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Research by Region: United States - Midwest

Illinois | Indiana | Michigan | Minnesota | Ohio | Wisconsin

GLERL research programs emphasize studies in the Great Lakes region. Below are descriptions of GLERL research programs that take place predominantly in Minnesota or within Minnesota nearshore waters. Additional projects that may affect Minnesota, due to the interconnected nature of the ecosystem, are listed under our Great Lakes Drainage Basin section. This section includes the many GLERL research collaborations that are large scale, multi-institution projects which span large portions of the basin, including parts of Minnesota.


Minnesota Precipitation Data
Two types of downloadable files are available: P_*_DAT files contain the monthly precipitation data for Minnesota stations. *-HST files contain the station history information extracted from the WB 530-1 forms by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These data show the station number, latitude, longitude, elevation, station name, and period of record for each station location. These are ZIPPED files, with one file for each state. + Access Data
Environmental Influences on Benthic Community Structure in a Great Lakes Embayment
Stephen Lozano, now a GLERL Principle Investigator, collaborated with University of Minnesota investigators on an research program which entailed an intensified Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program sampling grid in the St. Louis River estuary of western Lake Superior. The objective of the study was to assess the relationship between surficial sediment characteristics and benthic community structure. text/2000/20000007.pdf
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minnesota map

Lake Superior Daily Water Level Plot
Superior--Daily levels compared with monthly Min, Max, and Mean levels
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Lake Superior water level

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Last updated: 2008-05-23 mbl