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The Science and Technology Directorate at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center sponsors the Science@NASA web sites. The mission of Science@NASA is to help the public understand how exciting NASA research is and to help NASA scientists fulfill their outreach responsibilities.

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Space shuttle Atlantis with its seven-member crew launched at 2:01 p.m. EDT on Monday, May 11th, fro5.11.2009 - Space Shuttle Atlantis Launches on Final Mission to Hubble
Space shuttle Atlantis with its seven-member crew launched at 2:01 p.m. EDT on Monday, May 11th, from NASA's Kennedy Space Center on the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA-supported researchers have figured out why Salmonella bacteria become more virulent when they t5.6.2009 - Salmonella Spills its Secrets on the Space Shuttle
NASA-supported researchers have figured out why Salmonella bacteria become more virulent when they travel on board spaceships. They've also learned how to calm the bacteria down again--a trick that could come in handy for fighting diseases here on Earth.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

A NASA spacecraft gliding over the surface of Mercury has revealed that the planet's atmosphere, mag4.30.2009 - Active Mercury
A NASA spacecraft gliding over the surface of Mercury has revealed that the planet's atmosphere, magnetosphere, and its geological past display greater levels of activity than scientists first suspected.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
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+ Transcript (.htm file)

A gamma-ray burst detected by NASA's Swift satellite has smashed the previous distance record for th4.28.2009 - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
A gamma-ray burst detected by NASA's Swift satellite has smashed the previous distance record for the most powerful explosions in the Universe. Researchers are calling it 'an incredible find' and a 'true blast from the past.'
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
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+ Transcript (.htm file)

On Sunday, April 26th, the crescent Moon, Mercury and the Pleiades star cluster will line up in the4.24.2009 - Weekend Sky Show
On Sunday, April 26th, the crescent Moon, Mercury and the Pleiades star cluster will line up in the western sky for a beautiful sunset conjunction.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

All research and no application makes data a dull toy. NASA's SPoRT program brings data to life by p4.22.2009 - NASA Puts the Right Stuff in the Right Hands
All research and no application makes data a dull toy. NASA's SPoRT program brings data to life by putting it in the hands of people who can use it best--the National Weather Service forecasters who send us scurrying for cover when severe weather looms.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

A meteor shower.  A crescent Moon.  A disappearing planet.   These three things will be on display n4.17.2009 - Venus Disappears During Meteor Shower
A meteor shower. A crescent Moon. A disappearing planet. These three things will be on display next Wednesday, April 22nd, when the Moon occults Venus during the annual Lyrid meteor shower.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

For the first time, NASA spacecraft have traced the 3D shape of solar storms known as coronal mass e4.14.2009 - The Surprising Shape of Solar Storms
For the first time, NASA spacecraft have traced the 3D shape of solar storms known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). It turns out the most ferocious storms resemble something from a French bakery.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA researchers are about to climb the slopes of Earth's tallest mountain  to test exploration tech4.10.2009 - NASA Heads up Mt. Everest
NASA researchers are about to climb the slopes of Earth's tallest mountain to test exploration technologies they'll need on the Moon and Mars.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA's twin STEREO probes are entering a mysterious region of space to look for remains of an ancien4.9.2009 - STEREO Hunts for Remains of an Ancient Planet near Earth
NASA's twin STEREO probes are entering a mysterious region of space to look for remains of an ancient planet which once orbited the Sun not far from Earth. If they find anything, it could solve a major puzzle--the origin of the Moon.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

The flight computer onboard the Lunar Excursion Module, which landed on the Moon during the Apollo p4.8.2009 - Beyond Apollo: Moon Tech Takes a Giant Leap
1960s technology worked for the Apollo program, but next-generation lunar explorers are going to need an upgrade. NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program is working on new and improved tools for NASA's return to the Moon.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

By coating the countryside with gritty, abrasive, electrostatically-charged volcanic ash, Mt. Redoub4.3.2009 - Mt. Redoubt Gives Alaskans a Taste of the Moon
By coating the countryside with gritty, abrasive, electrostatically-charged volcanic ash, Mt. Redoubt is giving Alaskans an unexpected taste of what it's like to live on the Moon.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

How low can it go?  The Sun is plunging into the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century.4.1.2009 - Deep Solar Minimum
How low can it go? The Sun is plunging into the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

On March 19th, astronauts onboard the International Space Station checked themselves for microbes be3.20.2009 - Spacewalkers Test Planetary Protection Concept
On March 19th, astronauts onboard the International Space Station checked themselves for microbes before stepping outside on a space walk. It was a first-ever test of planetary protection technology that, one day, could keep humans from contaminating the sands of Mars.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

The STS-119 mission coincides with a series of ISS flybys over North American towns and cities. Peop3.17.2009 - Space Station Construction Visible Through Backyard Telescopes
Space shuttle Discovery launched Sunday, March 15th, on a construction mission to the International Space Station. Perfect timing for sky watchers! The mission coincides with a series of ISS flybys over North American towns and cities. People who go outside after sunset can see the shuttle-station combo with their naked eyes and view the changing outlines of the ISS through backyard telescopes.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA and U.S. Air Force test pilots have just dropped a 50,000-pound "dummy" rocket booster on the A3.13.2009 - Ares Super-chute
NASA and U.S. Air Force test pilots have just dropped a 50,000-pound "dummy" rocket booster on the Arizona desert--and stopped it before it crashed. It's all part of NASA's plan to return to the Moon.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

In a night launch of stunning beauty, NASA's Kepler spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral on Fri3.6.2009 - Kepler Mission Rockets to Space in Search of Other Earths
In a night launch of stunning beauty, NASA's Kepler spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral on Friday night, March 6th, on a mission to find Earth-like planets circling other stars.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

The crescent Moon and Venus are converging for a conjunction of rare beauty on Friday evening, Feb.2.26.2009 - Pretty Sky Alert
The crescent Moon and Venus are converging for a conjunction of rare beauty on Friday evening, Feb. 27th.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

For the first time, a spacecraft from Earth has captured hi-resolution video of a solar eclipse whil2.25.2009 - Otherworldly Solar Eclipse
For the first time, a spacecraft from Earth has captured hi-resolution video of a solar eclipse while orbiting another world.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected a record-setting gamma-ray burst with the greate2.20.2009 - Extreme Gamma-ray Burst
NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has detected a record-setting gamma-ray burst with the greatest total energy and fastest motions ever seen.
+ Audio Podcast (.mp3 file)
+ Audio Stream (.m3u file)
+ Transcript (.htm file)

More Science@NASA stories are available in audio in our Story Archive


Curator: Bryan Walls
NASA Official: Ron Koczor
Last Updated: August 15, 2005
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