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Press Release

For Immediate Release
February 3, 2005

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691


Washington, D.C. -- The FBI responded today to the Inspector General's report entitled, "The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Management of the Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Project."

The FBI appreciates the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) assessment of the progress of our Trilogy technology modernization project. We are reviewing the final report and recommendations and will give them thorough review and consideration.

Based upon our preliminary review, the OIG's findings and recommendations are consistent with the FBI's internal reviews and with those of other oversight entities. However, the FBI's capacity to access, analyze, and share data internally and externally has improved considerably since the OIG began work on this report. Accordingly, we have already made significant progress in addressing the recommendations and key issues raised in the report.

While we are not where we wanted to be at this time with our automated case management system, the Virtual Case File (VCF), it is important to note that all FBI Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts have access to necessary data through existing systems as well as new capabilities, including the Investigative Data Warehouse (IDW), for searching, analyzing, and retrieving counterterrorism data.

Director Robert S. Mueller, III, addressed the delay by saying, "I am disappointed that plans to fully deploy an automated investigative case management system for the FBI have been delayed, but I am confident that the Bureau is moving in the right direction. We have made substantial information technology improvements, which directly support our counterterrorism mission and continue to safe-guard our nation.

"In many ways, the pace of technological innovation has overtaken our original vision for the VCF, and there are now products to suit our purposes that did not exist when Trilogy began. We have also seen significant changes in our mission, organization, and in the need for more effective collaboration with our partners in the Intelligence and Law Enforcement communities. As we move forward, we will leverage the technologies that we have developed, including an interface with our existing data systems, to make it a relatively quick and smooth process to add new software applications for accessing FBI data.

"Fundamental changes in the way IT is managed in the FBI will ensure that we move forward in a manner that supports our mission, priorities, and Strategic Plan, and that is consistent with industry best practices and established principles of IT management. Our new approach to IT management has helped us develop critical new tools to enhance our intelligence and counterterrorism capabilities, such as our new FBI Intelligence Information Reports Dissemination System, which helps us disseminate intelligence reports quickly and efficiently, and theInformation Data Warehouse, which enhances our ability to find linkages between data from multiple sources.

"We appreciate the OIG's guidance throughout this process and we look forward to working with them to implement any recommendations that have not yet been fully addressed."

For more information on the FBI's IT modernization efforts and progress in implementing the recommendations in the OIG report, please see the FBI's formal response, attached to the report. The FBI's formal response can also be found on our website at www.fbi.gov.


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