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Press Release

For Immediate Release
February 13, 2006

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691


The second meeting of the advisory Board took place on Friday, February 10, 2006 . FBI Executive Assistant Director Gary Bald, head of the FBI's new National Security Branch, welcomed the Board and reinforced the commitment of the FBI to host the Board to discuss some of the national security challenges the country faces today, as well as the challenges faced by the nation’s colleges and universities.

Under Secretary of Commerce David McCormick addressed the Board and engaged them in discussion concerning proposed Deemed Export regulations. Section Chief David Thomas, FBI Cyber Division, and Deputy Assistant Director Donald Van Duyn, FBI Counterterrorism Division, addressed the group and provided insight into the threats impacting colleges today.

Under the leadership of Chairman Graham Spanier, President, Penn State University , the Board continues to develop with the FBI a common understanding of how important higher education in the U.S. is to U.S. national security. The talents and diverse backgrounds of this prestigious group of university presidents and chancellors will provide valuable insights and advice for the FBI.


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