NIOSH Mining Software

DOSES - Determination of Sound Exposures

Version: 1.0  (05-01-2009)

See also: NIOSH mining products
Type: Analysis Software
Version: 1.0  (05-01-2009)
Operating System: Windows® (all versions)
Audience: Mine management and safety personnel
Installation Notes: Download the ZIP archive, unpack into a temporary folder and run DOSES Setup.exe
download button
123.04 MB

DOSES logoThe Determination of Sound Exposures (DOSES) software was developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) specifically for use by mine management and safety personnel. DOSES simplifies the record-keeping and analysis associated with time-motion studies and worker noise exposures, making it easier to identify and solve noise problems.

The software relies on a time-motion study that profiles the worker´s daily activities. At the same time, noise measurements are collected with a dosimeter or sound level meter (SLM). Observations about the worker´s location and tasks or other activities are recorded along with times and durations so they can later be matched up with the noise data.

After the completion of a time-motion study of the worker´s daily tasks and locations (possible noise sources), which measures the worker´s noise exposures during the recorded events, the information is entered into DOSES. The program then displays information about the worker´s accumulated noise dose over time.

Page last updated: May 5, 2009
Page last reviewed: May 2, 2009
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division