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Press Release

For Immediate Release
November 3, 2005

Washington D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691


Scott Redd (VADM, USN-ret.), Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), announced today that he has selected Kevin R. Brock, a 22-year veteran of the FBI, to be the Principal Deputy Director of NCTC.

Brock, 51, who has served as the Assistant Director of the FBI's Directorate of Intelligence since June 2004, will succeed Arthur M. Cummings II, 46, a career FBI officer who will be returning to the Bureau in a senior management position.

In this position, Brock will assist Admiral Redd in carrying out NCTC's two core missions: serving as the primary organization for the US government for analysis and integration of all terrorism intelligence; and conducting strategic operational planning for counterterrorism activities integrating all instruments of US national power.

"I'm delighted that Kevin will be joining NCTC," Admiral Redd said, noting that he had considered several candidates from throughout the Intelligence Community for the position. "Kevin's intelligence and counterterrorism background makes him extremely well qualified to tackle this new assignment - a role that is critical to the security of our nation."

Prior to serving as Assistant Director of the Directorate of Intelligence, Brock served as Special Agent in Charge of the Cincinnati Division. Previous assignments included Special Assistant to the FBI's Deputy Director and field assignments in Detroit, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque. In 1987, while serving in Los Angeles, Brock was assigned to one of the country's first Joint Terrorism Task Forces.

Admiral Redd praised Cummings, who served as Principal Deputy of NCTC since November 2004, for his "outstanding contributions" to the Center, particularly his work in helping to implement the comprehensive intelligence reform legislation and develop a national level counterterrorism strategic operational planning capability.

"Art has played an indispensable role in the progress NCTC has made," Admiral Redd said. "Working with him has been terrific, both professionally and personally."

Mark Mansfield
Director of Public Affairs
National Counterterrorism Center
(571) 280-6160, (571) 280-4075


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