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Press Release

For Immediate Release
November 26, 2007

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

FBI Response to Congressional Quarterly Article Alleging Willie T. Hulon and Phil Mudd’s Involvement in So-Called “Falafel Investigation”

We at the FBI were surprised to read about a supposed FBI program to monitor the sales of Middle Eastern food products in the San Francisco Bay area in support of counterterrorism intelligence gathering (“FBI Hoped to Follow Falafel Trail to Iranian Terrorists Here,” November 2, 2007).

Having never heard of this, I spoke to the counterterrorism managers, who in the story were identified as having hatched the plan, as well as everyone else who would have had any knowledge of it. Nobody did. At one point in the story, writer Jeff Stein opines “as ridiculous as it sounds,” in reference to the alleged food monitoring plan, which reportedly was described to Mr. Stein by “well-informed sources.”

In this case, too ridiculous to be true.

While the story may have been the source of some amusement, I appreciate the opportunity to set the record straight on something that touches on something so important as national security and civil liberties.

John Miller
Assistant Director, Office of Public Affairs
Federal Bureau of Investigation


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