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Medication Therapy Management

This section contains information related to Part D Medication Therapy Management (MTMP) program requirements and information.

Requirements for Medication Therapy Management Programs (MTMP): Under 423.153(d), a Part D sponsor must have established a MTM program that:

  • Ensures optimum therapeutic outcomes for targeted beneficiaries through improved medication use
  • Reduces the risk of adverse events
  • Is developed in cooperation with licensed and practicing pharmacists and physicians
  • Describes the resources and time required to implement the program if using outside personnel and establishes the fees for pharmacists or others
  • May be furnished by pharmacists or other qualified providers
  • May distinguish between services in ambulatory and institutional settings
  • Is coordinated with any care management plan established for a targeted individual under a chronic care improvement program (CCIP)

Each Part D Sponsor is required to incorporate a Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) into their plans' benefit structure.  Annually, Sponsors must submit a MTMP description to CMS for review and approval.  A CMS-approved MTMP is one of several required elements in the development of Sponsor' bids for the upcoming contract year.


Memo: Contract Year 2010 Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) Submission [ZIP, 326KB]

MTM Contact List (v02.04.09) [ZIP, 1217KB]

Memo: Contract Year 2009 Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) Submission [PDF, 109KB]

Changes to Part D Sponsors' Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP) (v08.05.08) [PDF,102KB]

Changes to Part D Sponsors' Medication Therapy Management Program Request Form (MPMP) (v08.05.08) [PDF, 85KB]

CY08 MTM Fact Sheet (v03.19.08) [PDF, 77KB]
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Page Last Modified: 05/08/2009 11:19:40 AM
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