Welcome to the US District Court, Northern District of Ohio



Case Management / Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) Facts

 1 System Requirements
 2 Other Requirements
 3 PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) Accounts Required
 4 CM/ECF Access Fees
 5 Adobe Acrobat Legal Sales Promotional Program
 6 Internet Explorer
 7 Key features
 8 Training
 9 Help Desk
10 Hours of Filing
11 Preparing documents for filing electronically
12 Filing electronically
13 What if the document was not created on a computer?
14 Are any documents precluded from being filed electronically?
15 Inform the court of e-mail address changes
16 Considerations when an attorney leaves a firm
17 Directing e-mail notices to multiple addresses
18 E-mail /network/ISP problems
19 Unreadable e-mail notices
20 Links within e-mail messages that don’t work
21 Review document in PDF prior to filing
22 Signature blocks
23 Motions for Leave to File
24 Notice of Manual Filing
25 Filing multipart motions
26 Scanning documents
27 Documents which should be submitted as separate attachments
28 Documents missing captions
29 Filing Praecipes
30 Emergency filings/TROs
31 Sealed documents
32 Responses
33 Secure Socket Layers (port 443 must be open)
34 System problems

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