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AASA Job Bulletin
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AASA Superintendents Discuss Rural Education Issues With Secretary Duncan
After less than a week on the job, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is already reaching out to school leaders. At Duncan’s request, AASA convened a group of rural superintendents for a conference call on Jan. 29 to discuss rural education issues. AASA Executive Director Dan Domenech said this was the first in a series of calls in which Duncan will gather input from rural superintendents. “AASA is excited about the beginning of a promising dialogue with Sec. Duncan,” said Domenech. Learn more about the stimulusRead AASA's response to the House stimulus bill.

AASA Helps Congress Develop Education Portion of Economic Recovery Bill
Executive Director Dan Domenech thanked AASA members for helping the association provide data to Congress in support of increased funding for schools.  Read his letter.

Important National Conference on Education Deadlines Have Been Extended!
Feb. 19-21, 2009 • San Francisco, Calif.
Be the first to learn how to capture federal education funding proposed in the Economic Recovery Act. We are extending the housing and registration deadline to Jan. 31, 2009Register now to save $100 and to take advantage of these special hotel savings.

AASA Coming Events - Save the Dates!
2009 National Conference on Education — Feb. 19-21, 2009, San Francisco, Calif.
Leading Bold Change Workshop — March 18-19, 2009, Arlington, Va.
2009 Legislative Advocacy Conference — April 22-24, 2009, Arlington, Va.

Hot Topic
Schools and the Economic Downturn – AASA is taking the lead on providing resources and data to help school system leaders, policymakers, lawmakers and others to navigate these tough economic times. (01/27/2009)

AASA Working for You
  • New Jobs for School System Leaders Added Daily! With FREE online job searching and resume posting, as well as advanced features like job alerts, there is no better way for school leaders and employers to connect! Set up your FREE account today! (01/22/2009)

  • AASA Leaders Gather in Washington - Days before the inauguration of President Obama, the AASA Executive Committee held its first meeting of 2009 in Washington, D.C. (01/22/2009)

  • AASA in the Field - See how AASA Executive Director Dan Domenech, other AASA leaders and staffers are serving members and advancing the association’s mission around the nation. (12/22/2008)

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