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GLERL Publications: FY 1976

Publications List Key
Capitalized names represent GLERL authors.
* = Not available from GLERL.
** = Available in GLERL Library only.
+ = Available electronically via GLERL web site.

+ADAMS, C.E., Jr. Estimating water temperatures and time of ice formation on the Saint Lawrence River. Limnology and Oceanography 21(1):128-137 (1976).

ASSEL, R.A. Great Lakes ice thickness prediction. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2(2):248-255 (1976).

ASSEL, R.A. St. Lawrence River freeze-up forecast procedure. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-6, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-256-100/9GI) 50 pp. (1976).

AUBERT, E.J. Great Lakes. In 1976 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, D.N. Lapedes (ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 200-204 (1976).

AUBERT, E.J. The energy-related Great Lakes research program of the Department of Commerce. Proceedings, Second Federal Conference on Great Lakes, J.S. Marshall (ed.), Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 480-492 (1976).

*AUBERT, E.J., H.E. Allen, J.D. Roseborough, and A.E.P. Watson. Great Lakes water quality research needs, 1976. International Joint Commission, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 121 pp. (1976).

Baer, F., D.B. RAO, and D. Boudra. Studies on numerical modeling and modification of cyclone scale precipitation. Report prepared by the University of Michigan for the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract No. DAHC04-73-C-0001. 62 pp. (1976).

BOLSENGA, S.J. Lake Huron surface water temperature, May-November 1966. Water Resources Bulletin 12(1):147-156 (1976).

BOLSENGA, S.J., and J.C. HAGMAN. On the selection of representative stations for Thiessen polygon networks to estimate Lake Ontario over-water precipitation. IFYGL Bulletin 16:57-62 (1975).

BOLSENGA, S.J., and D.C. NORTON. Eastern Lake Ontario precipitation network. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-5, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-253-134/1GI) 52 pp. (1975).

Bradbury, J.P., S.J. TARAPCHAK, J.C.B. Waddington, and R.F. Wright. The impact of a forest fire on a wilderness lake in northeastern Minnesota. Verhandlungen-Internationale Vereinigung Fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 19:875-883 (1975).

Callahan, C.J., J.A.W. McCulloch, E.J. AUBERT, and E.M. Rasmusson. IFYGL rawinsonde data acquisition system. IFYGL Technical Manual No. 6, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 38 pp. (1976).

CHAPRA, S.C. Comment on 'An Empirical Method of Estimating the Retention of Phosphorus in Lakes' by W.B. Kirchner and P.J. Dillon. Water Resources Research 11(6):1033-1034 (1975).

DERECKI, J.A. Evaporation from Lake Erie. NOAA Technical Report ERL 342-GLERL 3, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-248-300/6GI) 79 pp. (1975).

DERECKI, J.A. Hydrometeorology: Climate and hydrology of the Great Lakes. In Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4: Limnology of Lakes and Embayments, A.P. Pinsak (ed.). Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 71-104 (1976).

DERECKI, J.A. Multiple estimates of Lake Erie evaporation. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2(1):124-149 (1976).

GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Annual Report for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, FY 1976. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 33 pp. (1976).

GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY. Technical plan for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 181 pp. (1976).

GRUMBLATT, J.L. IFYGL--An unusually cold year. IFYGL Bulletin 18:59-62 (1976).

HAGMAN, B.B. An analysis of Great Lakes ice cover from satellite imagery. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-9, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-261-835/3GI) (1976).

HAGMAN, B.B. On the use of microwave radiation for Great Lakes ice surveillance. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-13, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-271-480/1GI) 11 pp. (1976).

Ischinger, L.S., and T.F. NALEPA. Freshwater macroinvertebrates. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation 48(6):1318-1335 (1976).

KELLEY, R.N. Lake St. Clair beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage. NOAA Technical Report ERL 372-GLERL 13, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-261-834/6GI) 12 pp. (1976).

LESHKEVICH, G.A. Great Lakes ice cover, winter 1974-75. NOAA Technical Report ERL 370-GLERL 11, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-261-833/8GI) 39 pp. (1976).

LIU, P.C. An evaluation of parameters for the theoretical distribution of periods and amplitudes of sea waves. Journal of Geophysical Research 81(18):3161-3162 (1976).

LIU, P.C., and T.A. Kessenich. IFYGL shipboard visual wave observations vs. wave measurements. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2(1):33-42 (1976).

LIU, P.C., G.S. MILLER, and J.H. SAYLOR. Water motion. In Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4: Limnology of Lakes and Embayments, A.P. Pinsak (ed.). Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 119-149 (1976).

McNaught, D.C., and D. SCAVIA. Application of model of zooplankton composition to problems of fish introductions to the Great Lakes. In Modeling Biochemical Processes in Aquatic Ecosystems, R.P. Canale (ed.). Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI, 281-304 (1976).

MILLER, G.S. Harbor and nearshore currents, Oswego Harbor, New York. NOAA Technical Report ERL 360-GLERL 7, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-254-651-3GI) 25 pp. (1976).

Mortimer, C.H., D.B. RAO, and D.J. SCHWAB. A supplementary note and figure added to paper. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 281:58-60 (1976).

NORTON, D.C. Upland lakes. In Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4: Limnology of Lakes and Embayments, A.P. Pinsak (ed.). Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 351-372 (1976).

PICKETT, R.L. Intercomparison of Canadian and U.S. automatic data buoys. Marine Technology Society Journal 9:20-22 (1975).

PICKETT, R.L. Lake Ontario temperature and current profiles. IFYGL Bulletin 18:53-55 (1976).

PICKETT, R.L. Lake Ontario circulation in November. Limnology and Oceanography 21(4):608-611 (1976).

PICKETT, R.L. Lake-averaged temperatures and currents in Lake Ontario in 1972. IFYGL Bulletin 15:57-58 (1975).

PICKETT, R.L., and S. BERMICK. Lake Ontario mechanical energy. IFYGL Bulletin 18:56-58 (1976).

PICKETT, R.L., and B.J. EADIE. Lake Ontario mean surface temperature. IFYGL Bulletin 17:59 (1976).

PICKETT, R.L., and F.P. RICHARDS. Lake Ontario mean temperatures and currents in July 1972. Journal of Physical Oceanography 5:775-781 (1975).

PINSAK, A.P. (Editor). Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4: Limnology of Lakes and Embayments. Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, (1976).

PINSAK, A.P. Physical characteristics. In Great Lakes Basin Framework Study, Appendix 4: Limnology of Lakes and Embayments, A.P. Pinsak (ed.). Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 27-69 (1976).

**PINSAK, A.P., and T.L. MEYER. Environmental baseline for Maumee Bay. Great Lakes Basin Commission, MRB Series No. 9 :164 (1976).

QUINN, F.H. Detroit River flow characteristics and their application to chemical loading estimates. Journal of Great Lakes Research 2(1):71-77 (1976).

QUINN, F.H. Effect of Fort Gratiot and St. Clair gage relocations on the apparent hydraulic regime of the St. Clair River. GLERL Open File Report, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (1976).

QUINN, F.H. Lake Ontario beginning-of-month levels and changes in storage. IFYGL Bulletin 15:59-65 (1975).

QUINN, F.H. Lake St. Clair hydrologic transfer factors. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-10, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-266-420/9GI) 16 pp. (1976).

QUINN, F.H., and J.A. DERECKI. Lake Erie beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage. NOAA Technical Report ERL 364-GLERL 9, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-256-816/0GI) 34 pp. (1976).

QUINN, F.H., and J.A. DERECKI. Lake Ontario beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage. NOAA Technical Report ERL 365-GLERL 10, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-256-782/4GI) 27 pp. (1976).

RAO, D.B., C.H. Mortimer, and D.J. SCHWAB. Surface normal modes of Lake Michigan: Calculations compared with spectra of observed water level fluctuations. Journal of Physical Oceanography 6(4):575-588 (1976).

RAO, D.B., and D.J. SCHWAB. Two-dimensional normal modes in arbitrary enclosed basins on a rotating earth: Application to Lakes Ontario and Superior. Philisophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 281:63-96 (1976).

ROBERTSON, A. Plankton-mediated transport of energy-related pollutants. Proceedings, Second Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, J.S. Marshall (ed.), Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, 351-360 (1976).

ROBERTSON, A., and B.J. EADIE. A carbon budget for Lake Ontario. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 19:291-299 (1975).

ROGERS, J.C. Evaluation of techniques for long-range forecasting of air temperature and ice formation. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-8, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-259-695/5GI) 24 pp. (1976).

ROGERS, J.C. Long-range forecasting of maximum ice extent on the Great Lakes. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-7, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-259-694/8GI) 15 pp. (1976).

ROGERS, J.C. Sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern north Pacific and associated wintertime atmospheric fluctuations over North America, 1960-73. Monthly Weather Review 104(8):985-993 (1976).

ROGERS, J.C., B.H. DeWitt, and D. Dixon. Operational ice forecast for the Little Rapids Cut. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-4, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-250-069/2) 17 pp. (1975).

SAYLOR, J.H., and P.W. SLOSS. Water volume transport and oscillatory current flow through the Straits of Mackinac. Journal of Physical Oceanography 6(2):229-237 (1976).

SCAVIA, D., C.W. Boylen, R.B. Sheldon, and R.A. Park. The formulation of a generalized model for simulating aquatic macrophyte production. International Biological Program Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome Memo Report 75-4 :18 (1975).

SCAVIA, D., B.J. EADIE, and A. ROBERTSON. An ecological model for the Great Lakes. Proceedings, Conference on Environmental Modeling and Simulation, W.T. Ott (ed.), Cincinnati, OH, April 19-22, 1976. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 600/9-76-016, Washington, DC, 629-633 (1976).

SCAVIA, D., B.J. EADIE, and A. ROBERTSON. An ecological model for Lake Ontario: Model formulation, calibration, and preliminary evaluation. NOAA Technical Report ERL 371-GLERL 12, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-262-412/0GI) 63 pp. (1976).

SCAVIA, D., and B.J. EADIE. The use of measurable coefficients in process formulations--Zooplankton grazing. Ecological Modeling 2:315-319 (1976).

SCAVIA, D., and R.A. Park. Documentation of selected constructs and parameter values in the aquatic model CLEANER. Ecological Modeling 2:33-58 (1976).

SLOSS, P.W., and J.H. SAYLOR. Large-scale current measurements in Lake Superior. NOAA Technical Report ERL 363-GLERL 8, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-256-815/2GI) 48 pp. (1976).

SLOSS, P.W., and J.H. SAYLOR. Large-scale current measurements in Lake Huron. Journal of Geophysical Research 81(18):3069-3078 (1976).

SLOSS, P.W., and J.H. SAYLOR. Measurements of current flow during summer in Lake Huron. NOAA Technical Report ERL 353-GLERL 5, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI (PB-253-130/9GI) 39 pp. (1975).

VANDERPLOEG, H.A., R.S. Booth, and F.H. Clark. A specific activity and concentration model applied to cesium-137 movement in a eutrophic lake. In Radioecology and Energy Resources, Ecological Society of America, Special Publication No. 1, C.E. Cushing, Jr (ed ). Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Stroudsburg, PA, 164-177 (1975).

VANDERPLOEG, H.A., and R.S. Booth. Interpretation of biological-rate coefficients derived from radionuclide content, radionuclide concentration, and specific activity experiments. Health Physics 31:57-59 (1976).

VANDERPLOEG, H.A., D.C. Parzyck, W.H. Wilcox, J.R. Kercher, and S.V. Kay. Bioaccumulation factors for radionuclides in freshwater biota. Report ORNL-5002, UC-11-Environmental and Earth Sciences Division, Publication No. 783. Environmental Sciences Division, Oakridge National Laboratory, 222 pp. (1975).

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NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
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