection, but it's


      kind of a strange one from the way I interpret


      this, and it's worth noting because it may be real


      or it may be something that emerges as some bizarre


      quality related to this particular drug in terms of


      the idiosyncratic reactions it may elicit in


      people.  But I just don't understand how such


      severe symptoms can resolve in one day after being




      on a drug with a long half life for a week.


                DR. FILIE:  Yes.  I agree with you.  And


      again, these reports are very vague, so it doesn't


      give us much information.  And you're right, how


      could he just recover in one day how disoriented


      and somnolent this child was.  Could be that this


      child would have been in that category if this all


      metabolized and really had a more significant


      presentation of the side effects.  We just don't


      know and can't tell just from the report.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.


                I think we'll move on to the next topic of


      adverse events for budesonide and fluticasone.


        x                   DR. CHOWDHURY:   Moving on with the next


      section of the presentations.  In this section


      you're going to hear information regarding adverse


      events that have been reported to the air system


      for budesonide and fluticasone containing products.


      These adverse events may have been reported by


      patients, physicians, health professionals or the


      companies themselves, and specifically they're


      reporting of these adverse events to you, the




      Pediatric Advisory Committee, as I mentioned


      before, is monitored by the BPCA.  It's only for


      one year, so you'll hear a lot of information from


      a series of presenters.  So we'll have questions


      for clarification and also discussions of the


      question that has been posed to the Committee at


      the end of the series of presentations.


                So you will hear from four speakers this


      morning.  The first speaker is Dr. Peter Starke.


      Dr. Peter Starke is a pediatrician and a medical


      team leader in the Division of Pulmonary and


      Allergy Drug Products.  He has been with the Agency


      since 2000.  Dr. Starke will be summarizing the


      regulatory history and the labeling changes and


      will provide a perspective on the safety of these


      drug products which include the orally inhaled and


      intranasal budesonide and fluticasone propionate


      drug products.  So this will give you I think a


      good background in context for the next set of


      presentations that will focus on the summaries of


      clinical trials as well as the adverse event






                Dr. Peter Starke.


        x                   DR. STARKE:  Good morning.  I'm Dr. Peter


      Starke.  As you've heard, I'm a pediatrician and a


      medical team leader in the Division of Pulmonary


      and Allergy Drug Products.  This morning I will


      attempt to place the written request studies and


      the adverse event information, particularly the


      adverse event information that you're about to


      hear, into some perspective.


                Although you will hear about adverse


      events with all the budesonide and fluticasone drug


      products, we're specifically going to deal with


      just the orally-inhaled and intranasal drug


      products, and not the cutaneous drug products, at


      least my talk.


                I want to assure you that we've reviewed


      this information carefully and are comfortable with


      the adverse events that you'll hear discussed, that


      they're appropriately represented in the label for


      both of these drug products.  In addition, many of


      these types of adverse events occur with other


      orally-inhaled and intranasal corticosteroids and




      those two, as appropriate, appear in the labels for


      those drug products.


                This is an outline of my talk.  I'll set


      the stage for the discussion with some background


      on the burden or allergic rhinitis and asthma in


      the United States.  I'll then focus on asthma and


      review what is considered appropriate and necessary


      treatment for persistent asthma as defined by the


      National Asthma Education and Prevention Program in


      cooperation with the National Heart, Lung and Blood




                These guidelines for the diagnosis and


      management of asthma were first published in the


      early '90s and then again in 1997, and again in


      2002.  You see the URL for the website listed at


      the bottom of the slides.


                Then I'll go into some of the regulatory


      history and labeling chronology.  The labeling for


      these drug products has changed dramatically over


      the last 10 years and I'll show you a lot of what


      has happened in that time period.  We'll go over


      the specific results of growth suppression studies




      with both budesonide and fluticasone, covering the


      orally inhaled and then later the intranasal drug


      products, and then I'll touch on the status of the


      current labeling for safety findings for these




                This slide shows you a little bit of the


      burden of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis in the


      United States today. Allergic rhinitis is a very


      common disease and it represents significant


      morbidity as you see shown.  The figures you see


      come from the 1998 Joint Task Force on Practice


      Parameters in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and


      I'll touch later on their recommendations for us of


      corticosteroids in the treatment of allergic


      rhinitis.  I'm not going to talk at all about non-allergic




                However, we'll focus a little bit more on


      the burden of asthma.  This information and the


      information on the next several slides comes from


      the National Information Survey which is conducted


      annually by the National Center for Health


      Statistics at the CDC, and this information can be




      found on both the NHLBI and the CDC websites.


                Asthma is a significant public health


      concern in the United States.  It's associated with


      significant morbidity and mortality.  In the United


      States it's estimated that over 20 million persons


      are affected including over 6 million children.


      You see on the slide the associated emergency


      department, hospitalization and deaths during 1999.


                This slide represents the burden of asthma


      in terms of the prevalence per thousand population


      in the United States today.  Again this comes from


      the National Health Interview Survey, and you can


      see that the questions on the survey changed after


      a period of time, and these questions represent


      slightly different questions after--I can't see the


      date from here, but something like 1999.  Now, what


      you see is a rise in prevalence in asthma over


      time, starting in 1980 at about 31 per thousand,


      increasing by 1996 to 54 per thousand, an increase


      of about 74 percent.


                Here you see the mortality rates for


      asthma in the United States over approximately the




      same time period.  This again comes from the same


      database.  You can see that the ICD codes changed


      slightly around the year 1999 so they represent


      slightly different coding, but again give you a


      good sense of the mortality rates and what you see


      as an increase from 14.4 in 1980--this is per


      million--to a peak of 21.9 million, and then a


      decrease to about 16 million by the year 2000.  So


      the peak prevalence was in 1995.


                What I've shown you is that in the United


      States this represents, asthma represents a huge


      burden to individuals as well as to the health care


      system, and while the prevalence of asthma has


      increased and increased quite a bit since 1980, the


      overall increase in mortality has not reflected the


      same rate of rise as the increase in prevalence.


      The mortality peaked in 1995 and is now declining,


      and most practitioners feel that this is due to a


      combination of advances and care that are


      monitoring, patient education and the use of


      controller medications including the use of


      corticosteroids for persistent disease.




                This slide represents a brief summary of


      the medications used in clinical practice for the


      treatment of asthma, and you see quick relief and


      long-term controller medications listed.  I've


      highlighted corticosteroids and want to place their


      role into some--as a controller therapy into some


      perspective here.  Originally the NAEPP guidelines


      recommended the use of controller medications for


      moderate and severe persistent asthma, but the


      latest recommendations now state that


      corticosteroids should be used for all forms of


      persistent disease.


                Now I'm going to switch topics a little


      bit and start to give you a sense of what's changed


      in the labels over the last 10 years.  All of these


      drugs were approved during the 1980s and 1990s


      including budesonide and fluticasone.  There are a


      number of years during which some significant


      events occurred.  The first was 1994.  In that year


      the Pediatric Labeling Rule took effect, and that


      labeling rule did a number of things, but among the


      things that it did was that it required sponsors of




      approved products to examine the existing data in


      the product label to determine whether the


      pediatric use subsection should be updated, and


      this prompted a number of pediatric efficacy


      supplements and many of these products were


      approved to lower age ranges down to about 4 to 6,


      and subsequently some lower.


                In that same year the FDA began to review


      the labels for all orally-inhaled and intranasal


      corticosteroids and made a number of changes over


      time.  They started doing it then, but over time


      have made a number of changes with the additions to


      the labels of adverse events as reported to the


      companies and to MedWatch.


                Now, in 1997 several important events


      occurred.  First the NAEPP expert panel issued


      their second report and I've discussed the results


      of their recommendations already, and you see them


      up here.  Second major event was that a growth


      suppression study was submitted to the Agency, and


      this study was a one-year study with intranasal


      budesonide.  The dose that was used was the highest




      approved dose of 336 micrograms a day, and it


      showed a statistically significant growth


      suppression effect, but no significant effect on


      hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal or HPA access




                In addition, other growth studies were


      submitted and are published, but particularly they


      were submitted, and for both orally-inhaled and


      intranasal drug products, but particularly for the


      orally inhaled, and with this information several


      things occurred.


                I'm going to skip over what happened and


      just talk briefly first of 1998, come back to the


      allergic rhinitis, and the Joint Task Force for


      Practice Parameters, in conjunction with the


      American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology


      recognized intranasal corticosteroids as the most


      effective medication for the treatment of severe


      allergic rhinitis.


                Going back to asthma, because of the


      growth studies that came in a Joint Advisory


      Committee meeting was held.  This was a Joint




      Pulmonary Allergy and Metabolic and Endocrine


      Disease Advisory Committee meeting, at which time


      the results of the growth studies that had come


      into the Agency were discussed.  They did recommend


      a number of labeling changes, and I'll show them to


      you in the next several slides.  That included


      putting results of growth studies in the label, and


      adding class labeling for risks for adverse events


      to all labels for orally inhaled and intranasal


      corticosteroid drug products.


                In November of that year, in November of


      1998, the FDA implemented these recommendations,


      sent letters to each of the sponsors requesting


      supplements with additional labeling.  Now, this is


      the labeling in two of three locations that was


      added to the labels, and as I just started to say,


      there are three locations on the label where


      labeling was added.  You see the first two, the


      Precautions, general and the Adverse Reactions


      sections, and under Precautions, pediatric use


      section, a long paragraph was added.


                I haven't shown you the whole paragraph. 




      I have it if you want to see it, but this is a


      synopsis of what was said, which is that:  Orally


      inhaled or intranasal corticosteroids may cause a


      reduction in growth velocity in pediatric patients.


      The growth effect may occur in the absence of


      laboratory evidence of HPA axis suppression.  The


      potential for "catch up" growth following


      discontinuation of treatment was not addressed.


      Growth should be monitored routinely in patients.


      To minimize the systemic effects, each patient


      should be titrated to his or her lowest effective




                Now, through our evaluations of growth


      studies, we've come to understand a number of


      important points about these studies.  First, we


      feel that growth suppression reflects systemic


      exposure to the corticosteroid.  This is likely to


      be due to a direct bone effect on osteoclastic-osteoblastic


      activity.  That's a presumption that


      I'm saying.  We believe it's a very sensitive


      indicator of systemic effects, and therefore, the


      potential to cause systemic toxicity.  And that




      effect may be generalized to adults as well as


      children.  In other words, the growth suppressive


      effect, being an indicator of the potential for


      toxicity is not specific to just the growth


      population that's looked at in the studies.


                I'm showing you where a growth defect


      study may be positive where an HPA axis study was


      negative.  Because of the way we want the


      information, we request that these studies look at,


      as accurately as possible, and characterize the


      difference in growth rate in patients treated with


      active and with control.  Now, they're quite


      technically difficult to perform, and I do want to


      congratulate both drug companies for having growth


      studies with the intranasal and the orally inhaled


      drug products, and I'm going to show the results




                I'm not going to go into the details of


      the technical difficulties with doing them and/or


      assessing them, but keep in mind that these require


      at least a year on treatment, height measurements


      with stadiometry, and they must be performed during




      the relatively level or flat growth phase,


      generally between 3 and 9 or 10 years of age, after


      the infant growth spurt and before the pubertal


      growth spurt.


                There are a number of limitations to


      interpretation of these studies.  They are not


      designed to demonstrate reversibility with


      continued use after a year or after stopping a


      medication.  They're not designed to evaluate the


      effects on final adult height, and you cannot take


      the growth effect and relate it at all to the


      individual patient.  For these reasons, they are


      very difficult to interpret out of context of the


      study itself.


                All the studies were designed prior to


      when we published a growth guidance in 2001, and no


      two studies had the same design.  Therefore, it's


      quite difficult to do any kind of cross-study


      comparison, and I won't attempt to do so.


                So here's the growth study for inhaled


      budesonide.  This is the design of the growth


      study.  It used Pulmicort Respules.  This is, by




      the way, not in the label.  What's in the label is


      the growth results for the 12-week study that gave


      the indication.  This information, however, was


      discussed at the 1998 Advisory Committee meeting,


      and therefore I'm showing it to you now.


                This was a 12-month open label extension


      of a 12-week double-blind study.  The arms you see


      with inhaled budesonide and nonsteroidal.  There


      were several analyses done for different age


      groups, 9 months through 3 years and 4 through 8


      years.  Before I show you the results, I just want


      to caution you about interpreting results for the 9


      month to 3 year age range, where growth is not


      linear and where one generally has to measure


      length rather than statutory height, and this


      introduces a large variable into these kinds of




                So here are the results for the orally


      inhaled budesonide.  You see at the top the 4- to


      8-year-olds, and below it the 9 through 3-year-olds.  You


      see also the budesonide and then the


      nonsteroidal groups below it, and the height




      changes over the year--I'm sorry, the growth rate


      over a year.  The delta is what I would point out


      to you.  That's the difference between the active


      and control groups.  A negative number implies a


      growth rate effect, a positive growth rate effect.


      So you see for the age range of 4 to 8 a growth


      suppressive effect of half centimeter, and for the


      lower age range, 1.8 centimeters.  So there clearly


      is some difference between the two, but again, it's


      hard to interpret what that difference actually is.


                This is the growth study using inhaled


      fluticasone propionate, and I believe this is in


      the labeling.  This used the Flovent Rotadisk.  It


      was randomized, placebo-controlled one-year study


      in prepubertal children.  You see that two doses of


      fluticasone propionate were used in this study, 50


      and 100 micrograms twice daily.


                There are the results.  There was some


      indication of a dose response in this study, and if


      you look at the first two lines of the delta you


      see the results compared to placebo for the 50 and


      100 micrograms twice daily.




                So just to continue and update from 1998


      to 2004, the Advisory Committee recommendations


      were implemented, as I've shown you.  I mentioned


      already that we published a draft growth guidance


      in 2001.  Guidances represent the best thinking of


      the Agency, but they do not require sponsors to


      follow that thinking if they can show us some


      alternative methodology.


                The labels have been reviewed and updated


      with new labeling supplements as they come in, with


      post-marketing adverse events as reported.  You'll


      hear the pediatric exclusivity studies next.


      They're updated with pediatric exclusivity studies


      results as appropriate and with the results of


      Phase IV growth studies as they come in.


                Here are the results for the intranasal


      budesonide and fluticasone growth studies, and you


      see the moiety on the left, the dose, the N, the


      growth rate over a year, the difference between


      active and placebo and the 95 percent confidence


      intervals when we have them.  For convenience I put


      on the slide the results of the beclomethasone




      study that started this all off in 1997, and you


      see only a very small effect for each of these two


      drug products.  But I just want to point out the


      budesonide used the lowest approved dose;


      fluticasone used the highest.  We do recommend at


      this point that sponsors use the highest approved


      dose in these studies.


                So the labeling status as of 2004.  All


      labels clearly describe the potential risks for


      adverse events; HPA axis studies.  We've included


      the class labeling.  There are some minor


      differences between various drug products in the


      wording, but that's probably fine.  Growth studies,


      as they come in; and all the labels are being


      reviewed and updated as new labeling supplements


      are submitted.


                Specific labeling for budesonide and


      fluticasone is shown in this slide.  Both the


      orally inhaled and intranasal drug products for


      both of these drugs have HPA axis growth and post-marketing


      adverse events labeled.  In addition--and


      this relatively new information, so I've included




      it separately--budesonide--and you saw the results


      of the growth study.  That study is now in the


      label as of the last month or two.  In addition, as


      of the end of August, budesonide was relabeled as


      Pregnancy Category B, and this is as the results of


      information from three Swedish birth registries.


      You see a representative of what Category B, one of


      the requirements for Category B.  It was changed


      from Category C to Category B.


                So in summary, asthma is a chronic


      inflammatory disease of the airways.  It represents


      a huge burden to the health care system.  While the


      prevalence of asthma has increased since 1980, the


      mortality rates increased, and then have declined,


      although the overall mortality rate is higher now


      than it was in 1980.  Corticosteroids are


      recommended as a primary controller therapy for


      persistent asthma, all forms, and as the most


      effective therapy for severe allergic rhinitis.


                The types of adverse events that may be


      expected with this class of compounds, namely


      corticosteroids, have been well documented over the




      years, and the FDA is continually reviewing and


      updating the labeling as we get more and more


      information about the individual drug products.


                I've shown you how the labels have changed


      dramatically over the last 10 years with class


      labeling.  We really haven't gone into HPA axis


      information, but you'll hear more about that in the


      written request studies.  I've shown you about the


      growth studies.  You'll hear about the adverse


      event data.  At this point we believe that the


      current labeling for these drugs is concurrent with


      the latest safety data for these products.


                I leave you with this quote from the NAEPP


      guidelines, from the 2000 guidelines, which state


      that:  "Inhaled corticosteroids improve health


      outcomes for children with mild or moderate


      persistent asthma," and obviously with severe, "and


      the potential but small risk of delayed growth is


      well balanced by their effectiveness."


                Thank you.


                Now I'm going to introduce to you Dr.


      ShaAvhree Buckman.  She is a pediatrician with the




      Division of Pediatrics.  She has Ph.D. training in


      molecular cell biology and pharmacology.  She's


      been a medical officer in the Division of


      Pediatrics for the last two years.  She will be


      presenting on the clinical studies for budesonide


      and fluticasone.


        x                   DR. BUCKMAN:  I can now say good






                DR. BUCKMAN:  I will be presenting a


      summary of clinical trial data for fluticasone and


      budesonide.  As an overview this table describes


      the various fluticasone dosage forms, the original


      dates of approval and current pediatric approval


      information.  This table includes topical,


      intranasal and orally inhaled products.


                The most recent approval, as of May of


      2004, was for Flovent HFA Meter Dose Inhaler.  HFA


      stands for hydrofluoroalkane, and this inhaler is


      designed with a CFC-free propellant that is more


      environmentally friendly.


                This table describes the various




      budesonide dosage forms which include orally


      inhaled, intranasal and oral products.  Because the


      names of some of these products can become


      confusing, the slide just shows some examples of


      some of these products.  The Advair Diskus, Flovent


      Rotadisk and Pulmicort Turbuhaler are inhaled


      powders.  Pulmicort Respules are a solution for


      inhalation used in conjunction with compressed air-driven


      jet nebulizers.  Also shown here is a


      typical Flovent Metered Dose Inhaler which delivers


      aerosolized drug, and Entocort, which is shown in


      the corner, is indicated for oral use only in adult


      patients who have Crohn's disease.  We will not be


      discussing this product during today's


      presentation, but it is a budesonide containing


      product.  Also shown here are two nasal


      preparations, Flonase as well as Rhinocort Aqua.


                Seven dermatology and pulmonary studies


      were requested for pediatric exclusivity for the


      fluticasone moiety.  Four studies were requested


      for Cutivate, which is the dermatologic product.


      One study was requested for Flonase, two studies




      for Flovent, and there was also requested an in


      vitro study report as well as a population PK


      report for Flovent.


                First we will discuss the studies for


      Cutivate.  As background, Cutivate cream has been


      approved for use in children 3 months of age and


      older since June 17th of 1999.  A written request


      was issued for other fluticasone containing


      formulations on June 25th of 1999.  This written


      request included three studies for Cutivate lotion


      and one study for Cutivate ointment.  Also as


      background, an Advisory Committee was held in


      October of 2003, which many of you may have


      attended, that discussed the clinical risk


      management of HPA axis suppression in children with


      atopic dermatitis who are treated with topical


      corticosteroids.  Presently, only Cutivate cream is


      indicated for pediatric use, not the ointment.


                The current labeling for Cutivate cream


      includes studies which were not requested for


      pediatric exclusivity.  43 pediatric patients were


      treated with Cutivate .05 percent cream for atopic




      dermatitis covering at least 35 percent of their


      body surface area for four weeks.  2 out of the 43


      patients had HPA axis suppression, and follow-up


      testing was available for one of those two


      patients, which demonstrated a normally responsive


      HPA axis on follow up.


                This study using Cutivate ointment was


      requested for exclusivity.  35 pediatric patients


      were treated with Cutivate ointment for atopic


      dermatitis covering at least 35 percent of their


      body surface area for three to four weeks.


      Subnormal adrenal function was observed with


      cosyntropin stimulation testing in 4 of the 35


      patients.  The recovery of adrenal function in


      these patients was unknown and follow-up testing


      was not performed.  This information was


      incorporated into the Pediatric Use subsection of


      the labeling as shown here.  It is important to


      note that Cutivate ointment is not indicated for


      pediatric use.


                Now we will discuss the clinical studies


      for Flonase, the intranasal product.  This study




      was described to you briefly by Dr. Starke in the


      previous presentation, and it was not requested for


      pediatric exclusivity.  This was a one-year multi-center


      placebo-controlled trial looking at


      longitudinal growth of 150 children, ages 3 to 9


      years with perennial allergic rhinitis.


                The mean reduction in growth velocity


      after one year of treatment with Flonase at 200


      micrograms per day was estimated at .137


      centimeters per year.  HPA axis evaluation in these


      patients showed no interpretable effects on urinary


      free cortisol.  And this study supported safety in


      children at the maximum approved dose and twice the


      daily dose typically used in patients at this age




                The recommendation was made for the


      results of this one-year growth study to be


      incorporated into labeling, and you can see where


      this was incorporated.


                This study for Flonase was requested for


      pediatric exclusivity.  It was a six-week,


      multicenter, placebo controlled HPA axis study in




      65 patients between the ages of 2 and 4 years with


      allergic rhinitis.  12-hour urinary free cortisol


      was used to evaluate the HPA axis.  The results of


      this study were deemed indeterminate due to


      limitations in urine collection and wide variations


      in baseline urinary free cortisol levels between


      treatments groups.  Therefore, no labeling change




                Now we will discuss clinical studies for


      Flovent.  We have discussed studies for Cutivate


      and Flonase, and now we'll briefly touch on an in


      vitro study report that was done for Flovent for




                Prior to starting the clinical program


      with Flovent, the sponsor performed a comparison of


      the particle size distribution by cascade impaction


      for Flovent CFC Metered Dose Inhaler with and


      without the use of various spacers as shown here.


                The results appear to indicate that the in


      vitro respirable particle content was similar


      whether the metered dose inhaler was studied alone


      or in combination with either of three different




      spacers.  However, the study was unable to evaluate


      factors that would have been important to the in


      vivo clinical setting, and this would include


      variations such as variations in flow rates, delay


      between actuation of a dose and actual inflow, how


      long a mask was held over the nose and mouth of a


      child, and therefore, result of this study were not


      incorporated into labeling.


                These studies for Flovent were requested


      for pediatric exclusivity as well.  Two 12-week


      placebo controlled efficacy and safety studies were


      performed in children with symptomatic asthma, who


      were between 6 and 47 months of age.  Detectible


      plasma levels of fluticasone were seen in 13 of the


      placebo treated patients.  Therefore, it was


      impossible to evaluate the actual extent of patient


      exposure and made the interpretation of the PK/PD


      relationship difficult to assess.  The


      interpretation of this study was that it was


      impossible to determine whether the studies derived


      an accurate estimate of either safety or efficacy,


      and therefore, no labeling change resulted from




      these studies.


                Now we will discuss the clinical studies


      for budesonide.  Two studies were requested for


      exclusivity.  One was a safety study of budesonide


      nebulizing solution for the treatment of asthma in


      children 6 months to 1 year of age, and the second


      was an HPA axis safety study of the budesonide


      nasal spray in children between 2 and 6 years of




                First we will discuss the studies for


      Rhinocort Aqua, the nasal spray.  This was a 6-week


      multicenter placebo controlled study to evaluate


      the effect of Rhinocort Aqua on HPA axis in


      patients with allergic rhinitis.  78 children were


      studied between the ages of 2 and less than 6 years


      of age.  The HPA axis function was evaluated by


      low-dose cosyntropin stimulated plasma cortisol


      measurements at baseline and following six weeks of


      treatment.  The results of this study were deemed


      indeterminate because of difficulties in


      determining patient compliance, and no labeling


      change resulted. 




                Now we will discuss a clinical study for


      exclusivity using Pulmicort Respules.  This was a


      12-week randomized placebo-controlled study to


      evaluate the safety of Pulmicort Respules at .5 and


      1 milligram daily in pediatric patients with mild


      to moderate asthma or recurrent persistent


      wheezing.  141 patients were studied between the


      ages of 6 and 12 months.  The main safety concerns


      that were evaluated were concern for HPA axis


      suppression and suppression of linear growth.


                Of the 141 patients that were randomized,


      76 patients had an ACTH stimulation test at the


      beginning and the end of the study.  The mean


      values of the three treatment groups did not


      indicate any difference in adrenal responsiveness.


      However, six patients with Pulmicort Respules and


      one patient in the placebo group had post-ACTH


      plasma cortisol levels that were below normal.


                There was also noted in the bottom study a


      dose-dependant decrease in growth velocity between


      the placebo and budesonide treated groups.  Also of


      note, pneumonia was observed more frequently in




      patients treated with Pulmicort Respules than


      placebo.  Three patients were noted in the


      budesonide treated group who developed pneumonia


      during this study.


                These findings were incorporated into the


      clinical pharmacology and precautions subsections


      of the label show here.  In summary, the studies


      for pediatric exclusivity have resulted in labeling


      changes for fluticasone and budesonide containing


      products.  Pediatric trials for fluticasone and


      budesonide have identified important safety


      concerns which have been incorporated into




                This concludes my presentation, and I


      thank you for your attention.


                The next presentation will be given by Dr.


      Joyce Weaver, who is a Safety Evaluator in the


      Division of Drug Risk Evaluation in the Office of


      Drug Safety at the FDA.  She will be presenting the


      adverse events for budesonide and fluticasone.


        x                   DR. WEAVER:  Good afternoon.  I'm going to


      be presenting both use data and information about




      adverse events reported to the FDA's Adverse Event


      Reporting System for budesonide and fluticasone.


                First I'll talk about budesonide.  The


      total number of prescriptions dispensed for all


      budesonide products increase from approximately 6


      million in 2001 to 7.8 million in 2003 with


      pediatric patients accounting for about 29 percent


      of the total prescriptions.  Rhinocort, the nasal


      product, is the most commonly used budesonide


      product, accounting for over half of the budesonide


      prescriptions, and of those, 17 percent were for


      pediatric patients.


                The inhalation product, Pulmicort


      Respules, represents most of the rest of the


      prescriptions for budesonide.  Over half of the


      Pulmicort prescriptions are for pediatric patients.


      Entocort represents a very small portion of


      budesonide dispensed.


                The FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System,


      or AERS, contains about 2,800 adverse event reports


      for all ages covering the lifetime of the


      budesonide products.  For the one-year period




      following approval of pediatric exclusivity, AERS


      contains 157 cases including 38 pediatric cases.


      The pediatric cases did result in some serious


      outcomes including one death.


                For the pediatric cases reported to us in


      the year after approval of exclusivity, we received


      more reports for boys than for girls, and most


      reports were received for children 2 to 5 years of


      age, and most reports were received for the


      inhalation product.


                This slide shows the most commonly


      reported events in the pediatric cases in the year


      after the granting of exclusivity.  Convulsions


      were reported most.  Additionally, a number of


      events were reported that are indicative of


      systemic absorption of budesonide.  Seizures are


      not an expected reaction with the use of


      budesonide.  And when we looked at the cases we did


      not see a clear relationship between budesonide use


      and the subsequent development of seizures.  One


      case was confounded by concomitant use of


      theophylline, and that case did not include a




      theophylline level.


                Two cases were not confirmed by health


      care professionals and the seizures were not well


      described.  One patient was receiving CNS


      radiotherapy, and that same patient was receiving


      another drug concomitantly that is labeled for


      inducing seizures.


                We have 17 cases showing possible systemic


      steroid effects including growth retardation,


      decreased blood cortisol, adrenal suppression and


      Cushing's syndrome.


                As I said, we did receive a report of a


      death in the year following approval of


      exclusivity, and this case was reported from within


      the United States.  It was a 3-year-old girl who


      had received Pulmicort Respules for 3 months.  She


      stopped breathing, was transported to an emergency


      room, and she died in the emergency room.  An


      autopsy was performed but not establish a cause of




                We conclude from our review of the events


      reported to AERS for budesonide in the year




      following approval of pediatric exclusivity that


      first, most events, including systemic steroid


      effects, are included in product labeling; and


      second, the convulsions are not labeled, but we


      didn't see a clear relationship to budesonide.


                Now I'll go on to fluticasone.  First,


      this is use data for fluticasone cream and


      ointment.  Children account for about one third of


      the prescriptions for these products.


                This is for fluticasone nasal spray.


      Prescriptions for nasal spray have remained fairly


      consistent over the past two years, with about 15


      million prescriptions in 2003, and pediatric


      patients account for less than 10 percent of all


      prescriptions for fluticasone nasal spray.


                This slide shows information for inhaled


      fluticasone.  For inhaled fluticasone there are


      about 7 million prescriptions in 2003, and there;s


      been a downward trend over the past couple years.


      pediatric patients account for about one quarter of


      the prescriptions for the fluticasone oral


      inhalation products.




                Now, to Advair.  We're looking at this one


      separately.  Advair's a combination of fluticasone


      and a long-acting beta-2 agonist, salmeterol.  use


      of Advair has increased considerably over the past


      few years.  Advair accounted for 17 percent of


      orally-inhaled steroid prescriptions in 2001.  This


      increased to 54 percent in 2003, with pediatric


      patients accounting for 13 percent of total




                Looking at the adverse events reported for


      all fluticasone containing products, AERS contains


      about 4,600 adverse event reports for all ages


      covering the lifetime of the fluticasone products.


      For the one-year period following approval of


      pediatric exclusivity, AERS contains about 2,100


      cases, including 128 pediatric cases.  The


      pediatric cases did result in some serious


      outcomes, including 5 deaths.


                For the pediatric cases in AERS in the


      year after approval of pediatric exclusivity, we


      received most reports for children 6 to 11 years of


      age, and most reports were received for the




      combination fluticasone and salmeterol product,


      Advair.  You can see in the right-hand column, 82


      of the cases that we received, 82 of the 128, were


      for reported events for that combination product.


                This slide shows the most commonly


      reported events in the pediatric cases in the year


      after the granting of pediatric exclusivity.  We


      looked at these cases and we found two issues.


      emerging from this.


                The first issue we found was systemic


      steroid effects.  There were 12 cases showing


      systemic steroid effects, and I'll address this


      issue in a couple minutes.  The second issue in the


      cases was worsening asthma symptoms with the use of


      Advair.  We had 22 such cases reported in the year


      following the granting of exclusivity, including


      four cases in which the patient died.


                So first we will address the cases


      reporting worsening asthma symptoms with the use of


      Advair.  And as I said, we received 22 of these


      cases in that one-year period.  In 10 cases serious


      outcomes were reported, including four deaths.  The




      patients were 5 to 14 years of age.  Race was not


      reported in most cases.  The time to onset of


      symptoms ranged widely from the very first day the


      Advair was used to after two years of use.  And the


      AERS cases do not show what the relative


      contributions of underlying disease and the use of


      Advair may be in the adverse event.


                I'll present the four cases on which the


      patients died.  The first case is a case


      originating from the United States.  A 14-year-old


      black male was prescribed Advair after an episode


      of respiratory arrest.  He had received Advair


      Diskus for 2 years when he experienced an acute


      asthma attack.  He was transported to an emergency


      room.  When he arrived he was in full cardiac


      arrest and he died.  No autopsy was performed.


                The second case also originated from the


      United States.  This is a 13-year-old white male


      who had received Advair for about 6 months.  He


      experienced an asthma attack and he died.  An


      autopsy showed chronic bronchitis, hypertrophy of


      bronchial muscle, infiltrate of eosinophils, mucus




      plugging of smaller airways, areas of pneumonia and


      air trapping.


                The next case originated from outside the


      United States.  A 14-year-old asthmatic girl was


      treated with salmeterol for an acute asthma attack.


      When she did not respond quickly to the treatment


      with salmeterol, treatment with a combined


      salmeterol fluticasone product was started.  About


      2 hours after her first dose of the combination


      product, the patient's condition worsened and she




                The final case is a case, once again from


      the United States.  A 13-year-old boy experienced


      cardiac arrest and died after receiving Advair for


      an unknown period of time.  The report stated that


      while talking to a friend on the phone, the boy


      just stopped talking.  An autopsy showed only lung


      changes consistent with asthma.


                You saw this slide before.  I'm showing


      you this slide again to remind you that most of the


      cases we received in the year after the granting of


      exclusivity were received for the combination of




      fluticasone and salmeterol product, Advair.  And


      once again, it was 82 of 128 cases.  And while the


      use of Advair has been increasing in children, we


      don't think that the increased use explains the


      increased reporting in pediatric patients for the




                This slide shows the pattern of reporting


      of pediatric adverse events with Advair, and the


      timing of important regulatory action and an


      important labeling change for Advair.  Going across


      the bottom of the slide, each column is a quarter.


      So we start with a quarter in 2000 and go up to the


      first quarter of 2004.  In January 2003 the FDA


      released a talk paper discussing the cessation of a


      salmeterol safety study, and the interim analysis


      of that study suggested that salmeterol may result


      in worse asthma outcomes.  And in August 2003,


      Advair received a boxed warning about the


      possibility of worse asthma outcomes with


      salmeterol.  And as you can see, the spike in


      reporting for Advair occurred around the time that


      Advair received that boxed warning.




                This slide just shows the boxed warning in


      the Advair labeling, and again, the boxed warning


      was incorporated into the labeling because of the


      interim results of the safety study, not because of


      the AERS cases.  So that's the first issue with the


      fluticasone containing products.


                Now I'll address the other issue that we


      found in the pediatric cases, and that second issue


      is the systemic steroid effects with the use of


      fluticasone containing products.  We had 12 such


      cases, including a case in which the patient died.


                Now, to look at these cases a little more


      closely, most of the cases occurred with inhaled


      products.  In one-half of the cases the patient was


      receiving more than one source of steroids


      concomitantly, and we had only one case that


      reported a systemic effect with the use of a


      product within labeled dose and without an


      additional source of steroids on board.


                As I said before, we did have a case with


      an outcome of death.  This case originated from


      outside the United States and we don't have




      clinical details about the case.  An 8-year-old


      girl, who used an unknown amount of a fluticasone


      containing product for an unknown dose, unknown


      period of time, developed adrenal crisis and died.


                So what can we conclude from the cases


      that we've received for fluticasone containing


      products in the year after the granting of


      exclusivity?  Most of the events reported are


      included in the labeling, including systemic


      steroid effects and including worsening asthma with


      the use of salmeterol containing products.  In the


      AERS cases of asthma exacerbation with Advair, the


      relative contribution of underlying disease and


      Advair to the events is not known.


                That concludes my presentation.


                You've already met Dr. Chowdhury, but I'll


      introduce him again.  Dr. Badrul Chowdhury is the


      Director of the Division of Pulmonary and Allergy


      Drug Products.  He's been with the Agency since


      1997.  He's an internist, an allergist and an


      immunologist, and he'll be summarizing the


      pediatric programs for fluticasone and budesonide




      that were presented previously.


        x                   DR. CHOWDHURY:  Thank you for the


      introduction, and I will very briefly summarize the


      programs that were done for fluticasone and


      budesonide containing drug products for allergic


      rhinitis and asthma indications, which are the


      nasal products and oral inhaled products.  I'll go


      through them so that you can really put the


      presentations that you heard before, three of them,


      into context of the whole drug development programs


      and where we stand currently with the labeling


      status of these drugs, particularly for children.


                Asthma and allergic rhinitis, as you have


      heard before, are common diseases, and in fact


      they're pretty common in children and impose


      significant burden on the health care system and


      also on individuals who have these diseases.  And


      the prevalence of atopic diseases in general and


      asthma has been studied in depth.  The prevalence


      of this disease is increasing, but recently, as yo


      have heard before, the trends in death and


      hospitalization are declining.  And the various




      factors which are contributing to this good outcome


      of a serious disease, including availability and


      use of various controller medications.


                As you've heard before, corticosteroids


      currently are the primary controller therapy for


      all grades of persistent asthma, and they're being


      used, and their use is also being covered under


      various guidelines.  For allergic rhinitis, again,


      corticosteroid is considered to be the most


      effective therapy.


                These drugs, of course as we know now, are


      not completely free of adverse events.  The topical


      drugs are applied on the surface or the body, and


      historically at one time they were considered to be


      really surface acting and not systemically active,


      but now we know that they are systemically active,


      and has adverse events, which came back to the


      systemic exposures, particularly those allergic to


      suppression of the HPA axis and also other


      metabolic effects.  But the benefits of these are


      appropriately labeled and overall the risk/benefit


      supports the use of these drugs.




                Now, I think we may have skipped a slide.


      Yes.  I will, on the slide, very briefly go through


      the pediatric development of these drugs so that


      you can put the studies that you have heard in the


      context.  Usually for asthma and allergic rhinitis


      these drugs are developed for adults first, and


      then the efficacy and safety goes down to the


      pediatric patients usually be generating data and


      by extrapolation, because we think the diseases are


      same in adults and children and the effect of the


      drug on the diseases are also the same.


                Now, in going down in the age, one


      important consideration is to identify appropriate


      dose.  Because this is surface active, therefore PK


      is not a good marker for dose selection.  They are


      usually done through clinical studies, and for


      these diseases, asthma and allergic rhinitis, it is


      often quite difficult to design appropriate studies


      with efficacy endpoint, but again, they are being


      done to pick the right dose, and the aim here


      being, both for adults and also for children, to


      have a reasonably low effective and safe dose, and




      then particularly for the children, show


      established safety of that dose.


                So safety is a key in going down in the


      ages for these drugs, and safety assessment is done


      in a variety of ways and you have heard some of


      them.  To summarize them here in the slide, we look


      at clinical trials and monitor them for adverse


      event, laboratory parameters, ECG findings, et


      cetera, and then look at HPA axis in varieties of


      ways, such as ACTH simulation test or look at


      plasma cortisol and urinary cortisols.


                And these, which means the clinical


      studies and safety assessment of HPA axis are done


      pre-approval.  Then the growth study comes in,


      process of linear growth, which really is a


      surrogate of systemic effect, and they're usually


      long studies, quite difficult to perform and


      interpret, and they're usually done post-marketing


      as a Phase IV.  And then of course, after


      marketing, we look at post-marketing adverse




                So the next three slides I'll quickly go




      through these three aspects which is HPA axis


      safety, linear growth and post-marketing adverse


      events, and put some comments of mine on these


      three areas.


                You've heard the pediatric studies which


      was done for specificity presented, and typically


      for asthma for both of these drugs, they were


      efficacy studies.  And the ages that we ask for for


      efficacy study at the time we solicited request was


      based on what we already knew and what we wanted to


      know.  For example, for budesonide, it was one year


      and below because the drug was already at that time


      approved a study for one year and above.  For


      fluticasone it was 4 years and below for the same


      reason again, the drug was studied and indicated


      for 4 years and above.


                For allergic rhinitis the study was a 6-week study


      primarily designed to look for safety,


      which means all kind of safety, adverse events


      reporting, clinical monitoring for adverse events,


      and also HPA axis safety.  I will not go through


      the results of these.  You've already heard Dr.




      Buckman present results.  Some of them are


      reflected in the label and some of them are not,


      and we made the decisions on a case-by-case basis,


      looking at the study, what we could come out from


      the study in terms of what could go on the label,


      and appropriate labels have been updated.


                For assessment of systemic effects, as I


      said before, it is done really by two ways.  One is


      assessment of HPA axis directly by either a


      stimulation test or by measuring cortisols in the


      plasma or urine, and these are done pre-approval,


      and for these drugs, generally they're negative,


      but again, not all.  If you look across the drug


      classes, the product labels are quite different and


      they reflect the studies in the product labels.


                And the growth study which, as you've


      heard before, you're studying the systemic effect


      and systemic toxicity perhaps, was also done for


      these drugs, and their effects are quite


      numerically small, and they're again reflected in


      the product label.


                On the post-marketing side for adverse




      events for these drugs, the large number of adverse


      events which is not unexpected, is systemic


      corticosteroid effects or effects related to


      suppression of HPA axis.  These are expected and


      these are labeled, and these were seen in the HPA


      axis studies and also in the post-marketing


      studies, and the current label reflects these


      potential systemic adverse events.


                The worst thing for asthma with Advair is


      something which is noted in the product label quite


      prominently, and whether it is coming from


      salmeterol contributing or whether it is coming


      from the fact that Advair is typically used for


      patients who have more severe asthma is currently


      unknown.  One can speculate it can be either/or.


      Perhaps the patients with asthma who are more


      severe are put on Advair; therefore, having


      worsening of asthma is not necessarily very


      unexpected.  And we also know recently that


      continued use of beta agonist, specifically


      salmeterol, can worsen asthma.  Again, these are


      known adverse events that we know of now and is




      adequately reflected in the product label.


                To summarize this whole pediatric studies


      that we have, the safety concerns would be use of


      oral inhaled and intranasal corticosteroids,


      specifically budesonide and fluticasone which we


      are discussing today, are well characterized, so we


      know what the adverse events of these drugs are,


      and they're adequately described in the product


      label.  The new data that we have obtained under


      pediatric initiatives in post-marketing adverse


      events are reassuring because we are not really


      seeing anything new which is totally unexpected.


      What we are seeing is what we expected to see, and


      they're not extremely, extremely common, and these


      are again adequately reflected on the product




                So this risk/benefit assessment, these


      drugs of course have some adverse events, have some


      risk, and we think it is adequately reflected on


      the product label, and overall benefit of the drug


      is justified and well balanced with a safety and


      risk assessment of these drugs.




                Thank you very much, and with this, I'll




                DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much to all


      the speakers.  A very, very comprehensive review of


      these two products.  Questions from the panel?


      Yes, Deborah first, and then Dr. Fant.


                MS. DOKKEN:  I want to ask this question


      just because I have to leave in a few minutes, but


      as a lay person I have been scrambling to keep up


      during this discussion.  And one of the things that


      struck me despite the overall conclusion that the


      results were reassuring, was of course both the


      rise in the use of Advair and the worsening of


      asthma, those adverse events reports.  But then the


      fact that the labeling was changed, and somewhat


      for clarification for myself as a newcomer to this


      Committee, but also as I guess a consumer concern,


      when the labeling was changed due to the adverse


      events, would that be a trigger for the MedGuides


      that we talked about yesterday?  I guess I think in


      particular because of the prevalence of asthma and


      the growing numbers, but also I think those of us




      who either have children who have asthma or know


      families, there are a number of families who are


      very active if their children have asthma, and are


      good advocates.  So they would be cognizant and


      would take note of information if it was made


      available to them in a way.  So that's my question


      about the MedGuides.  Would those go hand in hand


      or subsequently with a change in labeling?


                DR. MURPHY:  A Medguide is not tied any


      particular change.  It is something that is, the


      decision that is arrived at depending on the


      circumstance, so it is an independent decision.


                Badrul, do you want to talk about any


      products that have MedGuides?


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  I don't want to comment to


      the MedGuide here.  The issue is that you are


      right, that when a box warning or some significant


      labeling or a doctor letter goes out, which had


      happened for salmeterol-containing products.  It is


      quite likely that will increase the adverse event


      reporting by physicians or by patients.


                And about the use of Advair and use of




      Advair in children, I mean it is somewhat high, and


      whether it is a good or a bad thing is very


      difficult to actually conclude and say.  You've


      seen for pediatric requests we did not particularly


      request studies for Advair.  We requested study for


      fluticasone and not for the combination product,


      because we do not think that use of Advair in very


      young children is something which should be really


      routine because there are very difficult to titrate


      the combination products, you actually have one


      product.  And we thought in children it's not


      really very appropriate drug to use.  But we also


      know that Advair is very, very commonly used, and


      is actually quite commonly used in children and


      there are three dose strengths available.  And


      often physicians and patients may not go down on


      the dose when their asthma is controlled.


                So I think we have put down enough


      information in the label, and also there have been


      some dear doctor letters and some of the public


      forums where we have spoken about it, and we


      discourage the use of particularly high dose Advair




      if it's not necessary, and also not to use the


      combination products in very young children where


      you want to titrate the dose.  So I think it is


      adequately recognized.


                But again, going too much on the other


      side is also a risk because that can lead to


      decreased use of this quite effective controller


      therapy.  If you look at the U.S., it's


      approximately thought about that about half of the


      patients who should be on controller therapy


      actually are on controller therapy.  If you look at


      Europe, it's actually much more high.  So even in


      the U.S. with continued education, continued


      awareness, the use of controller therapy is not


      where I think where experts want.  So in that


      context, putting too much of a cautionary note may


      actually lead the pendulum swinging in the opposite


      directions.  This is a tight balance, and I mean


      you can give European and they like to hear that,


      but we think that balance is quite well struck.


                MS. DOKKEN:  Just one comment.  I mean I


      think we talked a lot in the last two days about




      that issue of balance.  And I guess my own belief


      is that there may be a way to inform and empower


      families so that what I talked about yesterday, so


      that they are aware of the risks and can truly be


      part of the risk/benefit analysis.  And I


      ultimately don't think that that will lead to


      panic, and you know, restricting use of medications


      from patients who need them.  But I think it could


      lead to more informed decision making.


                But also, families are part of the


      monitoring system, and if they're not always aware


      of what they're looking for, then they can't be


      very effective monitors.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  It is a very good


      suggestion, and thank you for the suggestion, and


      we really take the suggestions very seriously from


      the public meetings.  Just to let you know that


      when there are public advocacy groups and also


      family groups, one of them which is pretty active


      in the family field is Mothers of Asthmatics.  And


      they're actually very much aware of what has been


      happening with the FDA.  And many of those




      meetings, they actually come, and they make


      presentations.  So they are actually very much in


      line, and the persons who head up that group, we


      have lot of discussions with them, and as far as we


      could tell, they're pretty satisfied where the


      balance is right now, but again, your suggestion is


      very well taken, and thank you for that.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fant and then Dr.




                DR. FANT:  Just a couple of questions to


      fill in a couple of gaps on background for me.


      One, is there any data that points to--the decline


      in mortality has been commented on a couple of


      times.  Does the data suggest that the use of the


      corticosteroids contributes to that, or--I'll let


      you answer that and then I'll just ask my second


      question after that.


                DR. STARKE:  The data on mortality comes


      from coding, primary coding for hospital discharge


      or death, and that's collected annually by the CDC.


      So this data, it's difficult to extrapolate any or


      interpret what the meaning of that data is compared




      to the use of controller therapy.  I don't think


      you can make any specific comments on the




                DR. FANT:  We know from studies that the


      use of corticosteroids is the most effective


      controller or one of the most effective


      controllers, but we don't know for sure if it is


      the major contributor to the decline in mortality;


      is that correct?


                DR. STARKE:  That's correct.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Let me make a comment


      here.  I mean usually--I mean you can't really make


      a conclusion regarding an intervention and outcome


      which is mortality because in aspect it's still a


      very heavy event, so it's actually very, very


      difficult to make that conclusion.  It's probably a


      combination of all.  But if we take surrogates, for


      example, which is exacerbations of asthma, or


      hospitalizations because of asthma, which usually


      are surrogates of even worst outcomes, I mean


      usually with controller therapy all of these


      actually goes down, and I would not really pick out




      one class of drug over the other as more


      contributing than the other.


                DR. FANT:  No, no.  I'm not trying to pick


      out any.  I'm just trying to get a better sense to


      help me sort of understand the complexity of this


      in weighing--


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  It is, and I think one can


      reasonably say--Dr. Starke mentioned that the


      better outcome that you're seeing is a combination


      of a lot of things, including better views of


      controller therapy.  But other factors are also


      playing a role.


                DR. FANT:  My second question relates to


      Advair specifically and the adverse events that


      seem to be associated with that.  Is there any data


      or information that looks at similar events that


      occurred when similar--the same two classes of


      drugs were used separately but in combination?  Is


      it something that seems to be unique to Advair?  Is


      it something that clearly seems to be an


      interaction between a long-acting beta agonist and


      steroids?  Does it seem to be a beta agonist issue




      only?  Do we have any information that may help


      kind of provide hints and what may be the


      underlying problem, if there is one?


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  That's a very tricky


      question and maybe even a very tricky study to do,


      and the bottom line is the data is not available.


      And there are no studies long term looking at


      outcomes.  What we have long term is the use of a


      beta agonist alone versus placebo, and you have


      probably heard about that study.  But there is


      nothing such available comparing an Advair arm


      concomitantly taken, so that data is not there.


                DR. FANT:  Or adverse events that have


      been reported and in the narrative certain things


      get blamed, like--


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Adverse events are there


      with fluticasone, adverse events are there with


      Advair, and as you have seen, with Advair the


      adverse events are just more, and they're higher,


      they're more serious.  So that signal is there.


      But, I mean, there is no controlled studies that


      can go into the explanation whether it is from




      Advair or whether it's something else confounding


      which is contributing to that.  Those controlled


      studies are not available.


                I don't think it really is a very useful


      information either because it's quite well known


      that Advair is taken by patients who are more sick


      and, therefore, having an adverse outcome coming


      out of a sicker patient population is not a big


      surprise, and also with the new beta agonist study


      we know that routine use of beta agonist leads to


      worsening asthma and increased death.  And that's


      already in the product labeling for Salmeterol and


      also for Advair.  So the information already is in


      a way known that routine use of beta agonist--


                DR. FANT:  But if you have a sicker


      patient who's getting treated with a drug that puts


      him at increased risk, if there's an interaction


      effect, that certainly is a patient I would really


      want to--really would not want to elevate that risk




                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Again, there is--


                DR. FANT:  You know, I'm not--




                DR. CHOWDHURY:  No, these are important


      discussions to have because it's actually quite


      important for, I think, everybody in the country to


      be aware of this.  It is an increased risk of


      adverse outcome, but the risk is actually very,


      very small.  If you look at the black box language


      which was put up very briefly, the number of deaths


      is like in two digits out of a 16,000 patient


      population.  This is a very small signal.  And I


      don't think really for the small signal one should


      not use the drug.  The drug is very effective.


      There's no question about that.  And it's also


      pretty safe.  And the signal, which is a serious


      signal, is not very common.  So I don't think--it


      is really, again, a balance.  The signal is really


      coming out of a very small number of patients.  And


      the more studies going through to the NIH


      initiatives trying to identify who those patients


      may be who actually would have the risk, that has


      been partly identified with the short-acting beta


      agonist.  The studies which have been published--there's a


      large study which shows the biomarkers




      associated with that.  And in the future, there


      will be studies coming out trying to identify


      patients who are at risk.


                DR. FANT:  Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson?


                DR. NELSON:  I'd just like to highlight


      two issues that are raised by the Flovent


      exclusivity studies, which I realize may be


      impossible to talk about today but might merit


      further conversation in the future.


                One is the choice of control group.  Those


      particular trials included children who had been


      receiving symptomatic treatment two times a week


      which meets NHLBI criteria for the provision of


      anti-inflammatory; but, nevertheless, a third of


      them were randomized to placebo.  So the question


      would be:  What is the current thinking about


      appropriate control groups when you have actually


      treatment guidelines that, in fact, a third of the


      population did not receive?


                The second point is this was the study


      that also then had misallocation of study drug, and




      so you end up with the irony--and they also were


      then granted exclusivity, and I don't know if


      that's because the written request was not ironclad


      enough to not give them exclusivity, or if, in


      fact, it was felt that they weren't to blame for


      the misallocation.  But either way--and I realize


      each of these issues merit debate in their own


      right, but if you sequence them together in the


      most unfavorable light--which is not necessarily


      what I'm going to argue for, but some might--you


      have a study that withheld effective medication


      from a third of the kids in the study that didn't


      get done right, resulted in useless data, and they


      got the money anyway.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Let me take the questions


      very, very briefly, because you told it very


      correctly, these are really larger discussions.


                The first issue is regarding placebo in


      these trials.  There are two things to consider.


      They're actually placebo-controlled but not really


      without any drug treatment arm.  These patients can


      take rescue medications as necessary and actually




      can drop out of the studies if their asthma becomes




                The second thing is that in a short-term


      study taking off control therapy has not been shown


      to affect asthma in the longer term.  There's


      CAM(?) studies out there going for quite some time,


      which does not show that if you do not use a


      control therapy for a short term, then the lung


      function of those children is reversibly damaged.


                So there is some gain to obtained from


      some study, and withdrawing control therapy for a


      short time period with the proper rescue


      medications available is, again, a reasonable


      risk/benefit for the study.


                And the second issue regarding, I would


      say, misallocation, whatever the reason being, of


      having drug in the placebo, is not something that I


      would--GSK did not want that to happen, neither did


      we, and the reason it happened is not really very


      clear.  And you are totally right.  Because of


      this, drug levels in the plasma, the studies were


      not useful.  And whether exclusivity should have




      been granted or not, I will defer to Dr. Murphy on


      that.  It's a tricky issue.


                DR. CHESNEY:  Before Dianne comments, we


      may be looking at the same study.  I can't tell.


      But Dr. Buckman's Slide 18, which was the--is that


      the same study?--where they found levels in the


      placebo and really couldn't come up with any


      conclusions at all, and your first thought is:  Why


      was exclusivity granted when this study really on


      paper doesn't look very good?




                DR. MURPHY:  Between ShaAvhree and I, our


      memories are not clear enough to give you a factual


      answer.  So we think it's because we weren't--you


      know, but one of the problems with exclusivity is


      that there's a short-term--we have to determine the


      exclusivity before the complete analysis is


      performed.  And we will get back to you.  I think


      this is one of the action items we need to get back


      to this committee at the next meeting about why was


      exclusivity granted in this situation.  But our


      hazy combined recall--maybe Peter can help us.  We




      didn't know at this point.


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  Let me also chime in on


      this.  The studies for pediatric exclusivity comes


      into a supplement to the NDA, and we have a time


      clock for reviewing the studies because it involves


      a lot of analysis, often going into the data and


      all, and the time frame is six months for pediatric


      studies.  And exclusivity is granted or denied very


      early on.


                DR. MURPHY:  It's within 90 days, so--


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  So when the application


      comes in, we file the application, and then the


      exclusivity is granted based on whether the study


      was done fulfilling the criteria set forth in the


      written request.  And the analysis goes on.  So, I


      mean, one is happening before the other.


                DR. MURPHY:  What is determined, just


      again, for what we can tell you, is:  Did they do


      the studies that we asked them to do?  And so when


      the division comes to the Exclusivity Board, they


      bring the written request and basically a check


      item.  They go through every item.  Did they do 2,




      randomize?  You know, now, you could say it wasn't


      well controlled, but the division answers as best


      it can without having completed the analysis.  And,


      therefore, the finding of some of these things,


      particularly some of the compliance issues and the


      scientific investigation issues are not available


      frequently until literally towards the end of the




                DR. NELSON:  Just a quick comment.  I can


      appreciate the systems issues in my approach


      working in an ICU, this is all CQI systems issues.


      And if, in fact, it's the simple existence of a 3-month


      difference between one decision versus


      another and the data gets analyzed, then maybe we


      need to look at that as an issue.  But I think


      certainly the intent of the exclusivity is to have


      interpretable data.  And maybe there needs to be a


      fix.  Whether that's a regulatory fix or a


      legislative fix--I realize you can't advocate for


      legislative fixes, but it just seems to me a gap


      that ought to be examined, and this would, in my


      mind, be a sentinel event.  If I had something




      happen in my ICU, we would look at it as a sentinel


      event and say, How do we close that gap?


                DR. MURPHY:  Actually, it used to be worse


      because we didn't have all of them on six months.


      And so the system was even more likely to have a


      problem, is what I was trying to say.  We were


      hoping by having the six months versus the 90 days


      that we would have less events, but clearly we


      still have them.


                DR. STARKE:  Let me see--I'll try to


      answer the question as best as I can.  I was the


      medical officer who reviewed the studies and


      presented to the Pediatric Exclusivity Board at the


      time.  If I'm not mistaken--I'd have to go back and


      look, but I believe it was a 10-month clock for


      this that had preceded that.  And the Pediatric


      Exclusivity Board met early in the analysis


      process.  It was only later in the process that we


      found these events had occurred in the


      biopharmaceutical portion of the study.


                DR. MURPHY:  That's what I was referring


      to.  Until the recent legislation, there were even




      longer dates.  Thanks for clarifying that.


                DR. O'FALLON:  Well, who is responsible


      for doing those biochemical, whatever, analyses?


      Is that supposed to be the investigator who put--the company


      that gives it to you and you're


      supposed to look at it?  Or is the FDA supposed to


      run it?


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  You're asking who is


      responsible for analysis of the results?  It is the


      company or the company's contractor who is doing


      the study is supposed to do the analysis.  And I'm


      pretty sure when the submission of the  (?)   was


      made, the company knew that there was some problem


      with placebo arms having active drug.


                DR. O'FALLON:  And they didn't share that


      information, they didn't give that to you?


                DR. CHOWDHURY:  It was there in the whole


      submission.  That's the reason we know about it,


      and we did not approve the application.  But if you


      go back to what was discussed earlier, the


      exclusivity determination is made very early on in


      the chronology of events.  And in that time, that




      formulation, that placebo had drug.  I mean, it was


      not identified, and even if it was identified, you


      actually had to look at the cause of what happened


      and can still the study be salvaged anyway?  And


      that takes time.  And because of that, we have this


      six months versus ten months of clock to go through


      all of these.  And by the time exclusivity is


      granted, it's basically based on was the study done


      based on what was asked.  Analysis just cannot


      happen at that time because it requires time.


                It is a system that, Dr. Nelson, as you


      pointed out, really as a--noting as a case.


                DR. CHESNEY:  The newest legislation is


      for six months, not 90 days anymore?


                DR. MURPHY:  No, for the review.  All


      pediatric applications now are considered six-month




                DR. CHESNEY:  Any other questions or


      comments from the committee?


                [No response.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  Let's turn to the question


      then which we have been asked specifically to




      address.  Based on the presentations you have heard


      today regarding drugs containing fluticasone or


      budesonide, do you have any concerns about the use


      of these drug products as labeled?  If you do have


      concerns, could you please raise your hand?


                [A show of hands.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  I believe with the members


      of the committee who are still here we have a


      consensus that we do not have any concerns about


      the use of these drug products as labeled based on


      the very comprehensive reviews you've presented to




        x                   All right.  Well, let me then just try to


      summarize what we have--the discussions we


      participated in this morning.  The first had to do


      with the review of the Subpart D Pediatric Ethics


      Subcommittee summary, which was presented by Dr.


      Nelson, with some very good discussion by the


      committee.  The committee had two additional


      recommendations for the summary, the first of which


      was to assure that no stimulants were provided


      within some reasonable period of time before the




      study was initiated, and the second was that a


      comment be added to the consent form regarding the


      available NIMH information that only four of 3,000


      patients who have had MRIs had any significant


      findings.  Do I have that correct?  Thank you.


                Second, the committee understands that


      there will be no further reporting required for the


      four drug products presented mid-morning:


      ofloxacin, alendronate, fludarabine, and




                The third point, there was significant


      discussion regarding adverse event reporting for


      drugs either approved or not approved for use in


      children, and I think not new to this particular


      committee hearing is the perception that we need


      better databases; particularly we need better


      databases that involve children.  We also need


      better denominator data that involve children, and


      I don't think there was a lot of discussion


      reviewing the potential need for active


      surveillance for better documentation of adverse






                And just to emphasize again the importance


      of having information from controlled clinical


      trials in order to better assess adverse events.


                Finally, on the last issue with regard to


      budesonide and fluticasone, we were presented with


      very comprehensive data regarding the linear growth


      assessments, the HPA axis suppression, and


      regarding postmarketing adverse event reporting.


      And the committee--first of all, there was a


      recommendation that a MedGuide be provided for


      pediatric family caregivers with respect to the new


      labeling for Salmeterol and Advair label changes.


      And, secondly, a concern which was discussed in


      some detail today and yesterday, which I think


      overall we could say has to do with the quality of


      the studies requested for exclusivity, and I think


      we understand the process, but as Dr. Nelson


      pointed out, what we've come up against may be


      totally a process issue.  And we understand better


      the reasons for why some of--why exclusivity is


      granted when the clinical trials may not


      necessarily seem to us to have been designed as




      well as they might have and the results turn out


      not to be very helpful.


                Any other summary comments that I have


      neglected with respect to the committee?


                [No response.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  And, finally, in response to


      the specific question we were asked to address, we


      do not have concerns about the use of these drug


      products with respect to budesonide and fluticasone


      as currently labeled.


                And, finally, just to thank particularly


      the FDA speakers who spoke this morning.  I just


      have this fantasy that you rehearse these things


      for days and days beforehand and that somebody


      oversees them and tells you exactly when were going


      to have mental questions because you address them.


      At least as soon as they come in my mind, you


      address the issues.  So we're just extremely


      grateful for how much you respect our time and for


      how comprehensively and well you review the topic.


      That is just very much appreciated.


                Thank you also to Jan Johannessen, who has




      done an incredible job of keeping everybody on


      track for the past week.  This has certainly been a


      long trek, more so for you than for us for sure.


                To thank all the panel members who are


      still here who raised always very stimulating and


      thoughtful questions from my perspective.


                To thank Skip for chairing the first-ever


      Pediatric Ethics Subcommittee.


                To thank Dianne, as always, for overseeing


      this whole operation; Solomon for his always


      comprehensive presentations.


                And, finally, I think this is Dr. Ebert's


      last meeting and Dr. Maldonado's last meeting.  Am


      I correct?  And anybody else?


                [No response.]


                DR. CHESNEY:  So I think they both got


      recognized at the June meeting of the old


      committee, but in any case, thank you from my


      perspective for coming back and joining us for this


      meeting and for being a part of this committee.


                I'll let Dr. Murphy have a follow-up--oh,


      one more thing.  Before we finish officially, I




      wondered if the committee could stay for just one


      minute.  We had suggested potentially at the June


      meeting writing up some of the--well, I'll address


      it right now--some of the issues that have come up


      over the years, and I am here to tell you that Dr.


      Laurel Leslie, who I understand in the pediatric


      community is known as a writing machine, has


      already written up a potential manuscript based on


      her review of what happened yesterday.  And she's


      very interested in finalizing this and submitting


      it to a journal, and I would appreciate your


      thoughts, which we could do after we officially


      finish the meeting, as to who should be included in


      that, what journal you might consider that that


      should go into.  She's thinking about Pediatrics,


      but I wonder, as we discussed in June, if there


      might be a more comprehensive audience if she


      thought about something like JAMA.  But if you


      wouldn't mind at the end in a few minutes just


      giving me your thoughts about that, I would be very




                So, Dr. Murphy, to finalize?




                DR. MURPHY:  How many ways can I say thank


      you?  That really ought to be the question.  I know


      you guys have been--ladies and gentlemen, excuse


      me, have been through a grueling four or five days.


      I think what was interesting to hear this


      discussion this afternoon, which very much


      paralleled the questions that came up yesterday


      with the antidepressants where you have, you know,


      an adverse event that's part of the disease, if you


      will, and how you dissect that out and when do you


      not say the labeling is sufficient, because the


      division is certainly--they also do the labeling.


                So I think it's a real compliment to you


      and the division that this committee, which has


      been trained, mandated, and working on labeling,


      you guys have done a good job.  So I want to really


      comment.  I wasn't sure what they'd say.  Again, we


      look very much forward to the ongoing activities,


      and particularly, Dr. Nelson, to the immense amount


      of work that you put into condensing that entire


      day's ethical discussion and synthesizing it so


      well for this group that they had as few questions




      and recommendations that they did, and the ones


      that they had were very thoughtful and very good.


      I just look forward to working with you guys in the




                Thank you.


                DR. CHESNEY:  And is my understanding


      correct that our next meeting is a week from today?


      Is that--




                DR. MURPHY:  I wanted to say one last


      thing.  Jan had no idea he was getting two


      committees.  He thought he was getting one.  And we


      are trying to make it so that you all don't have to


      have residences here in Washington, though I


      understand some universities do that.  But we'll


      try to be reasonable in our future requests on your




                Thank you.


                [Whereupon, at 1:10 p.m., the meeting was




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